% 加载图片load input images
I1 = double(imread('b1.jpg'));
[h1 w1 d1] = size(I1);
I2 = double(imread('b2.jpg'));
[h2 w2 d2] = size(I2);
% 显示输入图像和相应的提示show input images and prompt for correspondences
figure; subplot(1,2,1); image(I1/255); axis image; hold on;
title('first input image');
[X1 Y1] = ginput2(2); % 从用户那里得到两点get two points from the user
subplot(1,2,2); image(I2/255); axis image; hold on;
title('second input image');
[X2 Y2] = ginput2(2); % get two points from the user
% 估计参数向量(t)estimate parameter vector (t)
Z = [ X2' Y2' ; Y2' -X2' ; 1 1 0 0 ; 0 0 1 1 ]';
xp = [ X1 ; Y1 ];
t = Z \ xp; % 解线性方程组solve the linear system
a = t(1); % = s cos(alpha)
b = t(2); % = s sin(alpha)
tx = t(3);
ty = t(4);
% 构造变换矩阵(t)construct transformation matrix (T)
T = [a b tx ; -b a ty ; 0 0 1];
% 弯曲传入的角来确定输出图像的大小(从内到外)warp incoming corners to determine the size of the output image (in to out)
cp = T*[ 1 1 w2 w2 ; 1 h2 1 h2 ; 1 1 1 1 ];
Xpr = min( [ cp(1,:) 0 ] ) : max( [cp(1,:) w1] ); % min x : max x
Ypr = min( [ cp(2,:) 0 ] ) : max( [cp(2,:) h1] ); % min y : max y
[Xp,Yp] = ndgrid(Xpr,Ypr);
[wp hp] = size(Xp); % = size(Yp)
% 进行反向转换(从out到in)do backwards transform (from out to in)
X = T \ [ Xp(:) Yp(:) ones(wp*hp,1) ]'; % warp
% 用双线性插值重新采样像素值re-sample pixel values with bilinear interpolation
clear Ip;
xI = reshape( X(1,:),wp,hp)';
yI = reshape( X(2,:),wp,hp)';
Ip(:,:,1) = interp2(I2(:,:,1), xI, yI, '*bilinear'); % red
Ip(:,:,2) = interp2(I2(:,:,2), xI, yI, '*bilinear'); % green
Ip(:,:,3) = interp2(I2(:,:,3), xI, yI, '*bilinear'); % blue
% 偏移和复制原始图像到扭曲的图像offset and copy original image into the warped image
offset = -round( [ min( [ cp(1,:) 0 ] ) min( [ cp(2,:) 0 ] ) ] );
Ip(1+offset(2):h1+offset(2),1+offset(1):w1+offset(1),:) = double(I1(1:h1,1:w1,:));
% show the result
figure; image(Ip/255); axis image;
title('mosaic image');
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
% 加载图片load input images I1 = double(imread('b1.jpg')); [h1 w1 d1] = size(I1); I2 = double(imread('b2.jpg')); [h2 w2 d2] = size(I2); % 显示输入图像和相应的提示show input images and prompt for correspondences figure; subplot(1,2,1); image(I1/255); axis image; hold on; title('first input image'); [X1 Y1] = ginput2(2); % 从用户那里得到两点get two points from the user subplot(1,2,2); image(I2/255); axis image; hold on; title('second input image'); [X2 Y2] = ginput2(2); % get two points from the user % 估计参数向量(t)estimate
MosaicKit可用手动匹配.zip (8个子文件)
ginput2.m 225B
mosaic.m 2KB
b1.jpg 10.34MB
Thumbs.db 11KB
b2.jpg 10.03MB
right.jpg 32KB
Thumbs_1.db 11KB
left.jpg 39KB
共 8 条
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