function [h,yy,zz] = arrow(varargin)
% ARROW Draw a line with an arrowhead.
% ARROW(Start,Stop) draws a line with an arrow from Start to Stop (points
% should be vectors of length 2 or 3, or matrices with 2 or 3
% columns), and returns the graphics handle of the arrow(s).
% ARROW uses the mouse (click-drag) to create an arrow.
% ARROW DEMO & ARROW DEMO2 show 3-D & 2-D demos of the capabilities of ARROW.
% ARROW may be called with a normal argument list or a property-based list.
% ARROW(Start,Stop,Length,BaseAngle,TipAngle,Width,Page,CrossDir) is
% the full normal argument list, where all but the Start and Stop
% points are optional. If you need to specify a later argument (e.g.,
% Page) but want default values of earlier ones (e.g., TipAngle),
% pass an empty matrix for the earlier ones (e.g., TipAngle=[]).
% ARROW('Property1',PropVal1,'Property2',PropVal2,...) creates arrows with the
% given properties, using default values for any unspecified or given as
% 'default' or NaN. Some properties used for line and patch objects are
% used in a modified fashion, others are passed directly to LINE, PATCH,
% or SET. For a detailed properties explanation, call ARROW PROPERTIES.
% Start The starting points. B
% Stop The end points. /|\ ^
% Length Length of the arrowhead in pixels. /|||\ |
% BaseAngle Base angle in degrees (ADE). //|||\\ L|
% TipAngle Tip angle in degrees (ABC). ///|||\\\ e|
% Width Width of the base in pixels. ////|||\\\\ n|
% Page Use hardcopy proportions. /////|D|\\\\\ g|
% CrossDir Vector || to arrowhead plane. //// ||| \\\\ t|
% NormalDir Vector out of arrowhead plane. /// ||| \\\ h|
% Ends Which end has an arrowhead. //<----->|| \\ |
% ObjectHandles Vector of handles to update. / base ||| \ V
% E angle||<-------->C
% ARROW(H,'Prop1',PropVal1,...), where H is a |||tipangle
% vector of handles to previously-created arrows |||
% and/or line objects, will update the previously- |||
% created arrows according to the current view -->|A|<-- width
% and any specified properties, and will convert
% two-point line objects to corresponding arrows. ARROW(H) will update
% the arrows if the current view has changed. Root, figure, or axes
% handles included in H are replaced by all descendant Arrow objects.
% A property list can follow any specified normal argument list, e.g.,
% ARROW([1 2 3],[0 0 0],36,'BaseAngle',60) creates an arrow from (1,2,3) to
% the origin, with an arrowhead of length 36 pixels and 60-degree base angle.
% The basic arguments or properties can generally be vectorized to create
% multiple arrows with the same call. This is done by passing a property
% with one row per arrow, or, if all arrows are to have the same property
% value, just one row may be specified.
% You may want to execute AXIS(AXIS) before calling ARROW so it doesn't change
% the axes on you; ARROW determines the sizes of arrow components BEFORE the
% arrow is plotted, so if ARROW changes axis limits, arrows may be malformed.
% This version of ARROW uses features of MATLAB 6.x and is incompatible with
% earlier MATLAB versions (ARROW for MATLAB 4.2c is available separately);
% some problems with perspective plots still exist.
% Copyright (c)1995-2009, Dr. Erik A. Johnson <>, 5/20/2009
% Revision history:
% 5/20/09 EAJ Fix view direction in (3D) demo.
% 6/26/08 EAJ Replace eval('trycmd','catchcmd') with try, trycmd; catch,
% catchcmd; end; -- break's MATLAB 5 compatibility.
% 8/26/03 EAJ Eliminate OpenGL attempted fix since it didn't fix anyway.
% 11/15/02 EAJ Accomodate how MATLAB 6.5 handles NaN and logicals
% 7/28/02 EAJ Tried (but failed) work-around for MATLAB 6.x / OpenGL bug
% if zero 'Width' or not double-ended
% 11/10/99 EAJ Add logical() to eliminate zero index problem in MATLAB 5.3.
% 11/10/99 EAJ Corrected warning if axis limits changed on multiple axes.
% 11/10/99 EAJ Update e-mail address.
% 2/10/99 EAJ Some documentation updating.
% 2/24/98 EAJ Fixed bug if Start~=Stop but both colinear with viewpoint.
% 8/14/97 EAJ Added workaround for MATLAB 5.1 scalar logical transpose bug.
% 7/21/97 EAJ Fixed a few misc bugs.
% 7/14/97 EAJ Make arrow([],'Prop',...) do nothing (no old handles)
% 6/23/97 EAJ MATLAB 5 compatible version, release.
% 5/27/97 EAJ Added Line Arrows back in. Corrected a few bugs.
% 5/26/97 EAJ Changed missing Start/Stop to mouse-selected arrows.
% 5/19/97 EAJ MATLAB 5 compatible version, beta.
% 4/13/97 EAJ MATLAB 5 compatible version, alpha.
% 1/31/97 EAJ Fixed bug with multiple arrows and unspecified Z coords.
% 12/05/96 EAJ Fixed one more bug with log plots and NormalDir specified
% 10/24/96 EAJ Fixed bug with log plots and NormalDir specified
% 11/13/95 EAJ Corrected handling for 'reverse' axis directions
% 10/06/95 EAJ Corrected occasional conflict with SUBPLOT
% 4/24/95 EAJ A major rewrite.
% Fall 94 EAJ Original code.
% Things to be done:
% - in the arrow_clicks section, prompt by printing to the screen so that
% the user knows what's going on; also make sure the figure is brought
% to the front.
% - segment parsing, computing, and plotting into separate subfunctions
% - change computing from Xform to Camera paradigms
% + this will help especially with 3-D perspective plots
% + if the WarpToFill section works right, remove warning code
% + when perpsective works properly, remove perspective warning code
% - add cell property values and struct property name/values (like get/set)
% - get rid of NaN as the "default" data label
% + perhaps change userdata to a struct and don't include (or leave
% empty) the values specified as default; or use a cell containing
% an empty matrix for a default value
% - add functionality of GET to retrieve current values of ARROW properties
% Many thanks to Keith Rogers <> for his many excellent
% suggestions and beta testing. Check out his shareware package MATDRAW
% (at -- he has
% permission to distribute ARROW with MATDRAW.
% Permission is granted to distribute ARROW with the toolboxes for the book
% "Solving Solid Mechanics Problems with MATLAB 5", by F. Golnaraghi et al.
% (Prentice Hall, 1999).
% Permission is granted to Dr. Josef Bigun to distribute ARROW with his
% software to reproduce the figures in his image analysis text.
% global variable initialization
if isempty(ARROW_PERSP_WARN ), ARROW_PERSP_WARN =1; end;
% Handle callbacks
if (nargin>0 & isstr(varargin{1}) & strcmp(lower(varargin{1}),'callback')),
arrow_callback(varargin{2:end}); return;
% Are we doing the demo?
c = sprintf('\n');
if (nargin==1 & isstr(varargin{1})),
arg1 = lower(varargin{1});
if strncmp(arg1,'prop',4), arrow_props;
elseif strncmp(arg1,'demo',4)
clf reset
demo_info = arrow_demo;
if ~strncmp(arg1,'demo2',5),
if (nargout>=1), h=hh; end;
elseif strncmp(arg1,'fixlimits',3),
elseif strncmp(arg1,'help',4),
error([upper(mfilename) ' got an
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需积分: 5 0 下载量 38 浏览量
收藏 97KB RAR 举报
基于MATLAB的高等数学问题求解源程序文件 (123个子文件)
arrow.m 54KB
SpecialMatrix.m 7KB
Equ_iter.m 4KB
drawvec.m 3KB
plotxy.m 3KB
print_matrix.m 3KB
quadric.m 2KB
sym_poly.m 2KB
Cauchy.m 2KB
Gauss_legendre.m 2KB
Concavity.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
reshapefile.m 2KB
GraphicArea.m 2KB
LHospital.m 2KB
SolidVolume.m 2KB
TangentNormPlane.m 2KB
Asymptote.m 2KB
fouriern.m 2KB
standard_axes.m 2KB
Monotonicity.m 2KB
ComplexQuad.m 2KB
Gauss_demo.m 2KB
Newtons.m 2KB
BreakPoint.m 1KB
bisect.m 1KB
PartialDerivative.m 1KB
newton.m 1KB
DerivativeDefinition.m 1KB
int_geo.m 1KB
Least_square.m 1KB
fseries.m 1KB
Revsurf.m 1KB
PositiveIermSeries.m 1KB
HomogenDE.m 1KB
hanoi.m 1KB
TangentPlaneNormLine.m 1KB
example02_08.m 1KB
Evolute_Draw.m 1KB
LinearEqs.m 1KB
ReduceDE1.m 1KB
bisect_demo.m 1KB
mat_add.m 1KB
newton_demo.m 1KB
limit_definition.m 1KB
Rolle.m 1KB
ArcLength.m 1KB
max_min.m 1KB
ztrans_define.m 1KB
Classical_RK4s.m 1KB
quad_inf.m 1KB
Extremum2.m 1KB
Classical_RK4.m 1KB
Laplace_Define.m 1KB
example02_06.m 1012B
fseriesquadl.m 1012B
mtaylor.m 992B
diff_ctr.m 985B
surface_para.m 974B
nlshoot.m 962B
ArcCurveInt.m 945B
cylinder1.m 943B
IntermediateTheorem.m 940B
summation.m 916B
lineshoot.m 910B
example02_07.m 903B
LU_Equ.m 899B
PlaneEquation.m 897B
Extremum.m 883B
LimitSeries.m 859B
SeparableVarsDE.m 852B
diff_para.m 836B
Lagrange.m 835B
example02_10.m 816B
projection.m 813B
Gauss.m 803B
Explicit_Euler.m 802B
example02_04.m 795B
FunContinuity.m 760B
fseriessym.m 746B
logn.m 729B
InterpolatoryQuad.m 721B
taylor_diff.m 717B
dbldefinition.m 716B
Direction_Cosine.m 712B
Direction_Cosine.m 712B
Distance.m 704B
CoordinateCurveInt.m 654B
DirectionalDerivative.m 648B
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