% To Mesh a Circular Plate with 4 and 3 noded Elements
% Code written by : Siva Srinivas Kolukula |
% Senior Research Fellow |
% Structural Mechanics Laboratory |
% Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research |
% India |
% E-mail : allwayzitzme@gmail.com |
% http://sites.google.com/site/kolukulasivasrinivas/ |
% Purpose:
% To Mesh a circular plate to use in FEM Analysis
% Variable Description:
% Radius - Radius of the Plate
% theta - Angle of the sector to which Plate needed
% NR - Number of Elements along Radius (Number of Rings)
% NT - Number of Angular sectors
% coordinates - The nodal coordinates of the mesh
% -----> coordinates = [node X Y]
% nodes - The nodal connectivity of the elements
% -----> nodes = [element node1 node2......]
% NOTE : If the node number repeats take it as Triangular Element
Radius = 1. ; % Radius of the plate
theta = 90. ; % Angle of the plate
NR = 7 ;
NT = 10 ;
% From here dont change
nel = NR*(NT-1) ; % Total Number of Elements in the Mesh
nnel = 4 ; % Number of nodes per Element
% Number of points on the Radius and Angluar discretization
npR = NR+1 ;
npT = NT ;
% Discretizing the Length and Breadth of the plate
nR = linspace(0,Radius,npR) ;
nT = linspace(0,theta,npT)*pi/180 ;
%nT = pi/180*(0:NT:theta) ;
[R T] = meshgrid(nR,nT) ;
% Convert grid to cartesian coordintes
XX = R.*cos(T);
YY = R.*sin(T);
% ZZ = zeros(size(XX)) ;
% mesh(XX,YY,ZZ) ;
% To get the Nodal Connectivity Matrix
coordinates = [XX(:) YY(:)] ;
if nR(1)==0
nnode = npR*npT-(NT-1) ; % Total Number of Nodes in the Mesh
NodeNo = [ones(1,NT-1),1:nnode] ;
coordinates = coordinates(NT:end,:) ;
nnode = npR*npT ; % Total Number of Nodes in the Mesh
NodeNo = 1:nnode ;
nodes = zeros(nel,nnel) ;
% If elements along the X-axes and Y-axes are equal
if npR==npT
NodeNo = reshape(NodeNo,npT,npR);
nodes(:,1) = reshape(NodeNo(1:npR-1,1:npT-1),nel,1);
nodes(:,2) = reshape(NodeNo(2:npR,1:npT-1),nel,1);
nodes(:,3) = reshape(NodeNo(2:npR,2:npT),nel,1);
nodes(:,4) = reshape(NodeNo(1:npR-1,2:npT),nel,1);
% If the elements along the axes are different
else%if npR>npT
NodeNo = reshape(NodeNo,npT,npR);
nodes(:,1) = reshape(NodeNo(1:npT-1,1:npR-1),nel,1);
nodes(:,2) = reshape(NodeNo(2:npT,1:npR-1),nel,1);
nodes(:,3) = reshape(NodeNo(2:npT,2:npR),nel,1);
nodes(:,4) = reshape(NodeNo(1:npT-1,2:npR),nel,1);
% Plotting the Finite Element Mesh
% Initialization of the required matrices
X = zeros(nnel,nel) ;
Y = zeros(nnel,nel) ;
% Extract X,Y coordinates for the (iel)-th element
for iel = 1:nel
X(:,iel) = coordinates(nodes(iel,:),1) ;
Y(:,iel) = coordinates(nodes(iel,:),2) ;
% Figure
fh = figure ;
set(fh,'name','Preprocessing for FEA','numbertitle','off','color','w') ;
title('Finite Element Mesh of Circular Plate') ;
%axis([0. L*1.01 0. B*1.01])
axis off ;
axis equal ;
% To display Node Numbers % Element Numbers
pos = [70 20 60 20] ;
ShowNodes = uicontrol('style','toggle','string','nodes','value',0,....
'position',[pos(1) pos(2) pos(3) pos(4)],'background','white','callback',...
pos = get(ShowNodes,'position') ;
pos = [2*pos(1) pos(2) pos(3) pos(4)] ;
ShowElements = uicontrol('style','toggle','string','Elements','value',0,....
'position',[pos(1) pos(2) pos(3) pos(4)],'background','white','callback',....