As an important nondestructive testing method, CT shows large-scale applications in many
fields such as medical diagnosis, industrial nondestructive testing, etc. In practical applications
of CT imaging, when projection data obtained are adequate and complete, the FBP algorithm,
which has been commonly utilized in commercial CT [1], can reconstruct images accurately.
However, limited by the scanning environment and the excessive radiation dose imposed to the
patients, it is desired that high quality CT images can be reconstructed from low-dose projec-
tion data [2,3,4]. To reduce the radiation dose to the patients, an effective imaging modality is
X-ray imaging in limited scanning angular range. It is possible that the effective scanning angu-
lar range doesn’t satisfy the condition of short scan [5], i.e., the effective scanning angular range
is less than 180° plus fan angle. In this case, significant streak artifacts and gradual changed arti-
facts nearby edges are present in reconstructed images by conventional FBP algorithm and con-
sequently, images are distorted [6]. In the medical domain, especially for dental CT [7,8], C-
arm tomosynthesis [9], imaging in the chest and the breast [10] etc., as X-ray ionizing radiation
is harmful to human bodies, it is in urgent need to use shorter time of exposure and fewer pro-
jection data to reconstruct approximately accurate images. Therefore, to reconstruct high-qual-
ity images using limited-angle projection data has been a research focus all along.
Recently, the iterative reconstruction algorithm shows more advantages than conventional
FBP algorithm in dealing with the reconstruction problem with incomplete projection data. As
early as 1980s, the algebraic reconstruction technique (ART) and simultaneous algebraic
reconstruction technique (SART) were utilized by some researchers to investigate CT image
reconstruction [11, 12]. While for incomplete projection data, obvious artifacts and noise are
present in reconstructed images obtained by the two algorithms.
In 1992, Rudin et al. proposed an image denoising method based on total variation (TV) of
image [13], and they showed that this method can well protect the edge during the denoising
process. Assuming that the pixel value of image at positio n (x,y) is labeled by u
, the TV of
image can be expressed as
: ð1Þ
The TV is essentially the ℓ
-norm of the image gradient magnitude. In image domains,
images consisting of image gradient magnitudes are approximately sparse. To utilize the spar-
sity of gradient image, the TV norm can be taken as a regularization function. Furthermore, in
2006, Sidky et al.[14] adapted the TV minimization to consider the sparsity of the image gradi-
ent magnitudes, and then proposed an accurate algorithm for CT image reconstruction from
few-view and limited-angle projection data. This algorithm is called TVM based algorithm
hereafter. The TVM based algorithm can obtain accurate images from incomplete projections
especially in the sparse angular sampling over 360°. While the scanning angula r range is limited
and less than 180°(such as 90° and 120°), the reconst ruction results suffer from gradual
changed artifacts nearby the edges of the objects [14, 15], although it shows superiority to sup-
press streak artifacts. To further improve the quality of CT images for limited-angle tomogra-
phy, some scholars have advanced the conventional TV based image reconstruction algorithm
[16–18]. Although these methods improve the performance on reducing gradual changed arti-
facts nearby edges, however, the edge information of the objects may have a certain degree of
distortion. With the aim to make the most of previously reconstructed CT images, by means of
the constraint of TV, the reconstruction algorithms can generate better images [19,20], while
their applications are limited to some extent as the image database is often needed before
image reconstruction. Other reconstruction algorithms based on the prior knowledge of image
Gradient Based Image Reconstruction for Limited-Angle Tomography
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0130793 July 9, 2015 2/15