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SAP HANA Developer Quick Start Guide For SAP HANA XS Classic Model SAP HANA Platform 2.0 SPS 00 Document Version: 1.0 – 2016-11-30 from: https://help.sap.com/doc/364de745e9344f799348925eb354913d/2.0.00/en-us/sap_hana_developer_quick_start_guide_en.pdf The SAP HANA developer guides present a developer’s view of SAP HANA®. The SAP HANA developer guides explain not only how to use the SAP HANA development tools to create comprehensive analytical models but also how to build applications with SAP HANA's programmatic interfaces and integrated development environment. The information in this guide focuses on the development of native code that runs inside SAP HANA.

SAP HANA Platform 2.0 SPS 00
Document Version: 1.0 – 2016-11-30
SAP HANA Developer Quick Start Guide
For SAP HANA XS Classic Model

1 Introduction to SAP HANA Development..........................................5
1.1 SAP HANA Architecture........................................................6
SAP HANA In-Memory Database................................................7
SAP HANA Database Architecture.............................................. 9
SAP HANA Extended Application Services........................................10
SAP HANA-Based Applications................................................13
1.2 Developer Information Map.....................................................13
SAP HANA Developer Information by Guide.......................................16
SAP HANA Developer Information by Task....................................... 20
SAP HANA Developer Information by Scenario.....................................22
1.3 Developer Scenarios..........................................................25
Developing Native SAP HANA Applications....................................... 27
Developing Non-Native SAP HANA Applications....................................32
2 Getting Started............................................................ 36
2.1 Prerequisites...............................................................37
2.2 Tutorials.................................................................. 37
Tutorial: My First SAP HANA Application.........................................38
Tutorial: Use the SAP HANA OData Interface......................................56
3 Setting Up Your Application...................................................60
3.1 Roles and Permissions for XS Development..........................................61
3.2 Using SAP HANA Projects......................................................63
Maintain a Repository Workspace..............................................65
Create a Project for SAP HANA XS.............................................66
Share an SAP HANA XS Project............................................... 68
Import an SAP HANA XS Project...............................................69
3.3 Creating the Application Descriptors...............................................71
Create an Application Descriptor File............................................72
Enable Access to SAP HANA XS Application Packages...............................73
Create an SAP HANA XS Application Privileges File..................................76
3.4 Maintaining Application Security.................................................79
Set up Application Security.................................................. 80
Set up Application Authentication..............................................81
4 Setting up the Data Persistence Model in SAP HANA................................85
4.1 Creating the Persistence Model in Core Data Services..................................87
Tutorial: Get Started with CDS................................................88
SAP HANA Developer Quick Start Guide

Create a CDS Document.................................................... 92
Import Data with CDS Table-Import............................................ 96
4.2 Creating the Persistence Model with HDBTable.......................................99
Create a Schema.........................................................101
Create a Table...........................................................103
Create an SQL View.......................................................105
Create a Sequence........................................................106
Import Data with hdbtable Table-Import........................................ 108
5 Developing Procedures......................................................112
5.1 SQLScript Security Considerations...............................................114
5.2 Define and Use Table Types in Procedures..........................................116
5.3 Tutorial: Create an SQLScript Procedure that Uses Imperative Logic.......................118
5.4 Tutorial: Create a Scalar User-Defined Function......................................123
5.5 Tutorial: Create a Table User-Defined Function...................................... 127
6 Defining Web-based Data Access..............................................133
6.1 Data Access with OData in SAP HANA XS..........................................133
OData in SAP HANA XS.................................................... 134
Define the Data an OData Service Exposes.......................................135
Create an OData Service Definition............................................ 135
Tutorial: Use the SAP HANA OData Interface..................................... 137
6.2 Data Access with XMLA in SAP HANA XS...........................................141
XML for Analysis (XMLA)....................................................141
Define the Data an XMLA Service Exposes.......................................142
Create an XMLA Service Definition.............................................143
Tutorial: Use the SAP HANA XMLA Interface......................................145
7 Writing Server-Side JavaScript Code...........................................148
7.1 Data Access with JavaScript in SAP HANA XS.......................................148
Tutorial: Write Server-Side JavaScript Application Code.............................148
Tutorial: Use the XSJS Outbound API...........................................155
Tutorial: Schedule an XS Job.................................................159
Tutorial: Call an XS Procedure with Table-Value Arguments...........................162
Tutorial: Query a CDS Entity using XS Data Services................................164
Tutorial: Update a CDS Entity Using XS Data Services...............................169
8 Building User Interfaces with SAPUI5 for SAP HANA............................... 172
8.1 Consuming Data and Services with SAPUI5 for SAP HANA..............................172
Tutorial: Create a Hello-World SAP UI5 Application.................................174
Tutorial: Consume an XSJS Service from SAPUI5..................................178
Tutorial: Consume an OData Service from SAPUI5................................. 183
Tutorial: Consume an OData Service with the CREATE Option......................... 191
SAP HANA Developer Quick Start Guide
P U B L I C 3

9 Setting Up Roles and Privileges............................................... 199
9.1 The Authorization Model......................................................200
9.2 Create a Design-Time Role.....................................................201
Role Domain-Specific Language Syntax.........................................208
9.3 Grant Privileges to Users in the SAP HANA Studio....................................213
Prerequisites for Granting and Revoking Privileges and Roles..........................214
10 SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management....................................216
10.1 Maintaining Delivery Units.....................................................218
10.2 Create a Delivery Unit........................................................220
SAP HANA Delivery Units...................................................221
SAP HANA Delivery Unit Naming Conventions....................................222
10.3 Assign Packages to a Delivery Unit...............................................223
10.4 Export a Delivery Unit........................................................224
10.5 Import a Delivery Unit........................................................226
11 Important Disclaimer for Features in SAP HANA Platform, Options and Capabilities.......228
SAP HANA Developer Quick Start Guide

1 Introduction to SAP HANA Development
The SAP HANA developer guides present a developer’s view of SAP HANA®.
The SAP HANA developer guides explain not only how to use the SAP HANA development tools to create
comprehensive analytical models but also how to build applications with SAP HANA's programmatic
interfaces and integrated development environment. The information in this guide focuses on the
development of native code that runs inside SAP HANA.
This guide is organized as follows:
● Introduction and overview
○ SAP HANA architecture
Describes the basic capabilities and architecture of SAP HANA
○ SAP HANA developer information map
Information in graphical and textual form that is designed to help you navigate the library of
information currently available for SAP HANA developers and find the information you need quickly
and easily. The information provided enables access from different perspectives, for example: by SAP
HANA guide, by development scenario, or by development task
○ SAP HANA development scenarios
Describes the main developer scenarios for which you can use SAP HANA to develop applications. The
information focuses on native development scenarios, for example, applications based on SAP HANA
XS JavaScript and XS OData services, but also provides a brief overview of the development of non-
native applactions (for example, using JDBC, ODBC, or ODBO connections to SAP HANA).
● Getting started
A collection of tutorials which are designed to demonstrate how to build a simple SAP HANA-based
application quickly and easily, including how to use the SAP HANA studio tools and work with the SAP
HANA repository
● The development process
Most of the remaining chapters use tasks and tutorials to explain how to develop the SAP HANA
development objects that you can include in your SAP HANA application. Where appropriate, you can also
find background information which explains the context of the task and reference information that
provides the detail you need to adapt the task-based information to suit the requirements of your
application enviroment.
Some of the tutorials in this guide refer to models that are included in the demonstration content provided
with the SAP HANA Interactive Education (SHINE) delivery unit (DU). The SHINE DU is available for
download in the SAP Software Download Center.
Access to the SAP Software Download Center is only available to SAP customers and requires logon
SAP HANA Developer Quick Start Guide
Introduction to SAP HANA Development
P U B L I C 5

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- Matlab实现DBO-SVM蜣螂算法优化支持向量机的数据分类预测(含模型描述及示例代码)
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- Matlab实现FA-SVM萤火虫算法优化支持向量机的多变量输入数据分类预测(含模型描述及示例代码)
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- MATLAB实现GWO-DHKELM基于灰狼算法优化深度混合核极限学习机的数据回归预测(含模型描述及示例代码)
- Matlab实现HPO-GRU基于猎食者优化算法优化门控循环单元的数据分类预测(含模型描述及示例代码)
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