Recently, Ranftl et al. [1] proposed a three-step approach
to procure dense 3D reconstruction of a general dynamic
scene using two consecutive perspective frames. Concretely,
it performs object-level motion segmentation followed by
per-object 3D reconstruction and finally solves for scale
ambiguity. We know that in a general dynamic setting, the
task of densely segmenting rigidly moving objects or part
is not trivial. Consequently, inferring motion models for
deforming shapes becomes very challenging. Furthermore,
the success of object-level segmentation builds upon the
assumption of multiple rigid motions, fails to describe more
general scenarios such as “when the objects themselves
are deforming”. Subsequently, 3D reconstruction algorithms
dependent on motion segmentation of objects suffer.
Motivated by such limitations, we propose a unified
approach that neither performs any object-level motion
segmentation nor assumes any prior knowledge about the
scene rigidity type and still able to recover scale consistent
dense reconstruction of a complex dynamic scene. Our for-
mulation instinctively encapsulates the solution to inherent
scale ambiguity in perspective structure from motion which
is a very challenging problem in general. We show that
by using two prior assumptions —about the 3D scene and
the deformation, we can effectively pin down the unknown
relative scales, and obtain a globally consistent dense 3D
reconstruction of a dynamic scene from its two perspective
views. The two basic assumptions we used about the dy-
namic scene are:
1) The dynamic scene can be approximated by a collection
of piecewise planar surfaces each having its own rigid
2) The deformation of the scene between two frames is
locally-rigid but globally as-rigid-as-possible.
• Piece-wise planar model: Our method models a dynamic
scene as a collection of piece-wise planar regions. Given two
perspective images I (reference image), I
(next image) of
a general dynamic scene, our method first over-segment
the reference image into superpixels. This collection of
superpixels are assumed approximation of the dynamic
scene in the projective space. It can be argued that mod-
eling dynamic scene per pixel can be more compelling,
however, modeling of a scene using planar regions makes
this problem computationally tractable for optimization
or inference [25], [26].
• Locally-rigid and globally as-rigid-as-possible: We implicitly
assume that each local plane undergoes a rigid motion.
Suppose every individual superpixel corresponds to a
small planar patch moving rigidly in 3D space and dense
optical flow between frame is given, we can estimate its
location in 3D using rigid reconstruction pipeline [8], [27].
Since the relative scale of these patches is not determined
correctly, they are floating in 3D space as a set of un-
organized superpixel soup. Under the assumption that
the change between the frame is not too arbitrary rather
regular or smooth, the scene can be assumed to be chang-
ing as rigid as possible globally. Using this intuition, our
method starts finding for each superpixel an appropriate
scale, under which the entire set of superpixels can be
assembled (glued) together coherently, forming a piece-
wise smooth surface, as if playing the game of “3D jig-
Fig. 2: Reconstructing a 3D surface from a soup of un-scaled superpixels via
solving a 3D Superpixel Jigsaw puzzle problem.
saw puzzle”. Hence, we call our method the “SuperPixel
Soup” algorithm (see Fig. 2 for a conceptual visualization).
In this paper, we show that our aforementioned assump-
tions can faithfully model most of the real-world dynamic
scenarios. Furthermore, we encapsulate these assumptions
in a simple optimization problem which are solved using a
combination of continuous and discrete optimization algo-
rithms [28], [29], [30]. We demonstrate the benefit of our
approach on available benchmark dataset such as KITTI
[31], MPI Sintel [24] and Virtual KITTI [32]. The statistical
comparison shows that our algorithm outperforms many
available state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin.
The solution to SfM has undergone prodigious development
since its inception [2]. Even after such a remarkable devel-
opment in this field, the choice of algorithm depends on the
complexity of the object motion and the environment. In this
work, we utilize the idea of rigidity (locally) to solve dense
reconstruction of a general dynamic scene. The concept of
rigidity is not new in structure from motion problem [2]
[33] and has been effectively applied as a global constraint
to solve large scale reconstruction problem [18]. The idea of
global rigidity to solve structure and motion has also been
exploited to solve reconstruction over multiple frames via a
factorization approach [10].
The literature on structure from motion and its treatment
to different scenarios is very extensive. Consequently, for
brevity, we only discuss the previous works that are of direct
relevance to dynamic 3D reconstruction from monocular
images. The linear low-rank model has been used for dense
non-rigid reconstruction. Kumar et al. [34], [35] and Garg et
al. [36] solved the task with an orthographic camera model
assuming feature matches across multiple frames is given as
input. Fayad et al. [37] recovered deformable surfaces with
a quadratic approximation, again from multiple frames.
Taylor et al. [38] proposed a piecewise rigid solution using
locally-rigid SfM to reconstruct a soup of rigid triangles.
While Taylor et al. [38] method is conceptually similar to
ours, there are major differences:
1) We achieve two-view dense reconstruction while [38]
relies on multiple views (N ≥ 4).
2) We use perspective camera model while they rely on an
orthographic camera model.
3) We solve the scale-indeterminacy issue, which is an
inherent ambiguity for 3D reconstruction under per-
spective projection, while Taylor et al. [38] method does
not suffer from this, at the cost of being restricted to the
orthographic camera model.
Recently, Russel et al. [39] and Ranftl et al. [1] used object-
level segmentation for dense dynamic 3D reconstruction. In