Eicient Deep Learning: A Survey on Making Deep Learning
Models Smaller, Faster, and Beer
Deep Learning has revolutionized the elds of computer vision, natural language understanding, speech recog-
nition, information retrieval and more. However, with the progressive improvements in deep learning models,
their number of parameters, latency, resources required to train, etc. have all have increased signicantly.
Consequently, it has become important to pay attention to these footprint metrics of a model as well, not just
its quality. We present and motivate the problem of eciency in deep learning, followed by a thorough survey
of the ve core areas of model eciency (spanning modeling techniques, infrastructure, and hardware) and the
seminal work there. We also present an experiment-based guide along with code, for practitioners to optimize
their model training and deployment. We believe this is the rst comprehensive survey in the ecient deep
learning space that covers the landscape of model eciency from modeling techniques to hardware support.
Our hope is that this survey would provide the reader with the mental model and the necessary understanding
of the eld to apply generic eciency techniques to immediately get signicant improvements, and also equip
them with ideas for further research and experimentation to achieve additional gains.
ACM Reference Format:
Gaurav Menghani. 2021. Ecient Deep Learning: A Survey on Making Deep Learning Models Smaller, Faster,
and Better. 1, 1 (June 2021), 43 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn
Deep Learning with neural networks has been the dominant methodology of training new machine
learning models for the past decade. Its rise to prominence is often attributed to the ImageNet
competition [
] in 2012. That year, a University of Toronto team submitted a deep convolutional
network (AlexNet [
], named after the lead developer Alex Krizhevsky), performed 41% better
than the next best submission. As a result of this trailblazing work, there was a race to create
deeper networks with an ever increasing number of parameters and complexity. Several model
architectures such as VGGNet [
], Inception [
], ResNet [
] etc. successively beat previous
records at ImageNet competitions in the subsequent years, while also increasing in their footprint
(model size, latency, etc.)
This eect has also been noted in natural language understanding (NLU), where the Transformer
] architecture based on primarily Attention layers, spurred the development of general purpose
language encoders like BERT [
], GPT-3 [
], etc. BERT specically beat 11 NLU benchmarks
when it was published. GPT-3 has also been used in several places in the industry via its API. The
common aspect amongst these domains is the rapid growth in the model footprint (Refer to Figure
1), and the cost associated with training and deploying them.
Since deep learning research has been focused on improving the state of the art, progressive
improvements on benchmarks like image classication, text classication, etc. have been correlated
with an increase in the network complexity, number of parameters, the amount of training resources
Author’s address: Gaurav Menghani, gmenghani@google.com, Google Research, Mountain View, California, USA, 95054.
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, Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: June 2021.
arXiv:2106.08962v1 [cs.LG] 16 Jun 2021