jQuery.validationEngine v2.0
**jQuery validation** engine is a Javascript plugin aimed at the validation of form fields in the browser (IE 6-8, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera 10).
The plugin provides visually appealing prompts that grab user attention on the subject matter.
Validations range from email, phone, and URL, to more complex calls such as ajax processing or custom javascript functions.
Bundled with many locales, the error prompts can be translated into the language of your choice.
Forum Support: http://validationengine.vanillaforums.com/
**Important**: v2 is a significant rewrite of the original 1.7 branch. Please read the documentation as the API has changed!
Demo :
### What's in the archive?
The archive holds, of course, the core library along with translations in different languages.
It also comes with a set of demo pages and a simple ajax server (built in Java).
1. Unpack the archive
2. Include the script jquery.validationEngine.closure.js in your page
3. Pick the locale of the choice and include it in your page: jquery.validationEngine-XX.js
4. **Read this manual** and understand the API
### Running the Demos
Most demos are fully functional by simply opening their respective HTML file. However, the Ajax demos require the use of Java6 to launch a lightweight http server.
1. Run the script `runDemo.bat` (Windows) or `runDemo.sh` (Unix) from the folder
2. Open a browser and point it at [http://localhost:9173](http://localhost:9173)
### References
First include jQuery on your page
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Include *jquery.validationEngine* and its locale
<script src="js/jquery.validationEngine-en.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.validationEngine.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
Finally include the desired theme
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/validationEngine.jquery.css" type="text/css"/>
### Field Validations
Validations are defined using the field's **class** attribute. Here are a few examples showing how it happens:
<input value="someone@nowhere.com" class="validate[required,custom[email]]" type="text" name="email" id="email" />
<input value="2010-12-01" class="validate[required,custom[date]]" type="text" name="date" id="date" />
<input value="too many spaces obviously" class="validate[required,custom[onlyLetterNumber]]" type="text" name="special" id="special" />
For more details about validators, please refer to the section below.
### Instantiation
The validator is typically instantiated with a call in the following format:
Without any parameters, the init() and attach() methods are automatically called.
$("#form.id").validationEngine(action or options);
The method may take one or several parameters, either an action (and parameters) or a list of options to customize the behavior of the engine.
Here's a glimpse: say you have a form as such:
<form id="formID" method="post" action="submit.action">
<input value="2010-12-01" class="validate[required,custom[date]]" type="text" name="date" id="date" />
The code below will instance the validation engine and attach it to the form:
When using options, the default behavior is to only initialize ValidationEngine, so attachment needs to be done manually.
$("#formID").validationEngine('attach', {promptPosition : "centerRight", scroll: false});
### init
Initializes the engine with default settings
$("#formID1").validationEngine({promptPosition : "centerRight", scroll: false});
$("#formID1").validationEngine('init', {promptPosition : "centerRight", scroll: false});
### attach
Attaches jQuery.validationEngine to form.submit and field.blur events.
### detach
Unregisters any bindings that may point to jQuery.validaitonEngine.
### validate
Validates the form and displays prompts accordingly.
Returns *true* if the form validates, *false* if it contains errors. Note that if you use an ajax form validator, the actual result will be delivered asynchronously to the function *options.onAjaxFormComplete*.
alert( $("#formID1").validationEngine('validate') );
### validate one field
Validates one field and displays the prompt accordingly.
Returns *false* if the input validates, *true* if it contains errors.
alert( $("#formID1").validationEngine('validateField', "#emailInput") );
### showPrompt (promptText, type, promptPosition, showArrow)
Displays a prompt on a given element. Note that the prompt can be displayed on any element by providing an id.
The method takes four parameters:
1. the text of the prompt itself
2. a type which defines the visual look of the prompt: 'pass' (green), 'load' (black) anything else (red)
3. an optional position: either "topLeft", "topRight", "bottomLeft", "centerRight", "bottomRight". Defaults to *"topRight"*
4. an optional boolean which indicates if the prompt should display a directional arrow
<legend id="legendid">Email</legend>
<a href="#" onclick="$('#legendid').validationEngine('showPrompt', 'This a custom msg', 'load')">Show prompt</a>
### hidePrompt
Closes the prompt linked to the input.
### hide
Closes error prompts in the current form (in case you have more than one form on the page)
$('#formID1').validationEngine('hide')">Hide prompts
### hideAll
Closes **all** error prompts on the page.
### updatePromptsPosition
Update the form prompts positions.
Options are typically passed to the init action as a parameter.
$("#formID1").validationEngine({promptPosition : "centerRight", scroll: false});
### validationEventTrigger
Name of the event triggering field validation, defaults to *blur*.
### scroll
Determines if we should scroll the page to the first error, defaults to *true*.
### promptPosition
Where should the prompt show? Possible values are "topLeft", "topRight", "bottomLeft", "centerRight", "bottomRight". Defaults to *"topRight"*.
### ajaxFormValidation
If set to true, turns Ajax form validation logic on. Defaults to *false*.
Form validation takes place when the validate() action is called or when the form is submitted.
### ajaxFormValidationURL
If set, the ajax submit validation will use this url instead of the form action
### onBeforeAjaxFormValidation(form, options)
When ajaxFormValidation is turned on, this is the function that will be called before the asynchronous AJAX form validation call. May return false to stop the Ajax form validation
### onAjaxFormComplete: function(status, form, errors, options)
When ajaxFormValidation is turned on, this function is used to asynchronously process the result of the validation. the status is a boolean. If true, the ajax call completed and all the server side form validations passed.
### isOverflown
Set to true when the form shows in a scrolling div, defaults to *false*.
### overflownDIV
Selector used to pick the overflown container, defaults to *""*.
### onValidationComplete
Stop the form from submitting, and let you handle it after it validated via a function