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我们给出了具有4D,N = 1的超庞加莱不变性的超空间中超对称重力/(非)阿贝尔p型形式层级的几何描述。 这些层次结构产生了像Chern-Simons一样的不变量,例如5D,N = 1重力光子和11维3形式的不变量,而且还推广了例如Green-Schwarz样/ BF型耦合。 基于超位势超场的先前构造将根据超空间中的p形式重新解释,从而阐明了基本的几何形状。 这极大地简化了超空间场强,Bianchi恒等式和Chern-Simons不变量的计算。 利用这一点,我们证明了针对任何此类张量层次定义这些动作的条件的递归公式的有效性。 求解二次方和三次方,我们恢复了BF型和三次Chern-Simons作用的已知结果。 作为应用程序,我们计算四次不变〜AdAdAdA +。 。 。 例如与七维超重力压实有关。
Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: February 21, 2017
Accepted: April 8, 2017
Published: April 19, 2017
All Chern-Simons invariants of 4D, N = 1 gauged
superform hierarchies
Katrin Becker,
Melanie Becker,
William D. Linch III,
Stephen Randall
Daniel Robbins
George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy,
Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX 77843-4242, U.S.A.
Department of Physics, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-7300, U.S.A.
Department of Physics, University at Albany,
Albany, NY 12222, U.S.A.
E-mail: kbecker@physics.tamu.edu, mbecker@physics.tamu.edu,
wdlinch3@gmail.com, srandall@berkeley.edu, dgrobbins@albany.edu
Abstract: We give a geometric description of supersymmetric gravity/(non-)abelian p-
form hierarchies in superspaces with 4D, N = 1 super-Poincar´e invariance. These hierar-
chies give rise to Chern-Simons-like invariants, such as those of the 5D, N = 1 gravipho-
ton and the eleven-dimensional 3-form but also generalizations such as Green-Schwarz-
like/BF -type couplings. Previous constructions based on prepotential superfields are rein-
terpreted in terms of p-forms in superspace thereby elucidating the underlying geometry.
This vastly simplifies the calculations of superspace field-strengths, Bianchi identities, and
Chern-Simons invariants. Using this, we prove the validity of a recursive formula for the
conditions defining these actions for any such tensor hierarchy. Solving it at quadratic
and cubic orders, we recover the known results for the BF -type and cubic Chern-Simons
actions. As an application, we compute the quartic invariant ∼ AdAdAdA + . . . relevant,
for example, to seven-dimensional supergravity compactifications.
Keywords: Superspaces, Chern-Simons Theories, Differential and Algebraic Geometry,
Supergravity Models
ArXiv ePrint: 1702.00799
Open Access,
The Authors.
Article funded by SCOAP
1 Introduction 1
2 Prepotential formalism 5
3 Superforms 9
3.1 Differential supergeometry of tensor hierarchies 12
4 Ectoplasm 13
4.1 Weil triviality 15
5 All Chern-Simons actions 16
5.1 Proof of claim 1 16
5.1.1 Quadratic action 17
5.1.2 Higher-order actions 18
5.2 Solution of the recursion relations 21
6 Conclusions 23
A Superform components 24
A.1 Composite forms 26
1 Intro duction
Gravitational tensor hierarchies are a common feature of gauged supergravity compact-
ifications as they result from the reduction of p-forms in the component spectrum that
are charged under the higher-dimensional superdiffeomorphisms [1–7]. Upon compactifica-
tion, some of the components of the gravitino generally become massive but leave behind
massless non-abelian gauge fields from mixed components of the frame and their super-
partners. What remains is a hierarchy of differential forms of various spacetime degrees, all
charged under the residual diffeomorphisms compatible with the splitting of the compacti-
fied spacetime. Further decoupling this structure from the lower-dimensional supergravity
fields, one is left with a hierarchy of p-forms charged under the non-abelian gauge algebra
of diffeomorphisms of the compactification manifold.
Such hierarchies of p-form fields, or “tensor hierarchies” as they have come to be known,
come in various forms including abelian, non-abelian, and gravitational hierarchies. The
simplest such hierarchy arises in any theory containing a p-form field (p > 0) on a product
spacetime X × Y : here the de Rham differential d → d
+ d
becomes a sum and the
p-form splits into a collection of p-forms on X valued in q-forms on Y . (In this case the
“hierarchy” structure is encoded in the ordinary de Rham complex on Y .)
In particular, any dimensional reduction of a theory containing a p-form field will give
rise to a tensor hierarchy of this type. In the typical situation, the p-form fields in question
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are generalizations of the 1-form field of Mawell theory: abelian gauge transformations
of such fields are exterior derivatives of (p − 1)-form gauge parameters and the exterior
derivative of such a potential is an invariant (p + 1)-form field-strength. The presence
of such abelian p-forms is typical in extended supergravity and higher-dimensional super-
gravity theories: these theories have additional spinor degrees of freedom arising from a
larger gravitino, and the additional spin-0 and spin-1 degrees of freedom of the “gravi-p-
forms” are needed to balance this without introducing more spin-2. Well-known examples
include the graviphoton (+ scalar) of 4D, N = 2 supergravity and the 3-form of eleven-
dimensional supergravity.
Gravitational tensor hierarchies arise naturally, then, in extended supergravity and
higher-dimensional supergravity theories on product manifolds. More generally, the back-
ground spacetime can have the structure of a non-trivial bundle over Y , in which case the
mixed components of the graviton become the Kaluza-Klein gauge field for the algebra of
diffeomorphisms on Y . The reduced components of the gravi-p-forms are charged under
this non-abelian gauge algebra: in addition to their usual abelian p-form transformation,
they transform as matter fields under Y diffeomorphisms.
The structure of the gravitational tensor hierarchy can be generalized by replacing the
collection of dimensionally reduced forms with a more general set not necessarily resulting
from any dimensional reduction. Maps between these new forms must be defined to replace
the de Rham differential. Provided this is done in a manner compatible with the de Rham
complex of forms on X, there results an abelian tensor hierarchy of forms on X with values
in this new complex.
Abstracting further, the algebra of diffeomorphisms on Y can then be replaced with
a general non-abelian gauge algebra provided a representation is assigned to each degree
in the new hierarchy. The action of this algebra should satisfy certain “equivariance”
conditions with respect to the de Rham differential on X and the maps of the p-form
hierarchy. These conditions can be interpreted as gauging the abelian hierarchy with
respect to the new non-abelian gauge algebra; such hierarchies are referred to as “non-
abelian tensor hierarchies”.
It is important to emphasize that the p-forms of the hierarchy
transform linearly under the non-abelian group. Despite the terminology, the non-abelian
aspect of the gauge structure is only that of the gauge field with the “tensors” transforming
as matter fields.
Motivated by applications to supergravity compactifications, the defining conditions
of such hierarchies were reformulated in [13] and interpreted as coming either from closure
of the algebra of abelian and non-abelian gauge transformations or from the requirement
that there exist enough gauge-covariant field-strengths. Assuming both of these conditions,
the resulting structure is that of a double chain complex that extends the superspace de
Rham complex and is equivariant under the action of the non-abelian gauge group. Being
a differential chain complex in superspace, such theories naturally define supersymmetric
characteristic classes, provided the appropriate traces are supplied. In particular, it is
The conditions defining such a general non-abelian tensor hierarchy were formulated in [8] in an attempt
to construct six-dimensional superconformally invariant gauge theories (see also [9, 10]). The mathematical
structure of these models was investigated further in [11, 12].
– 2 –
possible to define the analogs of Maxwell/Yang-Mills invariants, higher Chern/Pontryagin
classes, and Chern-Simons/BF -type invariants.
To better understand the four-dimensional phenomenology of such theories [4, 24, 56],
we first embedded the abelian [14] and later the non-abelian [13] tensor hierarchies into
flat, 4D, N = 1 superspace and explicitly constructed their manifestly supersymmetric
invariants. The field-strengths of such hierarchies satisfy their Bianchi identities identically
and can be used to construct the usual Maxwell-type actions. The superspace differential
operators involved in the Bianchi identities turn out to be the adjoints of those appearing
in the gauge transformations of the super-p-form potentials. Because of this, the potentials
and field-strengths can be used to construct a quadratic BF -type invariant. By an abuse
of language, we will refer to this as a quadratic Chern-Simons-type invariant for reasons
that will hopefully become clear if they are not already.
In order to construct cubic and higher-order Chern-Simons-like actions (including the
dimensional reductions of actual abelian Chern-Simons invariants), what is needed is a
set of composite superfields constructed from the field-strengths that satisfy the same con-
straints (i.e. Bianchi identities) as the field-strengths themselves. Such a construction of the
Chern-Simons terms suffices since the inhomogeneous part of the p-form transformations
is abelian. Finding this set of composite superfields and checking the constraints requires
considerable effort in the prepotential formulation since the constraints are not linear in
superspace derivatives. Indeed, it is not clear a priori that such a set of composites exists
even in the abelian version of the hierarchy. In the non-abelian case the required interplay
between hierarchy identities, gauge-covariant superspace D-algebra identities, and Bianchi
identities seems miraculous.
This work originated in the desire to understand this “miracle” and to obviate the
cumbersome calculus of the prepotential formalism by reinterpreting it in superspace
differential-geometric terms. In such a formulation, the field-strengths are specific Lorentz-
irreducible parts of super-(p+1)-forms [15]. The complicated Bianchi identities they satisfy
are relations “descendant” from the condition that the superforms be closed (or exact by
the Poincar´e lemma). Since the superspace de Rham operator is a graded derivation, the
wedge product of closed forms is closed and the miraculous cancellations of the prepo-
tential formalism would just be descendants of this trivial fact. Finally, it was imagined
that the Chern-Simons-like actions would simply be the integral of the (pullbacks of the)
higher-dimensional super-Chern-Simons form.
As it turns out, this interpretation is overly-simplistic for two reasons. The first is
that the closed superforms that define irreducible representations of the super-Poincar´e
algebra do not form a ring under multiplication: to get an irreducible supermultiplet from
a superform, many parts must be set to zero as conventional constraints (similarly to what
is done to the torsion in superspace supergravity theories). On the other hand, when two
lower-degree forms are wedged together they will generally give contributions violating
these conditions and ruin the picture sketched above. This problem can be circumvented
They are given explicitly in terms of off-shell “prepotential” superfields. Such a (finite) set of prepo-
tentials exists only because we have chosen to work in a superspace admitting no more than four real su-
– 3 –
by defining an improved form in the same cohomology class that satisfies the original
conditions on the irreducible superform.
The second complication is that the Chern-Simons action is defined by a form that
is not closed whereas the “ectoplasm” method used to construct supersymmetric actions
specifically requires the use of closed forms [20, 21]. Fortunately, it is known how to handle
this situation [16, 17]: in addition to the Chern-Simons form C constructed by wedging
superform potentials and field-strengths, one constructs a second, inequivalent form K that
is both manifestly gauge invariant and satisfies dK = dC. (That such a form exists is a
phenomenon called “Weil triviality” [19], cf. section 4.1.) This gives a closed superform
J = C − K which, in turn, defines the superspace completion of the component Chern-
Simons action by the ectoplasm procedure (cf. section 4).
Despite these complications to the na¨ıve geometrization of the prepotential hierarchy,
we will find that it is possible to give a recursive formula for the composite superfields
defining the Chern-Simons invariants of any non-abelian tensor hierachy of the type defined
in reference [13]. Furthermore, it is possible to solve these recursion relations to obtain all
of the superspace invariants explicitly. We demonstrate this in detail by reproducing the
cubic invariant found in [13] and deriving a new quartic invariant. The former was recently
used (in conjunction with a superspace Hitchin functional) to derive the scalar potential
of eleven-dimensional supergravity in backgrounds admitting a (not necessarily closed) G
structure [23]. The quartic invariant would be a main ingredient in a similar analysis for
seven-dimensional supergravity backgrounds [22].
Outline. We begin in section 2 with a review of the non-abelian tensor hierarchy in
the prepotential formulation and use this to describe the problem of constructing Chern-
Simons-like gauge-invariant superspace actions. This pre-geometrical description is refor-
mulated in terms of super-p-forms in section 3 where the composite superfields appearing
in the construction of the (secondary) characteristic classes are interpreted as products
of closed superforms. In section 4 we relate these composite superforms to supersymmet-
ric invariants by way of “ectoplasm”. This method takes as input a closed superform of
spacetime degree four and returns a chiral superspace integral. As mentioned above, the
product of closed irreducible superforms is not a closed irreducible superform. In sec-
tion 4.1, we construct a gauge-invariant composite superform with which we modify the
original composite superform to obtain a closed, irreducible, composite superform. Ap-
plying the ectoplasm method, this corrected composite form gives the Chern-Simons-like
superspace action. Since the construction is in terms of superforms, the result is manifestly
supersymmetric and gauge-invariant by the same logic as that for bosonic Chern-Simons
invariants. In section 5, we use this technology to derive and solve a recursion formula
for all Chern-Simons-like actions for any non-abelian tensor hierarchy. We summarize our
conclusions in section 6.
By “irreducible” we will always mean as a representation of the super-Poincar´e algebra. In particular,
a form can be both composite (i.e. constructed by wedging non-composite forms) and irreducible (i.e. it
satisfies the same constraints as the non-composite form of the same degree).
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- 粉丝: 8
- 资源: 965
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