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在计算机断层摄影(CT)成像的实际应用中,由于存在高剂量放射线强加给患者的风险,因此希望可以从有限的投影数据中准确地重建高质量的CT图像。 尽管投影有限,但重建的图像经常会遭受严重的伪影,并且对象的边缘模糊。 近年来,基于压缩感测的重建算法已经从有限的投影中吸引了大量注意力,用于CT重建。 在本文中,为消除条纹伪影并保留对象的边缘结构信息,我们提出了一种基于加权总差(WTD)最小化的新型迭代重建算法,并证明了该算法的优越性能。 WTD度量在梯度域中同时执行稀疏性和方向连续性,而常规的总差(TD)度量仅在水平和垂直方向上实施梯度稀疏性。 为了解决基于WTD的少数视图CT重建模型,我们使用了软阈值滤波方法。 进行了数值实验,验证了算法的有效性和可行性。 对于典型的FORBILD头部幻像切片,在实验中使用40个投影,我们的算法在均方根误差(RMSE),归一化均方根距离( NRMSD)和归一化平均绝对距离(NMAD)度量,并且在峰值信噪比(PSNR)度量方面具有超过10%的增益。 在进行噪声预测的实验时,我们的算法在基于RMSE,NRMSD和NMAD度量方面的收益超过15%,而在PSNR度量方面的收益超过4%,优于基于TD的算法。 实验结果表明,我们的算法在抑制条纹伪影和保留对象的边缘结构信息方面取得了较好的性能。

A Novel Weighted Total Difference Based Image
Reconstruction Algorithm for Few-View Computed
Wei Yu
, Li Zeng
1 Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technolo g y and System of the Education Ministry of China, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, 2 College of Mathematics and
Statistics, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, 3 Engineering Research Center of Industrial Computed Tomography Nondestructive Testing of the Education Ministry
of China, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
In practical applications of computed tomography (CT) imaging, due to the risk of high radiation dose imposed on the
patients, it is desired that high quality CT images can be accurately reconstructed from limited projection data. While with
limited projections, the images reconstructed often suffer severe artifacts and the edges of the objects are blurred. In recent
years, the compressed sensing based reconstruction algorithm has attracted major attention for CT reconstruction from a
limited number of projections. In this paper, to eliminate the streak artifacts and preserve the edge structure information of
the object, we present a novel iterative reconstruction algorithm based on weighted total difference (WTD) minimization,
and demonstrate the superior performance of this algorithm. The WTD measure enforces both the sparsity and the
directional continuity in the gradient domain, while the conventional total difference (TD) measure simply enforces the
gradient sparsity horizontally and vertically. To solve our WTD-based few-view CT reconstruction model, we use the soft-
threshold filtering approach. Numerical experiments are performed to validate the efficiency and the feasibility of our
algorithm. For a typical slice of FORBILD head phantom, using 40 projections in the experiments, our algorithm outperforms
the TD-based algorithm with more than 60% gains in terms of the root-mean-square error (RMSE), normalized root mean
square distance (NRMSD) and normalized mean absolute distance (NMAD) measures and with more than 10% gains in terms
of the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) measure. While for the experiments of noisy projections, our algorithm outperforms
the TD-based algorithm with more than 15% gains in terms of the RMSE, NRMSD and NMAD measures and with more than
4% gains in terms of the PSNR measure. The experimental results indicate that our algorithm achieves better performance in
terms of suppressing streak artifacts and preserving the edge structure information of the object.
Citation: Yu W, Zeng L (2014) A Novel Weighted Total Difference Based Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Few-View Computed Tomography. PLoS ONE 9(10):
e109345. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109345
Editor: Christof Markus Aegerter, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Received April 21, 2014; Accepted September 9, 2014; Published October 2, 2014
Copyright: ß 2014 Yu, Zeng. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Data Availability: The authors confirm that all data underlying the findings are fully available without restriction. All relevant data are within the paper.
Funding: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant (61271313) (http://www.nsfc.gov.cn), National
Instrumentation Program of China (2013YQ030629) (http://www.most.gov.cn), and Chongqing science and technology research plan project (cstc2012gg-
yyjs70016) (http://www.ctin.ac.cn/). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* Email: drlizeng@cqu.edu.cn
As an extremely valuable diagnostic tool, computed tomogra-
phy (CT) has been widely used in medical area. With this powerful
tool, many valuable internal features can be extract without
cutting the object [1,2]. However, during clinical exams, excessive
X-ray radiation exposure may increase the lifetime cancer risk
[3,4]. Thus, it has great significance to use shorter time of
radiation exposure and lower patient radiation dose to reconstruct
numerically accurate tomographic images. To reduce radiation
dose, few-view CT has been an important CT imaging modality.
In this scanning data situation, tomographic image is reconstruct-
ed from the projection data collected by sparse angular sampling
[5–9]. For few-view CT, due to the projection data obtained is not
theoretically sufficient for exact reconstruction of tomographic
images, conspicuous streak artifacts are present in reconstructed
images by conventional analytic algorithms such as filtered back-
projection [5,10–12]. In this paper, we mainly focus the iterative
reconstruction algorithm for few-view CT.
Since the development of the large computational capacities in
graphical processing unit and the ongoing efforts towards lower
doses have made in CT, iterative reconstruction has become a hot
topic for all major vendors of clinical CT systems in the past years
[13–17]. The algebraic reconstruction technique and simultaneous
algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) are two classical
reconstruction algorithms for CT image reconstruction [18,19].
Since the projection data are incomplete, using the two algorithms,
obvious artifacts and noise are present in reconstructed images.
With the development of compressed sensing theory [20–22],
compressed sensing based iterative reconstruction algorithm has
drawn much attention in the medical imaging and other
tomographic imaging modalities. By adopting the compressed
sensing based iterative reconstruction algorithm, the image can be
reconstructed from rather limited projection data [23]. In
mathematics, actually, CT image reconstruction with few-view
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 1 October 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 10 | e109345

projection data is taken as an ill-posed inverse problem. To solve
this problem, regularization method is usually adopted, and
corresponding unconstrained optimization problem can be
formulated [24]. In the unconstrained optimization problem, the
objective function usually contains two terms. The first term is
data fidelity term which constraints the data consistency between
measured projection data and model data. The second term is
regularization term which is designed according to the priori
information of the image.
In the CT reconstruction field, it is likely that images are not
sparse themselves, but image coefficients in some transform
domains show sparsity. In image gradient transform, the L1 norm
of the image gradient magnitudes (also known as total variation
(TV) of image) are approximately sparse. If D
and D
the horizontal and vertical gradient operators respectively, then
TV regularization term can be expressed as
. This regularization term which
was originally proposed for image denoising [25], has been
extended in the field of few-view CT image reconstruction [5].
Subsequently, many other related reconstruction algorithms have
been developed [6–8,23,26].
In 1996, Li and Santosa suggested that total difference (TD)
which was defined as TD(u)~DDD
, was a reliable
and computationally efficient approximation to the TV in image
restoration [27]. In 2010, by constructing a pseudo-inverse of the
discrete TD, a TD minimization algorithm with soft-threshold
filtering (TDM-STF) was developed for few-view CT. It can
improve the convergence and efficiency of TV based minimization
methods [28]. In the TDM-STF algorithm, TD is taken as the
regularization term. Later, the TDM-STF algorithm was applied
to a multisource x-ray interior imaging system [29]. In their work,
they accelerated the convergence speed of TDM-STF by
incorporating a fast iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm
[30]. It shows that when obtaining the same image quality, the
TDM-STF may need less iterations and total computational cost
for practical application. However, the TD seeks the gradient
sparsity horizontally and vertically, but fails to enforce the gradient
continuity. Thus, the TD is prone to recovering an image of sharp
horizontal and vertical edges. To overcome this shortcoming of
TD, a new measure (called weighted total difference (WTD)
measure hereafter) was utilized by Shu and Ahuja for compressive
sampling [31]. In their work, they proposed a hybrid compressive
sampling method for recovering a piecewise smooth image from
limited measurements. Since the WTD measure exploits the
continuity and sparsity simultaneously in the partial gradient
domain, all possible sharper edges of the image can be recovered
from limited measurements. In [31], WTD measure was taken as
the regularization term. Note that model investigated in [31] is
different from the model for CT reconstruction since WTD
combines two complementary sampling systems for image
recovery. In this work, we consider incorporating WTD measure
into the model for CT reconstruction due to the good property of
With the aim to eliminate the undesired streak artifacts and
preserve the edge structure information of the object, in this paper,
we propose a novel reconstruction algorithm based on WTD
minimization for few-view CT. The proposed reconstruction
model combines the CT imaging model and the WTD measure.
In the proposed reconstruction model, the WTD measure is taken
as the regularization term. The differences between the WTD in
current study and in the study [31] lie in the application fields and
the corresponding problems need to solve. To solve our model
effectively, the soft-threshold filtering (STF) method and a fast
iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm are employed to
accelerate the converging speed of our algorithm. For simplicity,
in the following sections, we referred to our algorithm as WTDM-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section Method,
we illustrate the CT imaging model and describe the WTDM-STF
reconstruction algorithm for few-view CT, together with an
efficient iterative scheme. Moreover, the data acquisitions and
performance evaluations are also outlined in this section. In the
following section, numerical results and discussion are presented
and conclusions are given in final section.
CT imaging model
The model of fan beam CT imaging can be approximated as
following discrete linear system [19]:
Au~g, ð1Þ
where g~½g
is the measured projection data
which can be represented by a vector of size M , M is the number
of the transmission rays, g
is the ray-sum measured with the ith
ray, u~½u
denotes the image to be reconstructed
which can be represented by a vector of size N, N is the number of
image pixels. A~(a
) [R
is the system matrix which
represents forward projection. The system matrix weight a
represents the contribution of the jth pixel to the ith ray-sum. In
our experiments, the system matrix weights a
are computed by
calculating the intersection length of the ith ray through the jth
pixel. Given the projection data acquired from the detector, the
aim for image reconstruction is to solve the Eq. (1) for u from the
measured data g. As for few-view CT problem, the number of the
measured projection data M is much smaller than the number of
image pixels N, then, the Eq. (1) is underdetermined. Therefore,
Figure 1. A typical slice of the FORBILD head phantom.
Image Reconstruction for Few-View Computed Tomography
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 2 October 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 10 | e109345

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