* Added validation on blur, keyup and click (for checkboxes and radiobutton). Replaces event-option.
* fixed resetForm
* fixed custom-methods-demo
* Improved number and numberDE methods to check for correct decimal numbers with delimiters
* Only elements that have rules are checked (otherwise success-option is applied to all elements)
* Added creditcard number method (thanks to Brian Klug)
* Added ignore-option, eg. ignore: [@type=hidden], using that expression to exclude elements to validate. Default: none, though submit and reset buttons are always ignored
* Heavily enhanced Functions-as-messages by providing a flexible String.format helper
* Accept Functions as messages, providing runtime-custom-messages
* Fixed exclusion of elements without rules from successList
* Fixed custom-method-demo, replaced the alert with message displaying the number of errors
* Fixed form-submit-prevention when using submitHandler
* Completely removed dependency on element IDs, though they are still used (when present) to link error labels to inputs. Achieved by using
an array with {name, message, element} instead of an object with id:message pairs for the internal errorList.
* Added support for specifying simple rules as simple strings, eg. required is equivalent to {required: true}
* Added feature: Add errorClass to invalid fields parent element, making it easy to style the label/field container or the label for the field.
* Added feature: focusCleanup - If enabled, removes the errorClass from the invalid elements and hides all errors messages whenever the element is focused.
* Added success option to show the a field was validated successfully
* Fixed Opera select-issue (avoiding a attribute-collision)
* Fixed problems with focussing hidden elements in IE
* Added feature to skip validation for submit buttons with class cancel
* Fixed potential issues with Google Toolbar by prefering plugin option messages over title attribute
* submitHandler is only called when an actual submit event was handled, validator.form() returns false only for invalid forms
* Invalid elements are now focused only on submit or via validator.focusInvalid(), avoiding all trouble with focus-on-blur
* IE6 error container layout issue is solved
* Customize error element via errorElement option
* Added validator.refresh() to find new inputs in the form
* Added accept validation method, checks file extensions
* Improved dependecy feature by adding two custom expressions: :blank to select elements with an empty value and :filled to select elements with a value, both excluding whitespace
* Added a resetForm() method to the validator: Resets each form element (using the form plugin, if available), removes classes on invalid elements and hides all error messages
* Fixed docs for validator.showErrors()
* Fixed error label creation to always use html() instead of text(), allowing arbitrary HTML passed in as messages
* Fixed error label creation to use specified error class
* Added dependency feature: The requires method accepts both String (jQuery expressions) and Functions as the argument
* Heavily improved customizing of error message display: Use normal messages and show/hide an additional container; Completely replace message display with own mechanism (while being able to delegate to the default handler; Customize placing of generated labels (instead of default below-element)
* Fixed two major bugs in IE (error containers) and Opera (metadata)
* Modified validation methods to accept empty fields as valid (exception: of course required and also equalTo methods)
* Renamed min to minLength, max to maxLength, length to rangeLength
* Added minValue, maxValue and rangeValue
* Streamlined API for support of different events. The default, submit, can be disabled. If any event is specified, that is applied to each element (instead of the entire form). Combining keyup-validation with submit-validation is now extremely easy to setup
* Added support for one-message-per-rule when defining messages via plugin settings
* Added support to wrap metadata in some parent element. Useful when metadata is used for other plugins, too.
* Refactored tests and demos: Less files, better demos
* Improved documentation: More examples for methods, more reference texts explaining some basics
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5星 · 超过95%的资源 需积分: 12 17 下载量 128 浏览量
收藏 75KB RAR 举报
jQuery表单校验插件validate实例代码集 有多个表同的表单,来共同展现表单验证插件的各种用法,包括判断字符、输入为空、类型判断、适时Ajax方式提示等,通过这些实例可快速掌握验证的方法和要点,此前,源码爱好者已经发过许多基于jQuery的表单验证插件,效果都是挺不错的。 测试运行图片:http://www.codefans.net/soft/22145.shtml
jQuery.validate.rar (31个子文件)
index.html 7KB
errorcontainer-demo.html 4KB
unchecked.gif 223B
checked.gif 220B
loading.gif 418B
cmxform-fieldset.gif 314B
cmxform-divider.gif 43B
form.js 24KB
testrunner.js 7KB
test.js 32KB
jquery.js 58KB
cmxforms.js 886B
custom-methods-demo.html 3KB
ajaxSubmit-intergration-demo.html 2KB
screen.css 205B
cmxform.css 999B
cmxformTemplate.css 1KB
testsuite.css 506B
reset.css 850B
core.css 367B
radio-checkbox-select-demo.html 5KB
form.phps 305B
form.php 300B
test.html 7KB
additional-methods.js 2KB
changelog.txt 4KB
jquery.validate.pack.js 8KB
jquery.validate.js 48KB
META.json 559B
jquery.validate.min.js 13KB
jquery.metadata.js 4KB
共 31 条
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- yanghua4202014-08-11只可以参考一二
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- 资源: 183
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