- 本书细数淘宝成立十年来经历的重大变化、核心产品的设计,以及背后的思考,深挖到淘宝信奉的价值逻辑。内容涵盖商品分类与管理;首页、List页等导购产品;搜索与导航;C2C、B2C、C2B等电商模式的演化;交易的前中后:如营销工具、购物车、订单、评价;旺旺;天猫、聚划算,等等。适合产品经理、电商从业者及所有愿意思考的读者阅读。5 6浏览免费
- 说明: 本教材主要阐述确定性信号的时域分析和变换域分析,线性非时变系统的描述与特性以及信号通过线性非时变系统的时域分析与变换域分析;并简要介绍信号与系统的基本理论在生物神经网络和通信系统中的应用。 第1章 信号与系统分析导论 1.1 信号的描述及分类 1.1.1 信号的定义与描述 1.1.2 信号的分类和特性 1.2 系统的描述及分类 1.2.1 系统的数学模型 1.2.2 系统的分类 1.2.3 系统连接 1.3 信号与系统分析概述 1.3.1 信号与系统分析的基本内容与方法 1.3.2 信号与系统理论的应用5 0浏览免费
- Machine learning is often used to build predictive models by extracting patterns from large datasets. These models are used in predictive data analytics applications including price prediction, risk assessment, predicting customer behavior, and document classification. This introductory textbook offers a detailed and focused treatment of the most important machine learning approaches used in predictive data analytics, covering both theoretical concepts and practical applications. Technical and mathematical material is augmented with explanatory worked examples, and case studies illustrate the application of these models in the broader business context. After discussing the trajectory from data to insight to decision, the book describes four approaches to machine learning: information-based learning, similarity-based learning, probability-based learning, and error-based learning. Each of these approaches is introduced by a nontechnical explanation of the underlying concept, followed by mathematical models and algorithms illustrated by detailed worked examples. Finally, the book considers techniques for evaluating prediction models and offers two case studies that describe specific data analytics projects through each phase of development, from formulating the business problem to implementation of the analytics solution. The book, informed by the authors' many years of teaching machine learning, and working on predictive data analytics projects, is suitable for use by undergraduates in computer science, engineering, mathematics, or statistics; by graduate students in disciplines with applications for predictive data analytics; and as a reference for professionals. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics Chapter 2 Data to Insights to Decisions Chapter 3 Data Exploration Chapter 4 Information-based Learning Chapter 5 Similarity-based Learning Chapter 6 Probability-based Learning Chapter 7 Error-based Learning Chapter 8 Evaluation Chapter 9 Case Study: Customer Churn Chapter 10 Case Study: Galaxy Classification Chapter 11 The Art of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics Appendix A Descriptive Statistics and Data Visualization for Machine Learning Appendix B Introduction to Probability for Machine Learning Appendix C Differentiation Techniques for Machine Learning5 421浏览会员免费
- 新加坡管理大学信息系统学院教授朱飞达《大数据与金融创新: 从研究到实战》5 276浏览免费
- 市面上以及网络搜索中都基本很少有成体系的关于字节码编程的知识,这主要由于大部分开发人员其实很少接触这部分内容,包括;ASM、Javassist、Byte-buddy以及JavaAgent,没有很大的市场也就没有很多的资料。但大家其实已经从其他的框架或者中间件中使用到,就像你用到的;Cglib、混沌工程、非入侵的全链路监控以及你是否使用过jetbrains-agent.jar做了某项实验?0 9204浏览免费
- 本PPT为世纪佳缘研发中心总监吴金龙对Spark的介绍,侧重Mllib机器学习,GraphX图处理两个模块。世纪佳缘在Spark集群上利用机器学习和图算法实现推荐算法。5 399浏览免费
- 科研伦理与学术规范 期末考试1(50题)0 2w+浏览免费
- 粉丝下载免费,为了方便小伙伴们学习《科研伦理与学术规范》,希望能帮助到大家,特此分享出来,有需要的可以进行下载。5 1w+浏览免费
- Hulu 资深研发主管梁宇明《Voidbox - Docker On YARN在Hulu的实践》5 332浏览免费
- 仅供测试pdf文件格式及研究学习使用,下载后请于24小时内删除!!!不得用于其他用途!5 0浏览免费
- 美团推荐与个性化团队技术经理沈国阳来到CSDN在线视频分享平台,为我们深度解析美团本地生活服务推荐的工作经验,并与群友进行互动交流。沈国阳重点介绍了美团推荐系统的架构和特色,以及在排序层面的主要工作。视频:http://www.csdn.net/article/2015-08-13/28254555 750浏览免费
- ITU-R BT.1788 建议书,视频主观质量评价国际标准5 2606浏览免费
- 2019年高教社杯全国大学生数学建模C题优秀论文(附代码) 2019年高教社杯全国大学生数学建模C题优秀论文(附代码)0 1w+浏览免费
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- 华为C语言编程规范 高清PDF版 内容可复制0 2953浏览免费
- ISO 26262 汽车功能安全学习笔记—以思维导图的方式解读,FMEA5th ,2019.6版。 本文以思维导图的方式解读ISO26262 汽车功能安全,便于读者更容易全面地、系统地理解和掌握ISO26262对汽车功能安全要求的理解、应用,使之与FMEA 5th 融合。5 3794浏览免费
- 介绍SuperMap 8C系列软件中倾斜摄影技术的原理,并深入讲解了倾斜摄影模型应用解决方案!5 1628浏览免费
- Build and execute robust and scalable applications using Apache Mesos About This Book Deploy Apache Mesos to concurrently run cutting edge data processing frameworks like Spark, Hadoop and Storm in parallel Share resources between various cluster computing applications and web applications Detailed guidance on Mesos best practices in a stable production environment Who This Book Is For This book is intended for developers and operators who want to build and run scalable and fault-tolerant applications leveraging Apache Mesos. A basic knowledge of programming with some fundamentals of Linux is a prerequisite. In Detail Apache Mesos is a cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications, or frameworks. It allows developers to concurrently run the likes of Hadoop, Spark, Storm, and other applications on a dynamically shared pool of nodes. With Mesos, you have the power to manage a wide range of resources in a multi-tenant environment. Starting with the basics, this book will give you an insight into all the features that Mesos has to offer. You will first learn how to set up Mesos in various environments from data centers to the cloud. You will then learn how to implement self-managed Platform as a Service environment with Mesos using various service schedulers, such as Chronos, Aurora, and Marathon. You will then delve into the depths of Mesos fundamentals and learn how to build distributed applications using Mesos primitives. Finally, you will round things off by covering the operational aspects of Mesos including logging, monitoring, high availability, and recovery. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Running Mesos Chapter 2. Running Hadoop on Mesos Chapter 3. Running Spark on Mesos Chapter 4. Complex Data Analysis on Mesos Chapter 5. Running Services on Mesos Chapter 6. Understanding Mesos Internals Chapter 7. Developing Frameworks on Mesos Chapter 8. Administering Mesos5 146浏览会员免费
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- GB50174-2017数据中心设计规范电子版,非扫描版,2018年1月1日执行,同时废止2008版,非扫描版,仅供参考5 1132浏览免费
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- 本文是SENT传输协议的英文电子版,定义了传感器使用该协议传输数据的脉冲编码标准。0 2386浏览免费
- 四旋翼飞行器的动力学建模及PID控制,本文介绍了四旋翼飞行器的动力学建模以及飞行控制PID算法4 4824浏览免费
- Over 60 recipes on Spark, covering Spark Core, Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, MLlib, and GraphX libraries About This Book Become an expert at graph processing using GraphX Use Apache Spark as your single big data compute platform and master its libraries Learn with recipes that can be run on a single machine as well as on a production cluster of thousands of machines Who This Book Is For If you are a data engineer, an application developer, or a data scientist who would like to leverage the power of Apache Spark to get better insights from big data, then this is the book for you. What You Will Learn Install and configure Apache Spark with various cluster managers Set up development environments Perform interactive queries using Spark SQL Get to grips with real-time streaming analytics using Spark Streaming Master supervised learning and unsupervised learning using MLlib Build a recommendation engine using MLlib Develop a set of common applications or project types, and solutions that solve complex big data problems Use Apache Spark as your single big data compute platform and master its libraries In Detail By introducing in-memory persistent storage, Apache Spark eliminates the need to store intermediate data in filesystems, thereby increasing processing speed by up to 100 times. This book will focus on how to analyze large and complex sets of data. Starting with installing and configuring Apache Spark with various cluster managers, you will cover setting up development environments. You will then cover various recipes to perform interactive queries using Spark SQL and real-time streaming with various sources such as Twitter Stream and Apache Kafka. You will then focus on machine learning, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and recommendation engine algorithms. After mastering graph processing using GraphX, you will cover various recipes for cluster optimization and troubleshooting. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Getting Started with Apache Spark Chapter 2: Developing Applications with Spark Chapter 3: External Data Sources Chapter 4: Spark SQL Chapter 5: Spark Streaming Chapter 6: Getting Started with Machine Learning using MLlib Chapter 7: Supervised Learning with MLlib Regression Chapter 8: Supervised Learning with MLlib – Classification Chapter 9: Unsupervised Learning Chapter 10: Recommender Systems Chapter 11: Graph Processing Using GraphX Chapter 12: Optimizations and Performance Tuning5 124浏览会员免费
- 《LSTM and CTC training for speech recognition from Baidu》,百度语音技术部贾磊介绍百度语音识别技术的最新进展(2015.10.26)。5 362浏览免费
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- 2021年1月,国内知名咨询机构“众诚智库”和工信部直属事业单位“中国电子学会”联合航天信息系统工程(北京)有限公司、无锡先进技术研究院、联想控股股份有限公司、麒麟软件有限公司、北京中科院软件中心有限公司、曙光星云信息技术(北京)有限公司、金蝶国际软件集团有限公司、北京中企伍佰信息技术研究院、统信软件技术有限公司、北京鸿腾智能科技有限公司、江苏汤谷智能科技有限公司、国能信控互联技术有限公司、中国民航信息集团有限公司、北京元年科技股份有限公司、北京东华合创科技有限公司、中国智能终端操作系统产业联盟16家企业和机构,经过全面的调研和梳理,共同发布了国内信创领域首本《中国信创产业发展白皮书(2021)》。 该白皮书首先分析了信创产业的发展背景,在全球产业从工业化向数字化升级的关键时期,中国明确提出“数字中国”建设战略,以抢占下一时期的技术优先权。但2018年以来,受“华为、中兴事件”影响,我国科技尤其是上游核心技术受制于人的现状对我国经济持续高质量发展提出了严峻考验,为了摆脱这一现状,国家将信创产业纳入国家战略,提出“2+8”发展体系,2020-2022年中国IT产业在基础硬件、基础软件、行业应用软件、信息安全等诸多领域迎来了黄金发展期。 其次,该白皮书绘制了信创产业的全景图,信创产业生态体系庞大,分别在CPU、操作系统、数据库、中间件、网络和信息安全等产品维度具体描述发展态势。0 7216浏览免费
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- python Tweepy中文库0 1226浏览免费
- 24V转5V,24V转3.3V,耐压40V的稳压芯片LDO。0 3972浏览免费
- 萧德云的系统辨识理论及应用,本文讲的很全,不过感觉本文偏重辨识算法,输入信号的设计、最优实验设计没讲,不得不说有点缺陷,其次,感觉文笔一般,没有太让人想看的欲望,丁锋出了更全的系统辨识,不过暂时没搞到全的,好像也只出了第一、三册。 由于文件大,分1,2两部分,这是第2部分。5 584浏览免费
- modbus通信协议中文完整书签版,三大部分,第一部分:Modbus 协议,第二部分:Modbus 协议在串行链路上的实现指南,第三部分:Modbus 协议在 TCP/IP 上的实现指南。0 2707浏览免费
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- 本书首先介绍了R的工具包、时间序列包和性能监控包,然后阐述R语言与其他编程语言的通信以及R语言作为服务器的应用,最后阐释R语言与各种数据库的通信以及R语言与Hadoop集成。附录介绍了Java、Hadoop以及各种数据库对安装方式。书中内容涉及计算机、互联网、数据库、大数据、统计、金融等领域,详细总结了R语言与Java、MySQL、Redis、MongoDB、Cassandra、Hadoop、Hive、Hbase等技术的综合运用的解决方案,具有实战性,可操作性强。本书适合所有R语言工作者,包括软件工程师、DBA、数据科学家、科研工作者以及大中专院校相关专业的学生。4 191浏览会员免费
- 基于STM32的温度报警器电工开放实习报告 详情请看博客:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44793491/article/details/1123834330 2614浏览免费
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- Optimize the power of Docker to run your applications quickly and easily About This Book Learn to compose, use, and publish the Docker containers Leverage the features of Docker to deploy your existing applications Explore real world examples of securing and managing Docker containers Who This Book Is For If you are an application developer who wants to learn Docker in order to utilize its features for application deployment, then this book is for you. No prior knowledge of Docker is required. What You Will Learn Build a Docker image using Dockerfiles Push and publish images on Docker Hub Run your own private Docker Hub and upload images onto it Create and run services inside a container to deploy your applications with ease Share data between the Docker host and containers Orchestrate multiple containers with Docker Compose Test and debug applications inside a Docker container Secure your Docker containers with SELinux In Detail Docker is a next-generation platform for simplifying application containerization life-cycle. Docker allows you to create a robust and resilient environment in which you can generate portable, composable, scalable, and stable application containers. This book is a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the various features of Docker from Docker software installation to the impenetrable security of containers. The book starts off by elucidating the installation procedure for Docker and a few troubleshooting techniques. You will be introduced to the process of downloading Docker images and running them as containers. You'll learn how to run containers as a service (CaaS) and also discover how to share data among containers. Later on, you'll explore how to establish the link between containers and orchestrate containers using Docker Compose. You will also come across relevant details about application testing inside a container. You will discover how to debug a container using the docker exec command and the nsenter tool. Finally, you will learn how to secure your containers with SELinux and other proven methods. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Getting Started with Docker Chapter 2. Handling Docker Containers Chapter 3. Building Images Chapter 4. Publishing Images Chapter 5. Running Your Private Docker Infrastructure Chapter 6. Running Services in a Container Chapter 7. Sharing Data with Containers Chapter 8. Orchestrating Containers Chapter 9. Testing with Docker Chapter 10. Debugging Containers Chapter 11. Securing Docker Containers5 202浏览免费
- NGN和软交换,NGN和软交换0 176浏览免费
- Iain E. Richardson-The H.264 Advanced Video Compression Standard, Second Edition 很好的视频编解码入门书籍0 99浏览免费
- 近年来,倾斜摄影建模、激光扫描等数据采集技术的发展,有效降低了三维空间数据的获取成本和 时间周期,提高了数据精度。伴随大规模三维空间数据的不断积累,三维空间数据的高效发布、数据共 享和数据交换,成为三维GIS研究重要内容。 本标准定义了一种开放式可扩展的空间三维模型数据格式———Spatial3DModel( S3M),适用于空 间三维模型数据的传输、交换与共享,有助于解决多源空间三维模型数据在不同终端(移动设备、浏览 器、桌面电脑)地理信息平台中的存储、高效可视化、共享与互操作等难题,对于推动我国三维地理空间 数据的共享及深入应用具有重要作用。0 1942浏览免费
- Dive into the world of SQL on Hadoop and get the most out of your Hive data warehouses. This book is your go-to resource for using Hive: authors Scott Shaw, Ankur Gupta, David Kjerrumgaard, and Andreas Francois Vermeulen take you through learning HiveQL, the SQL-like language specific to Hive, to analyze, export, and massage the data stored across your Hadoop environment. From deploying Hive on your hardware or virtual machine and setting up its initial configuration to learning how Hive interacts with Hadoop, MapReduce, Tez and other big data technologies, Practical Hive gives you a detailed treatment of the software. In addition, this book discusses the value of open source software, Hive performance tuning, and how to leverage semi-structured and unstructured data. What You Will Learn Install and configure Hive for new and existing datasets Perform DDL operations Execute efficient DML operations Use tables, partitions, buckets, and user-defined functions Discover performance tuning tips and Hive best practices Who This Book Is For Developers, companies, and professionals who deal with large amounts of data and could use software that can efficiently manage large volumes of input. It is assumed that readers have the ability to work with SQL. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Setting the Stage for Hive: Hadoop Chapter 2: Introducing Hive Chapter 3: Hive Architecture Chapter 4: Hive Tables DDL Chapter 5: Data Manipulation Language (DML) Chapter 6: Loading Data into Hive Chapter 7: Querying Semi-Structured Data Chapter 8: Hive Analytics Chapter 9: Performance Tuning: Hive Chapter 10: Hive Security Chapter 11: The Future of Hive Appendix A: Building a Big Data Team Appendix B: Hive Functions4 205浏览免费
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- 这份文件规定了智能网联汽车自动驾驶功能检测项目的测试场景、测试方法及测试标准。适用于申请进行智能网联汽车道路测试的乘用车及商用车辆1 3589浏览免费
- 这是一份物联网毕业设计(论文)的外文翻译文献,全文27页,英汉对照翻译的,跟大家要求的差不多。5 1357浏览免费
- IEC61000-4-6-2013,国际电磁兼容标准中的传导干扰,最不容易通过的标准5 1421浏览免费
- nRF52810 低功耗蓝牙芯片中文数据手册 中文翻译版本 该产品规范根据该 IC 中可用的模块和外围设备分为几章。 4430_161 v1.3 12 外围设备描述分为单独的部分,其中包括以下信息: • 外设的详细功能说明 • 外设的寄存器配置 • 电气规格表,其中包含适用于第 407 页“ 建议的运行条件”中所述的运行条件的性能数据5 3817浏览免费
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- Vector 给出的简易教程,如何将AUTOSAR模块添加到Davinci Configurator中1 5101浏览免费
- 这是whut编译原理课内实验的实验报告! 内容包含: (1)词法分析 (2)简单赋值语句的语法分析5 1699浏览免费
- SuperMap三维不仅提供Revit、Bentley、CATIA(V5)三款BIM设计软件数据导出插件,一键式导入rvt、dgn、CATProduct等BIM格式数据,而且支持AutoCAD Civil 3D 数据导出插件。更为重要的是,SuperMap GIS支持直接读取Revit数据,实现与Revit软件的快速协同。0 2205浏览免费
- ABB ACS880变频器用户手册大全,安装尺寸,接线图,3AXD50000009105版本C,官方资料0 6464浏览免费
- uperMap GIS突破了BIM主流数据的无损接入、BIM数据到GIS平台的精准匹配、超百万级BIM模型实时绘制等关键技术,突破了BIM数据与三维体模型无缝对接技术,借助三维体数据模型,实现了BIM数据在GIS平台中的分析及运算能力,开拓了三维GIS向建筑、桥梁、隧道、水利大坝等大型工程应用领域的发展,为BIM+GIS应用提供了有力的技术和平台支撑。0 1317浏览免费
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