%% 3R planar robot DIRECT KINEMATICS
% 07.2018, @Giuseppe Sensolini
clear all
%% define symbolic variables
syms a alpha d theta
%% number of joint
N = 3;
%% DH table of parameters of 2R, same for each joint
% assign these parameters in order to compute specific values
% | a | alpha | d | theta |
DHTABLE = [ sym('a1') 0 0 sym('q1');
sym('a2') 0 0 sym('q2');
sym('a3') 0 0 sym('q3') ];
%% Build the general Denavit-Hartenberg trasformation matrix
TDH = [ cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0 a*cos(theta);
sin(theta) cos(theta) 0 a*sin(theta);
0 0 1 d;
0 0 0 1 ];
%% Build transformation matrices for each link
A = cell(1,N);
% For every row in 'DHTABLE' we substitute the right value inside
% the general DH matrix
for i = 1:N
a = DHTABLE(i,1);
alpha = DHTABLE(i,2);
d = DHTABLE(i,3);
theta = DHTABLE(i,4);
A{i} = subs(TDH);
%% Direct kinematics
disp('Direct kinematics of 2R robot in symbolic form')
disp(['Number of joints N = ',num2str(N)])
T = eye(4);
for i = 1:N
T = T*A{i};
T = simplify(T);
% output direct kinematics matrix
% output end-effector position
p = T(1:3,4)
% output xN axis
n = T(1:3,1)
% output yN axis
s = T(1:3,2)
% output zN axis
a = T(1:3,3)
%% end