2019_2020学年高中英语Module1BasketballSectionⅡIntroduction&ReadingandVocabulary_LanguagePoints知能演练轻松闯关外研版选修7 【知识点解析】 1. **防御** (defending) - 在句子"Every nation keeps its own army with the purpose of defending itself."中,"defend"是指保护、防御的意思,国家建立军队是为了保护自身安全。 2. **应得** (deserve) - "Those who made mistakes deserve to be punished."这句话表明,犯错误的人应当受到惩罚,"deserve"表示应得或值得。 3. **参加** (attending) - "Mr. Smith suddenly fell ill while attending his friend’s wedding yesterday."在这个情境中,"attend"是参加的意思,这里指的是参加婚礼。 4. **有价值的** (valued) - "These gifts made by hand are valued more than the ones bought in stores."手工制作的礼物比商店里买的更有价值,"valued"在这里是形容词,表示被重视的、有价值的。 5. **动力** (motivation) - "A role model provides inspiration and motivation for others."榜样为他人提供激励和动力,"motivation"指动力或积极性。 6. **各种各样的** (various) - "There are various ways to solve the problem raised by our teacher."有多种方法可以解决老师提出的问题,"various"表示各种各样的,形容词。 7. **立刻的** (immediate) - "We should take immediate measures to protect those old temples."我们应该立即采取措施保护那些古老的寺庙,"immediate"意为立刻的,形容词,强调行动的紧迫性。 8. **杰出的** (outstanding) - "Considering Australia’s small population, its outstanding performance at the Olympic Games was really amazing."考虑到澳大利亚的小人口,它在奥运会上的杰出表现真的很令人惊叹,"outstanding"形容词,表示卓越的、出色的。 9. **天赋的** (talented) - "She is so talented that her success can only be a question of time."她如此有才华,成功只是时间问题,"talented"表示有才能的。 10. **代** (generations) - "We must preserve our forests and woodlands for future generations."我们必须为后代保存我们的森林和林地,"generations"指代代相传的人,名词。 11. **单句改错** - "The farmers built fences in order to defend their sheep with wolves."改为"The farmers built fences in order to defend their sheep against wolves." - 正确的介词是"against",表示防御狼群。 12. **单句改错** - "That once little ugly duck has grew up and become a beautiful white swan."改为"That once little ugly duck has grown up and become a beautiful white swan." - "grew"改为过去分词"grown",保持时态一致。 13. **单句改错** - "If we have finished our work, there is no point in stay any longer."改为"If we have finished our work, there is no point in staying any longer." - 动词"stay"需要变为动名词"staying"与介词"in"搭配。 14. **单句改错** - "Above average, Mr. Kelly works out four days a week for at least an hour at a time."改为"On average, Mr. Kelly works out four days a week for at least an hour at a time." - "Above average"改为"On average",表示平均而言。 15. **单句改错** - "You deserve praised because you have been helping him with his English."改为"You deserve praising because you have been helping him with his English." - "praised"改为"praising","deserve"后面跟动名词。 **课文语法填空** - 完成这个句子需要了解Michael Jordan的生平和他的篮球生涯。他穿着标志性的23号球衣,成为了最成功的篮球运动员。他出生于纽约,在北卡罗来纳州长大。他在1984年至1993年间为芝加哥公牛队效力。这部分涉及了个人简历、运动生涯以及时间状语的用法。
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