# VANET-Simulation-in-MATLAB
Originally reactive protocols were not design for the characteristic of highly mobility during route discovery. Due to dynamically modification to the VANET this changes very often due to breakdown which causing excessive broadcasting and flooding the entire network in order for new routes to be discovered. In additional, the initial of routing need some time and this latency can easily change everything. Due to these reasons, the typical reactive protocols, in their current format, do not totally appropriate for time critical applications such as cooperative collision avoidance (CCA). The Cooperative Collision Avoidance is an important class of safety applications in VANETs, which aims at offering earlier warning to drivers using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication [13].
Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) is an reactive routing protocolwhich capable of both unicast and multicast. In AODV, like all reactive protocols,topology information is only transmitted by nodes on-demand. When source hassomething to send then initially it propagates RREQ message which is forwarded byintermediate node until destination is reached. A route reply message is unicastedback to the source if the receiver is either the node using the requested address, or ithas a valid route to the requested address.
This repository provides a MATLAB simulaiton of VANET enviornment and rsults comparison in terms of throughput, packet drop ratio etc. More information can be reached at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QeSYOgJo9s&t=32s
本来反应式协议并不是针对路由发现过程中高机动性的特点而设计的。由于对 VANET 的动态修改,这种变化经常由于故障导致过度广播和淹没整个网络以便发现新路线。此外,路由的初始需要一些时间,这种延迟很容易改变一切。由于这些原因,典型的反应式协议,以其当前的格式,并不完全适合时间关键的应用程序,例如合作冲突避免 (CCA)。协同防撞是 VANET 中一类重要的安全应用,旨在通过车对车 (V2V) 通信 [13] 向驾驶员提供早期警告。Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) 是一种反应式路由协议,能够进行单播和组播。在 AODV 中,与所有反应式协议一样,拓扑信息仅由节点按需传输。当源有东西要发送时,它最初传播 RREQ 消息,该消息由中间节点转发,直到到达目的地。如果接收者是使用所请求地址的节点,或者它具有到所请求地址的有效路由,则路由回复消息将单播回源。

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