# Dynamic-Modelling-Simulation-and-Control-of-Asymmetrical-VTOL-Multi-Rotor-UAVs
The basic framework of this investigative project is set around the design and development of control software for Vertical/Short Take-off and Landing (VSTOL) model aircraft. From this theme, the aims of modelling and simulating the non-linear dynamics of an asymmetrical VTOL multi-rotor platform and the development of multiple control schemes, such as Proportional Integral Derivative, Linear Quadratic Gaussian and Model Predictive control algorithms, were derived. These control schemes will then be implemented on the modelled multi-rotor platform via an embedded microprocessor unit.
- 粉丝: 4w+
- 资源: 1万+
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- 基于java的银行管理系统的设计和实现.docx
- 基于java的员工信息管理系统的设计和实现.docx
- 基于java的在线装修管理系统的设计和实现.docx
- 基于java的员工健康管理系统的设计和实现.docx
- 基于混合A*算法的泊车路过规划 本模型使用MATLAB编写的基于混合A*算法的自动泊车路径规划 功能如下: 1、实现垂直泊车(倒车入库); 2、实现平行泊车; 3、倾斜60°的泊车; 4、实现考虑车
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- kds_gphone.apk
- touch fish.....轮询或实时抓取大盘指数、基金、股票的数据,并推送至钉钉.zip
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- 基于java的毕业就业信息管理系统的设计和实现.docx
- 基于java的车辆管理系统的设计和实现.docx
- 基于java的毕业生实习与就业管理系统的设计和实现.docx
- 基于java的大学生科创项目在线管理系统的设计和实现.docx
- 基于java的宠物商城网站的设计和实现.docx