Notation used in this text document:
f: Fundamanetal output frequency of the inverter.
m: Modulation index wrt the input DC bus voltage
The Simulink models control a two level inverter using SHEPWM. Sine triangle PWM has also been used on a separate inverter for THD comparison. Description:
1. SHEPWM_2lvl_3ph_3ang.slx: This model controls a two level inverter using SHEPWM, with 3 angles per fundamental frequency quarter cycle.
This effectively gives a switching frequency 6*f. Therefore, sine triangle PWM with carrier frequency 6*f is used for comparison. The model
has a preload function, that computes the SHEPWM angles for modultion indices ranging from 0:1.15, in steps of 0.01. It uses Newton Raphson
method to compute the angles.
2. SHEPWM_2lvl_3ph_5ang.slx: This model controls a two level inverter using SHEPWM, with 5 angles per fundamental frequency quarter cycle.
This effectively gives a switching frequency 10*f. Therefore, sine triangle PWM with carrier frequency 10*f is used for comparison. The model
has a preload function, that computes the SHEPWM angles for modultion indices ranging from 0:1.15, in steps of 0.01. It uses Newton Raphson
method to compute the angles.
Please note that the angles at very low modulation index are incorrect (m<0.01), so do not give too low value of m.
3. SHEPWM_2lvl_3ph_7ang.slx: This model controls a two level inverter using SHEPWM, with 7 angles per fundamental frequency quarter cycle.
This effectively gives a switching frequency 14*f. Therefore, sine triangle PWM with carrier frequency 14*f is used for comparison. The model
has a preload function, that computes the SHEPWM angles for modultion indices ranging from 0:1.15, in steps of 0.01. It uses Newton Raphson
method to compute the angles.
Please note that the angles at very low modulation index are incorrect (m<0.01), so do not give too low value of m.
The preload functions of the above models have included separately as .m files as well. They are described below:
1. SHEPWM_3ph2lvl_3ang.m: SHEPWM angle computation for two level inverter with 3 angles per quarter cycle, using Newton Raphson method.
2. SHEPWM_3ph2lvl_5ang.m: SHEPWM angle computation for two level inverter with 5 angles per quarter cycle, using Newton Raphson method.
Angles computed are incorrect for m<0.01.
3. SHEPWM_3ph2lvl_7ang.m: SHEPWM angle computation for two level inverter with 7 angles per quarter cycle, using Newton Raphson method.
Angles computed are incorrect for m<0.01.

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