# Cube SLAM #
This code contains two mode:
1) object SLAM integrated with ORB SLAM. See ```orb_object_slam``` Online SLAM with ros bag input. It reads the offline detected 3D object.
2) Basic implementation for Cube only SLAM. See ```object_slam``` Given RGB and 2D object detection, the algorithm detects 3D cuboids from each frame then formulate an object SLAM to optimize both camera pose and cuboid poses. is main package. ```detect_3d_cuboid``` is the C++ version of single image cuboid detection, corresponding to a [matlab version](https://github.com/shichaoy/matlab_cuboid_detect).
**Authors:** [Shichao Yang](https://shichaoy.github.io./)
**Related Paper:**
* **CubeSLAM: Monocular 3D Object SLAM**, IEEE Transactions on Robotics 2019, S. Yang, S. Scherer [**PDF**](https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.00557)
If you use the code in your research work, please cite the above paper. Feel free to contact the authors if you have any further questions.
## Installation
### Prerequisites
This code contains several ros packages. We test it in **ROS indigo/kinetic, Ubuntu 14.04/16.04, Opencv 2/3**. Create or use existing a ros workspace.
mkdir -p ~/cubeslam_ws/src
cd ~/cubeslam_ws/src
git clone git@github.com:shichaoy/cube_slam.git
cd cube_slam
### Compile dependency g2o
sh install_dependenices.sh
### Compile
cd ~/cubeslam_ws
catkin_make -j4
## Running #
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch object_slam object_slam_example.launch
You will see results in Rviz. Default rviz file is for ros indigo. A kinetic version is also provided.
To run orb-object SLAM in folder ```orb_object_slam```, download [data](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FrBdmYxrrM6XeBe_vIXCuBTfZeCMgApL). See correct path in ```mono.launch```, then run following in two terminal:
``` bash
roslaunch orb_object_slam mono.launch
rosbag play mono.bag --clock -r 0.5
To run dynamic orb-object SLAM mentioned in the paper, download [data](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1T2PmK3Xt5Bq9Z7UhV8FythvramqhOo0a?usp=sharing). Similar to above, set correct path in ```mono_dynamic.launch```, then run the launch file with bag file.
If compiling problems met, please refer to ORB_SLAM.
### Notes
1. For the online orb object SLAM, we simply read the offline detected 3D object txt in each image. Many other deep learning based 3D detection can also be used similarly especially in KITTI data.
2. In the launch file (```object_slam_example.launch```), if ```online_detect_mode=false```, it requires the matlab saved cuboid images, cuboid pose txts and camera pose txts. if ```true```, it reads the 2D object bounding box txt then online detects 3D cuboids poses using C++.
3. ```object_slam/data/``` contains all the preprocessing data. ```depth_imgs/``` is just for visualization. ```pred_3d_obj_overview/``` is the offline matlab cuboid detection images. ```detect_cuboids_saved.txt``` is the offline cuboid poses in local ground frame, in the format "3D position, 1D yaw, 3D scale, score". ```pop_cam_poses_saved.txt``` is the camera poses to generate offline cuboids (camera x/y/yaw = 0, truth camera roll/pitch/height) ```truth_cam_poses.txt``` is mainly used for visulization and comparison.
```filter_2d_obj_txts/``` is the 2D object bounding box txt. We use Yolo to detect 2D objects. Other similar methods can also be used. ```preprocessing/2D_object_detect``` is our prediction code to save images and txts. Sometimes there might be overlapping box of the same object instance. We need to filter and clean some detections. See the [```filter_match_2d_boxes.m```](https://github.com/shichaoy/matlab_cuboid_detect/blob/master/filter_match_2d_boxes.m) in our matlab detection package.
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SLAM-单目3D物体检测+SLAM算法实现源码.zip (623个子文件)
bin_vocabulary 109KB
image.c 45KB
image.c 37KB
detector.c 32KB
detector.c 22KB
darknet.c 19KB
darknet.c 16KB
os_specific.c 2KB
os_specific.c 2KB
Optimizer.cc 122KB
Tracking.cc 104KB
ORBmatcher.cc 62KB
ORBextractor.cc 47KB
LocalMapping.cc 33KB
PnPsolver.cc 29KB
Initializer.cc 28KB
Frame.cc 27KB
LoopClosing.cc 26KB
KeyFrame.cc 24KB
MapPoint.cc 16KB
System.cc 15KB
MapDrawer.cc 14KB
FrameDrawer.cc 13KB
Sim3Solver.cc 12KB
KeyFrameDatabase.cc 10KB
Tracking_util.cc 8KB
Viewer.cc 7KB
MapObject.cc 7KB
ros_rgbd.cc 6KB
stereo_kitti.cc 6KB
ros_mono.cc 6KB
ros_stereo.cc 5KB
mono_kitti.cc 5KB
Converter.cc 5KB
mono_tum.cc 5KB
Map.cc 5KB
bin_vocabulary.cc 2KB
FindBLAS.cmake 13KB
FindBLAS.cmake 13KB
FindLAPACK.cmake 10KB
FindLAPACK.cmake 10KB
FindEigen3.cmake 3KB
FindEigen3.cmake 3KB
binary_descriptor.cpp 112KB
lsd.cpp 44KB
object_3d_util.cpp 32KB
binary_descriptor_matcher.cpp 29KB
optimizable_graph.cpp 28KB
optimizable_graph.cpp 28KB
main_obj.cpp 27KB
box_proposal_detail.cpp 27KB
sparse_optimizer.cpp 21KB
sparse_optimizer.cpp 21KB
g2o_Object.cpp 15KB
line_lbd_allclass.cpp 14KB
matrix_utils.cpp 13KB
types_six_dof_expmap.cpp 12KB
LSDDetector.cpp 12KB
types_six_dof_expmap.cpp 11KB
estimate_propagator.cpp 10KB
estimate_propagator.cpp 10KB
hyper_dijkstra.cpp 10KB
hyper_dijkstra.cpp 10KB
hyper_graph_action.cpp 9KB
hyper_graph_action.cpp 9KB
optimization_algorithm_dogleg.cpp 9KB
optimization_algorithm_dogleg.cpp 9KB
ScoringObject.cpp 8KB
marginal_covariance_cholesky.cpp 7KB
marginal_covariance_cholesky.cpp 7KB
draw.cpp 7KB
optimization_algorithm_levenberg.cpp 7KB
optimization_algorithm_levenberg.cpp 7KB
profiler.cpp 7KB
factory.cpp 6KB
factory.cpp 6KB
types_seven_dof_expmap.cpp 6KB
types_seven_dof_expmap.cpp 6KB
cache.cpp 5KB
cache.cpp 5KB
string_tools.cpp 5KB
string_tools.cpp 5KB
robust_kernel_impl.cpp 5KB
robust_kernel_impl.cpp 5KB
Timestamp.cpp 5KB
optimization_algorithm_factory.cpp 5KB
optimization_algorithm_factory.cpp 5KB
FORB.cpp 4KB
parameter_container.cpp 4KB
parameter_container.cpp 4KB
hyper_graph.cpp 4KB
hyper_graph.cpp 4KB
timeutil.cpp 4KB
timeutil.cpp 4KB
matrix_structure.cpp 4KB
matrix_structure.cpp 4KB
optimization_algorithm_with_hessian.cpp 4KB
optimization_algorithm_with_hessian.cpp 4KB
optimization_algorithm_gauss_newton.cpp 4KB
optimization_algorithm_gauss_newton.cpp 4KB
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