# ROS Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ Devices
These are packages for using Intel RealSense cameras (D400 series SR300 camera and T265 Tracking Module) with ROS.
This version supports Kinetic, Melodic and Noetic distributions.
For running in ROS2 environment please switch to the [ros2 branch](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros/tree/ros2). </br>
LibRealSense2 supported version: v2.48.0 (see [realsense2_camera release notes](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros/releases))
## Installation Instructions
### Ubuntu
#### Step 1: Install the ROS distribution
- #### Install [ROS Kinetic](http://wiki.ros.org/kinetic/Installation/Ubuntu), on Ubuntu 16.04, [ROS Melodic](http://wiki.ros.org/melodic/Installation/Ubuntu) on Ubuntu 18.04 or [ROS Noetic](http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Installation/Ubuntu) on Ubuntu 20.04.
### Windows
#### Step 1: Install the ROS distribution
- #### Install [ROS Melodic or later on Windows 10](https://wiki.ros.org/Installation/Windows)
### There are 2 sources to install realsense2_camera from:
* ### Method 1: The ROS distribution:
realsense2_camera is available as a debian package of ROS distribution. It can be installed by typing:
```sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-realsense2-camera```
This will install both realsense2_camera and its dependents, including librealsense2 library and matching udev-rules.
* The version of librealsense2 is almost always behind the one availeable in RealSense™ official repository.
* librealsense2 is not built to use native v4l2 driver but the less stable RS-USB protocol. That is because the last is more general and operational on a larger variety of platforms.
* realsense2_description is available as a separate debian package of ROS distribution. It includes the 3D-models of the devices and is necessary for running launch files that include these models (i.e. rs_d435_camera_with_model.launch). It can be installed by typing:
`sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-realsense2-description`
**Chocolatey distribution Coming soon**
* ### Method 2: The RealSense™ distribution:
> This option is demonstrated in the [.travis.yml](https://github.com/intel-ros/realsense/blob/development/.travis.yml) file. It basically summerize the elaborate instructions in the following 2 steps:
### Step 1: Install the latest Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0
Install librealsense2 debian package:
* Jetson users - use the [Jetson Installation Guide](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/master/doc/installation_jetson.md)
* Otherwise, install from [Linux Debian Installation Guide](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/master/doc/distribution_linux.md#installing-the-packages)
- In that case treat yourself as a developer. Make sure you follow the instructions to also install librealsense2-dev and librealsense2-dkms packages.
Install using vcpkg
`vcpkg install realsense2:x64-windows`
#### OR
- #### Build from sources by downloading the latest [Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/releases/tag/v2.48.0) and follow the instructions under [Linux Installation](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/master/doc/installation.md)
### Step 2: Install Intel® RealSense™ ROS from Sources
- Create a [catkin](http://wiki.ros.org/catkin#Installing_catkin) workspace
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
mkdir c:\catkin_ws\src
cd c:\catkin_ws\src
- Clone the latest Intel® RealSense™ ROS from [here](https://github.com/intel-ros/realsense/releases) into 'catkin_ws/src/'
git clone https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros.git
cd realsense-ros/
git checkout `git tag | sort -V | grep -P "^2.\d+\.\d+" | tail -1`
cd ..
- Make sure all dependent packages are installed. You can check .travis.yml file for reference.
- Specifically, make sure that the ros package *ddynamic_reconfigure* is installed. If *ddynamic_reconfigure* cannot be installed using APT or if you are using *Windows* you may clone it into your workspace 'catkin_ws/src/' from [here](https://github.com/pal-robotics/ddynamic_reconfigure/tree/kinetic-devel)
cd ..
catkin_make clean
catkin_make install
echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
## Usage Instructions
### Start the camera node
To start the camera node in ROS:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
This will stream all camera sensors and publish on the appropriate ROS topics.
Other stream resolutions and frame rates can optionally be provided as parameters to the 'rs_camera.launch' file.
### Published Topics
The published topics differ according to the device and parameters.
After running the above command with D435i attached, the following list of topics will be available (This is a partial list. For full one type `rostopic list`):
- /camera/color/camera_info
- /camera/color/image_raw
- /camera/depth/camera_info
- /camera/depth/image_rect_raw
- /camera/extrinsics/depth_to_color
- /camera/extrinsics/depth_to_infra1
- /camera/extrinsics/depth_to_infra2
- /camera/infra1/camera_info
- /camera/infra1/image_rect_raw
- /camera/infra2/camera_info
- /camera/infra2/image_rect_raw
- /camera/gyro/imu_info
- /camera/gyro/sample
- /camera/accel/imu_info
- /camera/accel/sample
- /diagnostics
>Using an L515 device the list differs a little by adding a 4-bit confidence grade (pulished as a mono8 image):
>- /camera/confidence/camera_info
>- /camera/confidence/image_rect_raw
>It also replaces the 2 infrared topics with the single available one:
>- /camera/infra/camera_info
>- /camera/infra/image_raw
The "/camera" prefix is the default and can be changed. Check the rs_multiple_devices.launch file for an example.
If using D435 or D415, the gyro and accel topics wont be available. Likewise, other topics will be available when using T265 (see below).
### Available services:
- reset : Cause a hardware reset of the device. Usage: `rosservice call /camera/realsense2_camera/reset`
- enable : Start/Stop all streaming sensors. Usage example: `rosservice call /camera/enable False"`
### Launch parameters
The following parameters are available by the wrapper:
- **serial_no**: will attach to the device with the given serial number (*serial_no*) number. Default, attach to available RealSense device in random.
- **usb_port_id**: will attach to the device with the given USB port (*usb_port_id*). i.e 4-1, 4-2 etc. Default, ignore USB port when choosing a device.
- **device_type**: will attach to a device whose name includes the given *device_type* regular expression pattern. Default, ignore device type. For example, device_type:=d435 will match d435 and d435i. device_type=d435(?!i) will match d435 but not d435i.
- **rosbag_filename**: Will publish topics from rosbag file.
- **initial_reset**: On occasions the device was not closed properly and due to firmware issues needs to reset. If set to true, the device will reset prior to usage.
- **align_depth**: If set to true, will publish additional topics for the "aligned depth to color" image.: ```/camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw```, ```/camera/aligned_depth_to_color/camera_info```.</br>
The pointcloud, if enabled, will be built based on the aligned_depth_to_color image.</br>
- **filters**: any of the following options, separated by commas:</br>
- ```colorizer```: will color the depth image. On the depth topic an RGB image will be published, instead of the 16bit depth values .
- ```pointcloud```: will
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Ubuntu系统下ROS机械臂(睿尔曼)与摄像头标定(RealSense)教程(眼在手上) ROS系统搭建 系统:Ubuntu 18.04 ROS:melodic OpenCV 库:OpenCV 3.2.0 Realsense D435: Marker 标记识别:Aruco 功能包 手眼标定:easy_handeye 功能包 Moveit! RM 机械臂 ROS 功能包 Catkin-tools 工具包 各个库的搭建、测试 资源包下载
Ubuntu系统下ROS机械臂(睿尔曼)与摄像头标定(RealSense)教程 (1137个子文件)
single_realsense.launch.bak 2KB
publish.launch.bak 1KB
local_setup.bash 283B
local_setup.bash 283B
local_setup.bash 283B
local_setup.bash 283B
local_setup.bash 283B
local_setup.bash 283B
setup.bash 260B
setup.bash 260B
setup.bash 260B
setup.bash 260B
setup.bash 260B
setup.bash 260B
feature_tests.bin 12KB
feature_tests.bin 12KB
CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_CXX.bin 8KB
CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_CXX.bin 8KB
CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_C.bin 8KB
CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_C.bin 8KB
cJSON.c 30KB
cJSON.c 27KB
CMakeCCompilerId.c 18KB
CMakeCCompilerId.c 18KB
feature_tests.c 688B
feature_tests.c 688B
.catkin 54B
.catkin 53B
rm_control.cbp 98KB
rm_driver.cbp 80KB
gmock.cbp 52KB
googletest-distribution.cbp 52KB
gtest.cbp 45KB
gmock.cbp 44KB
googletest-distribution.cbp 44KB
gtest.cbp 36KB
ArucoThreshold.cfg 900B
ArucoThreshold.cfg 556B
cmake.check_cache 85B
cmake.check_cache 85B
.clang-format 2KB
Makefile.cmake 20KB
Makefile.cmake 18KB
rm_controlConfig.cmake 9KB
rm_driverConfig.cmake 9KB
rm_controlConfig.cmake 9KB
rm_driverConfig.cmake 9KB
cmake_install.cmake 8KB
cmake_install.cmake 8KB
CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake 5KB
CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake 5KB
CMakeCCompiler.cmake 2KB
CMakeCCompiler.cmake 2KB
DependInfo.cmake 2KB
package.cmake 2KB
package.cmake 2KB
cmake_install.cmake 1KB
cmake_install.cmake 1KB
cmake_install.cmake 1KB
cmake_install.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 1KB
cmake_install.cmake 1KB
cmake_install.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 990B
DependInfo.cmake 988B
DependInfo.cmake 845B
DependInfo.cmake 844B
package.cmake 828B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 702B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 700B
package.cmake 696B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 667B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 667B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 667B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 666B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 666B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 666B
rm_controlConfig-version.cmake 426B
rm_controlConfig-version.cmake 426B
rm_driverConfig-version.cmake 426B
rm_driverConfig-version.cmake 426B
CMakeSystem.cmake 406B
CMakeSystem.cmake 406B
cmake_clean.cmake 384B
cmake_clean.cmake 384B
CTestTestfile.cmake 356B
CTestTestfile.cmake 354B
CTestTestfile.cmake 349B
CTestTestfile.cmake 348B
cmake_clean.cmake 344B
CTestTestfile.cmake 338B
CTestTestfile.cmake 337B
CTestTestfile.cmake 332B
CTestTestfile.cmake 331B
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