%Once the image is processed using the gridextractor method, this function
%tries to fit the grid on the extraced points in order to establish the
%correspondences (use this for severely distorted images, otherwise
%(faster) use fitgrid
%Input: stats The processed blobs of this image
% id0 The index of the main bar
% id1 The index of the second main bar
% searchPoints The potential grid points
% doshow 1/0 to display / not display the results
%Output: success The flag indicating whether it worked or not
% x_ the 2D points of the grid points
% X_ the corresponding 3D points of the grid points
% searchPoints The points
%Christian Wengert
%Computer Vision Laboratory
%ETH Zurich
%Sternwartstrasse 7
%CH-8092 Zurich
function [success, x_, X_, searchPoints] = fitgridDistorted(stats, searchPoints, id0, id1, dx, dy, doshow)
if(doshow), hold on, end
%Init values
x_ = [];
X_ = [];
success = 1;
%Important sizes
ndx = 1;
ndy = 0;
MAXANGLE = 25; %[deg]
%Special values for special lines
mainAxisX = -2;
mainAxisY = -3;
%Add the space for 3D coordinates
searchPoints(4:5,:) = NaN*ones(2, length(searchPoints));
%number of searchPoints
n = length(searchPoints);
%Get main searchPoints first
x0 = [stats(id0).Centroid(1); stats(id0).Centroid(2)];
x1 = [stats(id1).Centroid(1); stats(id1).Centroid(2)];
dir0 = (x1-x0)/(norm(x1-x0));
%Get a 90�angle
dir90_ = [-dir0(2);dir0(1)];
%get the orientation of main bar
orientation = stats(id0).Orientation;
y = tand(orientation);
dir90 = [-1;y];
dir90 = dir90/norm(dir90);
%Compare direction of orientation with dir90_ and dir90
dir90 = -dir90;
%Show main bars + Directions
line([x0(1), x0(1)+dir0(1)*100], [x0(2), x0(2)+dir0(2)*100], 'Color','r');
line([x0(1), x0(1)-dir0(1)*100], [x0(2), x0(2)-dir0(2)*100], 'Color','r');
line([x0(1), x0(1)+dir90(1)*100], [x0(2), x0(2)+dir90(2)*100]);
line([x0(1), x0(1)-dir90(1)*100], [x0(2), x0(2)-dir90(2)*100]);
MAXDIST = stats(id0).MajorAxisLength/2;
%Now first follow the better line and assign values
searchPoints = getFirstLine(searchPoints, x0, -dir0, dx, 0, dx, 0, MAXDIST, DISTFACTOR, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
searchPoints = getFirstLine(searchPoints, x1, dir0, -3*dx, 0, -dx, 0, MAXDIST, DISTFACTOR, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
%Now the other direction, therefore we give some direction hint in
%order to better get the same coordinate system always
searchPoints = getOtherLine(searchPoints, x0, dir90, 0, 2*dy, 0, dy, MAXDIST, DISTFACTORBIG, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
searchPoints = getOtherLine(searchPoints, x0, -dir90, 0, -2*dy, 0, -dy, MAXDIST, DISTFACTORBIG, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
%Try to get all positive x-values
ixpos = find(searchPoints(4,:) > 0); %these are the already found points that lie on x-axis in positive direction
ixneg = find(searchPoints(4,:) < 0); %these are the already found points that lie on x-axis in negative direction
%GO make new lines along x positive and y negative
lastx = x0;
%sort points to be closer to x0
[a,b] = sort(searchPoints(4,ixpos));
ixpos = ixpos(b);
for i=ixpos
x = searchPoints(2:3,i);
%Also adapt the direction
dir0 = (x-lastx)/(norm(x-lastx));
dir90 = [-dir0(2);dir0(1)];
if(doshow), plot(x(1) - dir90(1)*10,x(2) - dir90(2)*10,'yx'), end
searchPoints = getOtherLine(searchPoints, x, -dir90, searchPoints(4,i), searchPoints(5,i)+dy, 0, dy, MAXDIST, DISTFACTOR, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
lastx = x;
%GO make new lines along x positive and y negative
lastx = x0;
for i=ixpos
x = searchPoints(2:3,i);
%Also adapt the direction
dir0 = (x-lastx)/(norm(x-lastx));
dir90 = [-dir0(2);dir0(1)];
if(doshow), plot(x(1) + dir90(1)*10,x(2) + dir90(2)*10,'yx'), end
searchPoints = getOtherLine(searchPoints, x, dir90, searchPoints(4,i), searchPoints(5,i)-dy, 0, -dy, MAXDIST, DISTFACTOR, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
lastx = x;
%GO make new lines along x negative and y negative
[a,b] = sort(searchPoints(4,ixneg),'descend');
ixneg = ixneg(b);
lastx = x1;
for i=ixneg
x = searchPoints(2:3,i);
%Also adapt the direction
dir0 = (x-lastx)/(norm(x-lastx));
dir90 = [-dir0(2);dir0(1)];
if(doshow),plot(x(1) + dir90(1)*10,x(2) + dir90(2)*10,'yx'), end
searchPoints = getOtherLine(searchPoints, x, dir90, searchPoints(4,i), searchPoints(5,i)+dy, 0, dy, MAXDIST, DISTFACTOR, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
lastx = x;
%GO make new lines along x negative and y negative
lastx = x1;
for i=ixneg
x = searchPoints(2:3,i);
%Also adapt the direction
dir0 = (x-lastx)/(norm(x-lastx));
dir90 = [-dir0(2);dir0(1)];
if(doshow),plot(x(1) - dir90(1)*10,x(2) - dir90(2)*10,'yx'),end
searchPoints = getOtherLine(searchPoints, x, -dir90, searchPoints(4,i), searchPoints(5,i)-dy, 0, -dy, MAXDIST, DISTFACTOR, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
lastx = x;
% Now the two rows that are hidden by the small bar
%Also adapt the direction
dir0 = (x1-x0)/(norm(x1-x0));
dir90_ = [-dir0(2);dir0(1)];
orientation = stats(id1).Orientation;
y = tand(orientation);
dir0 = [-1;y];
dir0 = dir0/norm(dir0);
dir90 = [-dir0(2);dir0(1)];
%Compare direction of orientation with dir90_ and dir90
dir90 = -dir90;
dir0 = -dir0;
x = x1+dir0*stats(id1).MajorAxisLength/3;
if(doshow), plot(x(1), x(2), 'mx','MarkerSize',15), end
searchPoints = getOtherLine(searchPoints, x, -dir90, -2*dx, -dy, 0, -dy, MAXDIST, DISTFACTOR, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
searchPoints = getOtherLine(searchPoints, x, dir90, -2*dx, dy, 0, dy, MAXDIST, DISTFACTOR, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
x = x1-dir0*stats(id1).MajorAxisLength/3;
if(doshow), plot(x(1), x(2), 'mx','MarkerSize',15), end
searchPoints = getOtherLine(searchPoints, x, -dir90, -dx, -dy, 0, -dy, MAXDIST, DISTFACTOR, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
searchPoints = getOtherLine(searchPoints, x, dir90, -dx, dy, 0, dy, MAXDIST, DISTFACTOR, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
%Make the points
finalindex = find(searchPoints(1,:)==0);
x_ = searchPoints(2:3,finalindex);
X_ = [searchPoints(4:5,finalindex)];
X_ = [X_;zeros(1,length(X_))];
function searchPoints = getOtherLine(searchPoints, x0, dir0, sX, sY, dx, dy, d0, factor, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow)
x = x0(1:2);
xstart = x + dir0*10;
dir = dir0;
d = d0;
cnt = 0;
if(doshow), line([x(1), x(1)+dir(1)*50], [x(2), x(2)+dir(2)*50]);end
[x, d, dir, searchPoints] = getNextPointstart(searchPoints,x, xstart, dir, sX, sY, factor*d, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
d = norm(x-x0);
dir = (x - x0)/d;
[x, d, dir, searchPoints] = getNextPoint(searchPoints, x, dir, sX, sY, factor*d, MAXANGLE, MAXDIST2LINE, doshow);
%Get the angle
% theta = acos(dir'*dir0)/(norm(dir)*norm(dir0))/pi*180
% %Its
- 粉丝: 126
- 资源: 4
- C语言-leetcode题解之83-remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list.c
- C语言-leetcode题解之79-word-search.c
- C语言-leetcode题解之78-subsets.c
- C语言-leetcode题解之75-sort-colors.c
- C语言-leetcode题解之74-search-a-2d-matrix.c
- C语言-leetcode题解之73-set-matrix-zeroes.c
- 树莓派物联网智能家居基础教程
- YOLOv5深度学习目标检测基础教程
- (源码)基于Arduino和Nextion的HMI人机界面系统.zip
- (源码)基于 JavaFX 和 MySQL 的影院管理系统.zip
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5