# HPSocket.Net
## Overview
the C# SDK for [HP-Socket](https://github.com/ldcsaa/HP-Socket)
#### .Net Framework Supported
* `.Net Framework 2.0+`
* `.Net Core 2.0+`
* `.Net 5.0`
* `.Net 6.0`
#### Platform supported
* `Windows 7+ x86/x64`
* `Linux kernel 2.6.32+ x86/x64`
* `mac OS 10.12+ x64`
## Installation Guide
`HPSocket.Net` deploy via NuGet package manager
Use the following command in the Package Manager console to manually install `HPSocket.Net`
Install-Package HPSocket.Net
Or right-click on the project name in the solution of Visual Studio-> Manage NuGet Packages-> Browse the page-> search box and enter HPSocket.Net and then install
### About macOS
`HPSocket.Net` now supports development using` .net core2.0 + `in` osx 10.12 + `
`Libhpsocket4c.dylib` in Nuget package is compiled from [HP-Socket-for-macOS](https://gitee.com/xin_chong/HP-Socket-for-macOS)
## Components List
### Basic Components
Basic component is the original component provided by HP-Socket. For related usage, please refer to [HP-Socket Doc](https://github.com/ldcsaa/HP-Socket/tree/master/Doc)
##### TCP
+ `ITcpServer`
+ `ITcpAgent`
+ `ITcpClient`
+ `ITcpPullServer`
+ `ITcpPullAgent`
+ `ITcpPullClient`
+ `ITcpPackServer`
+ `ITcpPackAgent`
+ `ITcpPackClient`
##### UDP
+ `IUdpServer`
+ `IUdpClient`
+ `IUdpCast`
+ `IUdpArqServer`
+ `IUdpArqClient`
+ `IUdpNode`
##### SSL
+ `ISslServer`
+ `ISslAgent`
+ `ISslClient`
+ `ISslPullServer`
+ `ISslPullAgent`
+ `ISslPullClient`
+ `ISslPackServer`
+ `ISslPackAgent`
+ `ISslPackClient`
##### HTTP
+ `IHttpServer`
+ `IHttpsServer`
+ `IHttpAgent`
+ `IHttpsAgent`
+ `IHttpClient`
+ `IHttpsClient`
+ `IHttpSyncClient`
+ `IHttpsSyncClient`
#### ThreadPool
+ `ThreadPool`
### Extended components
+ `ITcpPortForwarding`
+ `IHttpEasyServer`
+ `IHttpsEasyServer`
+ `IHttpEasyAgent`
+ `IHttpsEasyAgent`
+ `IHttpEasyClient`
+ `IHttpsEasyClient`
+ `IWebSocketServer`
+ `IWebSocketAgent`
+ `ITcpServer<TRequestBodyType>`
+ `ITcpClient<TRequestBodyType>`
+ `ITcpAgent<TRequestBodyType>`
+ `ISslServer<TRequestBodyType>`
+ `ISslClient<TRequestBodyType>`
+ `ISslAgent<TRequestBodyType>`
+ `AsyncQueue`
`HPSocket.Net` provides a TCP port forwarding component` ITcpPortForwarding`, 10 lines of code can complete TCP port forwarding.
`HPSocket.Net` currently provides 6 Easy components and 2 WebSocket components for easier processing of http / https / ws data packets. The basic http components provided by `HP-Socket` need to implement the data packets themselves. Complete acquisition, Easy component has done these processing, http / https Easy component is bound to the following events, when the event arrives, you can get the complete data packet.
+ `OnEasyChunkData` Complete packet event for http CHUNK message
+ `OnEasyMessageData` Complete packet event for http GET or POST message
+ `OnEasyWebSocketMessageData` Complete packet event for WebSocket message
`WebSocket` can also use the following two components directly
+ `IWebSocketServer` WebSocket Server
+ `IWebSocketAgent` WebSocket Client (Unlike other Agent components, the WebSocket Agent component does not support connecting to different WebSocket Servers, which means that all connections of the `IWebSocketAgent` component can only connect to the same server)
`AsyncQueue` from [qq:842352715](https://gitee.com/zhige777/HPSocket.Net)
## Instructions
1. For the use of most components, please refer to the project in the `demo` directory.
2. In addition to the `Pack` series model, the `Agent` series components provided by `HPSocket.Net` (including the `ITcpPortForwarding` component) support to setting `HTTP` or `Socks5` proxy, which can be set in the manner of`List<IProxy>`. Multiple proxies can be set at the same time, which will be used randomly, and can be mixed with `HTTP` and `Socks5` proxy at the same time. For the usage method, refer to the `demo` of each` Agent` component.
### Easy component event binding example
#### IHttpEasyServer
// Create HttpEasyServer instance
using(IHttpEasyServer httpServer = new HttpEasyServer())
// ... other settings
// Binding OnEasyMessageData event
httpServer.OnEasyMessageData += (sender, id, data) =>
// The data parameter is a complete packet each time
// ... Process data
return HttpParseResult.Ok;
#### IHttpEasyAgent
// Create HttpEasyAgent instance
using(IHttpEasyAgent httpAgent = new HttpEasyAgent())
// ... other settings
// Binding OnEasyMessageData event
httpAgent.OnEasyMessageData += (sender, id, data) =>
// The data parameter is a complete packet each time
// ... Process data
return HttpParseResult.Ok;
#### IHttpEasyClient
// Create HttpEasyClient instance
using(IHttpEasyClient httpClient = new HttpEasyClient())
// ... other settings
// Binding OnEasyMessageData event
httpClient.OnEasyMessageData += (sender, data) =>
// The data parameter is a complete packet each time
// ... Process data
return HttpParseResult.Ok;
### Data receiving adapter component
Full Example: `demo/TcpServer-TestEcho-Adapter`
This series of components are `Data Receive Adapter` extension components of `HPSocket.Net`. Users can process `sticky packets`,`half packets`, etc. that may occur in TCP communication through `Custom Data Receive Adapter`. The `Data Receive Adapter` component looks similar to the `Pack` component of HP-Socket, but it is more flexible and the adaptation is very simple and convenient.
+ `ITcpServer<TRequestBodyType>`/`ITcpClient<TRequestBodyType>`/`ITcpAgent<TRequestBodyType>`
+ `ISslServer<TRequestBodyType>`/`ISslClient<TRequestBodyType>`/`ISslAgent<TRequestBodyType>`
`<TRequestBodyType>` generic type object will be called back in the `OnParseRequestBody` event of the components listed above.
using (ITcpServer<byte[]> server = new TcpServer<byte[]>
// Specify the data receiving adapter
DataReceiveAdapter = new BinaryDataReceiveAdapter(),
// No need to bind OnReceive event
// The data of the request body event parsed here is the data returned by BinaryDataReceiveAdapter.ParseRequestBody ()
// The type of data is the byte[] specified when ITcpServer <byte[]> is instantiated
server.OnParseRequestBody += (sender, id, data) =>
Console.WriteLine($"OnParseRequestBody({id}) -> data length: {data.Length}");
return HandleResult.Ok;
`4` adapters currently supported
#### 1. `FixedHeaderDataReceiveAdapter` Fixed header data receiving adapter
Usage scenario: The header length of the data packet is fixed and the header contains the body length.
Example: The first `4 bytes` identifies the body length (little-endian). `0x00000003` indicates that the length of the body is` 3 bytes`, and `{0x61, 0x62 0x63}` is the body.
{ 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63 }
`FixedHeaderDataReceiveAdapter` Designed for this structure
Subclasses inherit `FixedHeaderDataReceiveAdapter`
Call the parent class constructor in its own `constructor`, passing in` header length` and `maximum allowed packet length`
Override the `GetBodySize ()` method, the length of its parameter `header` is the length of the header specified in the constructor, the user needs to parse this parameter and return the actual` body` length
Override the `ParseRequestBody ()` method to deserialize the current `bytes` into a generic type (` <TRequestBodyType> `) object
using System;
using System.Text;
using HPSocket.Adapter;
using Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace TcpServerTestEchoAdapter.DataReceiveAdapter
/// <summary>
/// Fixed header data receiving adapter
/// </summary>
public class PacketDataReceiveAdapter : FixedHeaderDataReceiveAdapter<Packet>
/// <summary>
/// Call the parent class constructor, specifying the length of the fixed header and the maximum p
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c# HPSocket 例程 包含tcp udp 等 希望帮到有用的人
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HP-Socket 是一套通用的高性能 TCP/UDP/HTTP 通信框架,包含服务端组件、客户端组件和Agent组件,广泛适用于各种不同应用场景的 TCP/UDP/HTTP 通信系统, 此源码为基于HP_Socket框架的socket通讯源码。c# 环境
c# HPSocket 例程
包含tcp udp 等
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ca2.crt 1KB
ca.crt 1KB
ca.crt 1KB
Http.cs 44KB
Agent.cs 38KB
Extensions.cs 30KB
Udp.cs 26KB
WebSocketServer.cs 24KB
HttpAgent.cs 24KB
HttpClient.cs 22KB
HttpServer.cs 20KB
Server.cs 19KB
Tcp.cs 18KB
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FormServer.cs 17KB
FormServer.cs 17KB
FormServer.cs 16KB
Sys.cs 16KB
WebSocketAgent.cs 16KB
Form.Designer.cs 15KB
FormAgent.cs 15KB
IAgent.cs 15KB
UdpNode.cs 14KB
FormServer.cs 14KB
TcpPortForwarding.cs 14KB
Client.cs 14KB
FormAgent.cs 14KB
FormAgent.cs 14KB
Agent.cs 12KB
FormServer.cs 12KB
FormServer.cs 12KB
FormClient.cs 12KB
Server.cs 11KB
FormClient.cs 11KB
IServer.cs 11KB
FormServer.cs 11KB
HttpEasyServer.cs 11KB
HttpEasyAgent.cs 11KB
FormClient.cs 11KB
Ssl.cs 10KB
IHttpClient.cs 10KB
HttpEasyClient.cs 9KB
FormClient.Designer.cs 9KB
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