function [scenario, egoVehicle, radar, camera] = helperCreateFVSFPILScenario(sceneName)
% This is a helper function for the PIL verification of JPDA tracker for
% FVSF example. It may be removed or modified in a future release
% [scenario, egoVehicle, radar, camera] = helperCreateFVSFPILScenario(sceneName)
% allows you to create the scenario and the sensor models.
% The choice of sceneNames are:
% 'scenario_FVSF_01_Curve_FourVehicles'
% 'scenario_FVSF_02_Straight_FourVehicles'
% 'scenario_FVSF_03_Curve_SixVehicles'
% 'scenario_FVSF_04_Straight_FourVehicles'
% 'scenario_FVSF_05_Straight_TwoVehicles'
% Copyright 2021 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Create scenario
scenario = feval(sceneName);
% Ego is the first actor
egoVehicle = scenario.Actors(1);
% Create sensors
[radar, camera] = createSensor(scenario, egoVehicle);
function [scenario,assessment] = scenario_FVSF_01_Curve_FourVehicles(nvp)
% scenario_FVSF_01_Curve_FourVehicles creates a driving scenario that is
% compatible with ForwardvehicleSesorFusionTestBench.slx. This test
% scenario is on a Curved road segment and contains four vehicles in the
% scene along with ego vehicle. In this scenario, the lead car initially
% travels ahead of ego vehicle in the same lane. The Slow car2 moves in
% adjacent lane and the slow car1 moves in the ego lane ahead of the lead
% car. Lead car over takes slow car1 by cutting into adjacent lane of the
% ego vehicle's lane and again over takes the slow car2 and thus comes in
% to the ego lane.
% Copyright 2020-2021 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Optional input mode that specifies the openLoop or closedLoop.
nvp.mode {mustBeMember(nvp.mode, ["openLoop",...
"closedLoop"])}= "closedLoop";
% Get driving scenario that is compatible with
% ForwardvehicleSesorFusionTestBench.slx
[scenario, assessment, laneInfo] = ...
helperGetLaneFollowingScenario("Curved road segment");
% Ego and Target Vehicles representation in this test case.
% Actors(1) - EgoCar
% Actors(2) - LeadCar
% Actors(3) - SlowCar1
% Actors(4) - SlowCar2
%% EgoCar: Set position, speed using trajectory
% Position: waypoints(1) is the initial position.
% Speed = 20.6 m/s
egoVehicle = scenario.Actors(1);
% Get waypoints from laneCenters.
% Place the EgoCar in Lane4.
waypoints = laneInfo(2).LaneCenters;
speed = 16;
trajectory(egoVehicle, waypoints, speed);
%% SlowCar2: Travel with constant speed of 18 m/s in Lane 3.
slowCar2 = scenario.Actors(2);
% Place the Slow car2 in Lane3.
waypoints = laneInfo(3).LaneCenters;
% Initialize SlowCar2 position at 90m ahead of ego vehicle.
distanceFromFirstWaypoint = 45;
[posX, posY,slowCar2StartWayPointIndex] = ...
waypointsSlowCar2 = [posX posY 0];
waypointsSlowCar2 = ...
[waypointsSlowCar2; waypoints(slowCar2StartWayPointIndex:end,:)];
speed =18*ones(length(waypointsSlowCar2),1);
% Set trajectory for SlowCar2
trajectory(slowCar2, waypointsSlowCar2, speed);
%% LeadCar : The following describes the requirement of LeadCar
% Segment-1: Starts moving at 30m ahead of initial waypoint in Lane2 and
% travels for 15m. Segment-2: Cut-in to EgoCar's adjacent lane to avoid
% SlowCar1 in Lane2 at 90m from initial Lane1 waypoint and Cut-out from
% EgoCar's adjacent lane to Lane2 after overtaking Slow car1 at 90m from
% initial Lane3 waypoint Segment-3: Travels in Lane1 till the end of
% waypoints
LeadCar = scenario.Actors(3);
% LeadCar - Segment-1: Set position and speed
% Place the LeadCar in Lane2.
waypoints = laneInfo(2).LaneCenters;
% Get way point position at 30m in ego lane
distanceFromFirstWaypoint = 30;
[posX, posY, segment1StartIndex]...
= helperGetPositionFromWaypoint(waypoints,distanceFromFirstWaypoint);
waypointsLeadCar = [posX posY 0];
% Get way point at 45m to cut into ego vehicle's adjacent lane
distanceFromFirstWaypoint = distanceFromFirstWaypoint+15;
[~, ~, segment1EndIndex] = ...
waypointsLeadCar = ...
[waypointsLeadCar; waypoints(segment1StartIndex:segment1EndIndex-1,:)];
speed = 19.6*ones(size(waypointsLeadCar,1),1);
% LeadCar - Segment-2: Set position and speed
% Get the waypoints in Lane3, as the leadCar changes lane to Lane3
% Using flipped version of laneCenters to move the Lead car.
waypoints = laneInfo(3).LaneCenters;
% Get and set the Segment-2 end position at 90 m from the first waypoint in
% Lane3
distanceFromFirstWaypoint = 90;
[~, ~, segment2EndIndex] = ...
% Skip some way points while cutting in to Lane3 so that the smooth
% trajectory is generated.
waypointsLeadCar = ...
numWaypoints = length(waypoints(segment1EndIndex+1:segment2EndIndex-1,:));
speed = [speed;19.6*ones(numWaypoints-1,1)];
% LeadCar - Segment-3: Set position and speed
% Get the waypoints in Lane2, as the LeadCar changes lane to Lane2
waypoints = laneInfo(2).LaneCenters;
% Skip some way points while cutting in to Lane2 so that the smooth
% trajectory is generated.
waypointsLeadCar = ...
numWaypoints = length(waypoints(segment2EndIndex+6:end,:));
speed = [speed;18.5*ones(numWaypoints,1)];
% Set trajectory for leadCar
trajectory(LeadCar, waypointsLeadCar, speed);
%% SlowCar1 - Travels in Lane1 with constant speed of 11.1 m/s
slowCar1 = scenario.Actors(4);
% Place the SlowCar1 in Lane2.
waypoints = laneInfo(2).LaneCenters;
% Set the initial position at 50 m from the first waypoint
distanceFromFirstWaypoint = 50;
[posX, posY, slowCar1StartWayPointIndex] = ...
waypointsSlowCar1 = [posX posY 0];
waypointsSlowCar1 = ...
[waypointsSlowCar1; waypoints(slowCar1StartWayPointIndex:end,:)];
speed = 11.1*ones(length(waypointsSlowCar1),1);
speed(3:end) = 14;
% Set trajectory for SlowCar
trajectory(slowCar1, waypointsSlowCar1, speed);
% Set Simulation stop time based on open loop or closed loop mode
if(nvp.mode == "closedLoop")
scenario.StopTime = 20;
elseif(nvp.mode == "openLoop")
scenario.StopTime = 13;
% Explore the scenario using Driving Scenario Designer
% drivingScenarioDesigner(scenario)
function [scenario, assessment] = scenario_FVSF_02_Straight_FourVehicles(nvp)
% scenario_FVSF_02_Straight_FourVehicles creates a scenario that is
% compatible with ForwardvehicleSesorFusionTestBench.slx This test scenario
% is on a Straight road. There are four target vehicles in this test
% scenario including ego vehicle. The lead car initially travels slowly at
% 15 m/s and attains 22m/s. Two Slow Cars move in the adjacent lane of ego
% lane.
% Copyright 2020-2021The MathWorks, Inc.
% Optional input mode that specifies the openLoop or closedLoop.
nvp.mode {mustBeMember(nvp.mode, ["openLoop",...
"closedLoop"])}= "closedLoop";
% Get driving scenario that is compatible with
% ForwardvehicleSesorFusionTestBench.slx
[scenario, assessment, laneInfo] = helperGetLaneFollowingScenario("Straight road");
% Ego and Target Vehicles representation in this test case.
% Actors(1) - EgoCar
% Actors(2) - LeadCar
% Actors(3) - SlowCar1
% Actors(4) - SlowCar2
%% EgoCar: Set position, speed using trajectory
EgoCar = scenario.Actors(1);
% EgoCar travels in Lane4 with speed 16m/s
% Place EgoCar in Lane4
Lane4CenterY = laneInfo(4).LaneCenters(1,2);
waypoints = [...
0 Lane4CenterY 0;
790 Lane4CenterY 0];
speed = 16;
trajectory(EgoCar, waypoints, speed);
%% LeadCar: The following describes the path of Lead Car.
% Initial head way time for Lead car is 2.2sec and initial speed
% is 15 m/s and travels with constant acceleration till it
% reaches a velocity of 22m/sec.
leadCar = scenario.Actors(2);
waypoints = [...
25 Lane4CenterY 0;
148 Lane4CenterY 0;
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
本示例向展示如何为跟踪器JPDA(JPDA)跟踪器生成嵌入式代码,并在具有1 MB RAM和2 MB闪存的STM32 Nucleo板上使用处理器在环(PIL)仿真对其进行验证。在此示例中,将 JPDA 跟踪器配置为处理来自高速公路场景中安装在自我车辆前方的摄像头和雷达传感器的检测。对于 PIL 模拟,可以使用模拟检测来验证生成的代码的跟踪和计算性能。 一、用于嵌入式代码生成的设置跟踪算法 在计算要求和跟踪性能之间取得平衡。JPDA跟踪器是嵌入式系统的合适选择。在每一步中,JPDA 跟踪器都会将检测到跟踪数据关联问题拆分为每个传感器的多个集群。每个群集都包含一组检测和跟踪,可以在门控后相互分配。检测和跟踪在群集中的确切分离、每个群集的大小以及每个群集的可行数据关联事件数通常由运行时输入确定。 从跟踪器生成用于安全关键应用(如高速公路车道跟踪)的嵌入式代码时,通常不鼓励动态内存分配。这意味着分配给跟踪器的内存量必须在编译时知道。此外,生成的代码必须适合嵌入式设备提供的存储器。要在没有动态内存分配的情况下有效地管理跟踪器的内存占用,必须在跟踪器上指定某些边界。
用于汽车应用的JPDA跟踪器的处理器在环验证.rar (12个子文件)
helperCollectDetections.m 3KB
helperCreateFVSFPILScenario.m 42KB
helperCollectDetectionsFromRecording.m 3KB
helperInitFVSFFilter.m 406B
PILVerificationJPDATrackerNucleoExample.mlx 9KB
helperFilterStaticDetections.m 3KB
trackingAlgorithm.m 1KB
helperCastDetections.m 1KB
helperFilterWithinCoverage.m 2KB
laneFollowingRoadCenters.mat 15KB
HelperJPDATrackerPILDisplay.m 11KB
helperJPDATrackerPILTestBench.m 1KB
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