//以下函数能将小于十万亿元的小写金额转换为大写//作者 方小庆(inrm@263.net)Function NtoC(n0 :real) :String; Function IIF(b :boolean; s1,s2:string):string; begin {本函数在VFP和VB均为系统内部函数} if b then IIF:=s1 else IIF:=s2; end; Const c = ‘零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖◇分角圆拾佰仟万拾佰仟亿拾佰仟万‘; var L,i,n, code :integer; Z :boolean; s, st,st1 :string;begin s :=FormatFloat(‘0.00‘,n0); L :=Length(s); Z :=n0<1; For i:= 1 To L-3 do begin Val(Copy(s, L-i-2, 1), n, code); st:=IIf( (n=0) And (Z Or (i=9) Or (i=5) Or (i=1)), ‘‘, Copy(c, n*2+1, 2)) + IIf((n=0) And ((i<>9) And (i<>5) And (i<>1) Or Z And (i=1)), ‘‘, Copy(c, (i+13)*2-1, 2)) + st; Z := (n=0); end; Z := False; For i:= 1 To 2 do begin Val(Copy(s, L-i+1, 1), n, code); st1:=IIf((n=0) And ((i=1) Or (i=2) And (Z Or (n0<1))), ‘‘, Copy(c, n*2+1, 2)) + IIf((n>0), Copy(c,(i+11)*2-1, 2), IIf((i=2) Or Z, ‘‘, ‘整‘)) + st1; Z := (n=0); end; For i :=1 To Length(st) do If Copy(st, i, 4) = ‘亿万‘ Then Delete(st,i+2,2); NtoC := IIf(n0 = 0, ‘零‘, st+st1);End;
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