% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm (COA) by Ramin Rajabioun %
% Programmed by Ramin Rajabioun %
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% Paper: R. Rajabioun. Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm, Applied Soft
% Computing 11 (2011) 5508?5518
% ----------------------------------------------------------------%
% This program implements a standard version of Cuckoo %
% Optimization Algorithm (COA) which minimizes any Cost Function %
% To use the code easily prepare your cost function and type its %
% name in: costFunction = 'YourCostFunctionName', then set number %
% of optimization parameters in "npar" and set the upper and lower%
% bands of the problem %
% --------------------------------------------------------------- %
clc, clear, close all
global input output numOfNeurons NumofInputs
%% Set problem parameters
% select a cost function:
costFunction = 'ANN_Cost';
input = (-6:0.5:6)';
output = sin(input+eps)./(input+eps);
%% ANN Structure
numOfNeurons = 3;
NumofInputs = 1;
npar = (NumofInputs+1) * numOfNeurons + (numOfNeurons+1); % Number of Optimization Parameters
varLo = -20; % Lower band of parameter
varHi = 20; % Higher band of parameter
%% Set COA parameters
numCuckooS = 5; % number of initial population
minNumberOfEggs = 2; % minimum number of eggs for each cuckoo
maxNumberOfEggs = 4; % maximum number of eggs for each cuckoo
maxIter = 200; % maximum iterations of the Cuckoo Algorithm
knnClusterNum = 1; % number of clusters that we want to make
motionCoeff = 20; % Lambda variable in COA paper, default=2
accuracy = 0e-10; % How much accuracy in answer is needed
maxNumOfCuckoos = 20; % maximum number of cuckoos that can live at the same time
radiusCoeff = 0.05; % Control parameter of egg laying
cuckooPopVariance = 1e-10; % population variance that cuts the optimization
%% initialize population:
cuckooPop = cell(numCuckooS,1);
% initialize egg laying center for each cuckoo
for cuckooNumber = 1:numCuckooS
cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.center = ( varHi-varLo )*rand(1,npar) + varLo;
%% Start Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm
iteration = 0;
maxProfit = -1e20; % Let initial value be negative number
goalPoint = (varHi - varLo)*rand(1,npar) + varLo; % a random goalpoint to start COA
globalBestCuckoo = goalPoint;
globalMaxProfit = maxProfit;
profitVector = [];
while ( (iteration <= maxIter) && (-maxProfit > accuracy) )
iteration = iteration + 1
% initialize number of eggs for each cuckoo
for cuckooNumber = 1:numCuckooS
cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.numberOfEggs = floor( (maxNumberOfEggs - minNumberOfEggs) * rand + minNumberOfEggs );
% get total number of available eggs between all cuckooS
summ = 0;
for cuckooNumber = 1:numCuckooS
summ = summ + cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.numberOfEggs;
% calculate egg laying radius for each Cuckoo, considering problem
% limitations and ratio of each cuckoo's eggs
for cuckooNumber = 1:numCuckooS
cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.eggLayingRadius = cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.numberOfEggs/summ * ( radiusCoeff * (varHi-varLo) );
% To lay eggs, we produced some radius values less than egg laying
% radius of each cuckoo
for cuckooNumber = 1:numCuckooS
cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.eggLayingRadiuses = cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.eggLayingRadius * rand(cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.numberOfEggs,1);
for cuckooNumber = 1:numCuckooS
params = cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.center; % get center values
tmpRadiuses = cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.eggLayingRadiuses;
numRadiuses = numel(tmpRadiuses);
% divide a (hyper)circle to 'numRadiuses' segments
% This is to search all over the current habitat
angles = linspace(0,2*pi,numRadiuses); % in Radians
newParams = [];
for cnt = 1:numRadiuses
addingValue = zeros(1,npar);
for iii = 1:npar
randNum = floor(2*rand)+1;
addingValue(iii) = (-1)^randNum * tmpRadiuses(cnt)*cos(angles(cnt)) + tmpRadiuses(cnt)*sin(angles(cnt));
newParams = [newParams; params + addingValue ];
% check for variable limits
newParams(find(newParams>varHi)) = varHi;
newParams(find(newParams<varLo)) = varLo;
cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.newPosition4Egg = newParams;
% Now egg laying is done
% Now that egg positions are found, they are laid, and so its time to
% remove the eggs on the same positions (because each egg only can go to one nest)
for cuckooNumber = 1:numCuckooS
tmpPopulation = cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.newPosition4Egg;
tmpPopulation = floor(tmpPopulation * 1e4)/1e4;
ii = 2;
cntt = 1;
while ii <= size(tmpPopulation,1) || cntt <= size(tmpPopulation,1)
if all((tmpPopulation(cntt,:) == tmpPopulation(ii,:)))
tmpPopulation(ii,:) = [];
ii = ii + 1;
if ii > size(tmpPopulation,1) && cntt <= size(tmpPopulation,1)
cntt = cntt + 1;
ii = cntt + 1;
if ii > size(tmpPopulation,1)
cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.newPosition4Egg = tmpPopulation;
% Now we evalute egg positions
for cuckooNumber = 1:numCuckooS
cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.profitValues = -feval(costFunction,[cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.center ; cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.newPosition4Egg]);
% Now we check to see if cuckoo population is more than maxNumOfCuckoos
% this case we should keep 1st maxNumOfCuckoos cuckoos and kill the others
allPositions = [];
whichCuckooPopTheEggBelongs = [];
tmpProfits = [];
if numCuckooS > maxNumOfCuckoos
for cuckooNumber = 1:numCuckooS
tmpProfits = [tmpProfits; cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.profitValues];
allPositions = [allPositions; [cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.center; cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.newPosition4Egg(:,1:npar)]];
whichCuckooPopTheEggBelongs = [whichCuckooPopTheEggBelongs; cuckooNumber*ones(size(cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.newPosition4Egg(:,1:npar),1),1) ];
% now we sort cuckoo profits
[sortedProfits, sortingIndex] = sort(tmpProfits,'descend');
% Get best cuckoo to be copied to next generation
bestCuckooCenter = allPositions(sortingIndex(1),1:npar);
sortedProfits = sortedProfits(1:maxNumOfCuckoos);
allPositions = allPositions(sortingIndex(1:maxNumOfCuckoos),:);
clear cuckooPop
for ii = 1:maxNumOfCuckoos
cuckooPop{ii}.newPosition4Egg = allPositions(ii,:);
cuckooPop{ii}.center = allPositions(ii,:);
cuckooPop{ii}.profitValues = sortedProfits(ii);
numCuckooS = maxNumOfCuckoos;
for cuckooNumber = 1:numCuckooS
tmpProfits = [tmpProfits; cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.profitValues];
allPositions = [allPositions; [cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.center; cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.newPosition4Egg(:,1:npar)] ];
whichCuckooPopTheEggBelongs = [whichCuckooPopTheEggBelongs; cuckooNumber*ones(size(cuckooPop{cuckooNumber}.newPosition4Egg(:,1:npar),1),1) ];
[sortedProfits, sortingIndex] = sort(tmpProfits,'descend');
% Get best cuckoo to be copied to next generation
bestCuckooCenter = allPosi