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内容概要:本文提出了一种基于Versatile Video Coding(VVC)标准的分数插值(FI)的近似滤波器,旨在显著减少VVC分数插值的计算复杂度,同时保持图像质量几乎不变并仅小幅增加比特率。为了验证这种方法的有效性和实用性,研究人员还设计和实现了用于该近似分数插值滤波器的硬件,在面积、功耗和性能上均有明显改进。具体来说,相较于精确版本的VVC FI硬件,新设计减少了多达40%的功率消耗以及所需的硬件资源,同时能够处理每秒约47帧的全高清分辨率视频。实验表明,在对名为'Tennis'和'Kimono'的两个测试序列编码时,新方法只带来了很小的质量下降(-0.015 dB ~ +0.030%)与带宽提升(平均为0.5%)。 适合人群:本论文适用于从事视频压缩技术研发的技术专家或工程师,尤其是关注下一代高效视频编码标准的发展方向及其实现细节的专业人士。 使用场景及目标:主要应用于需要降低功耗的应用场合如移动设备或者大规模部署的家庭影音产品之中。通过对最新VVC规范下的分数插值算法进行优化,可以有效减少硬件开销和电力消耗,从而更好地适应便携式消费电子产品的性能限制;另一方面,也能加快编码速度,改善用户体验。 其他说明:这项研究表明了利用简化的数学模型可以在确保良好视觉效果的前提下大幅度削减复杂的运算任务,为未来的实际应用提供了有益借鉴。尽管目前尚缺乏关于HEVC之外其他编解码格式下相同操作的研究成果对比,但此项工作的价值不容忽视。此外,它还探讨了一些潜在扩展性的改进建议,比如继续探索更多种类的近似计算架构来进一步挖掘潜力。
An Approximate Versatile Video Coding
Fractional Interpolation Hardware
Hasan Azgin, Ercan Kalali, Ilker Hamzaoglu
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University
34956 Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey
{hasanazgin, ercankalali, hamzaoglu}@sabanciuniv.edu
Abstract— In this paper, approximate Versatile Video Coding
(VVC) fractional interpolation filters are proposed. They
significantly reduce computational complexity of VVC fractional
interpolation with a negligible PSNR loss and bit rate increase. In
this paper, an approximate VVC fractional interpolation
hardware implementing the proposed approximate filters is
designed and implemented. The proposed approximate hardware
has less area and up to 40% less power consumption than exact
VVC fractional interpolation hardware. Therefore, it can be used
in consumer electronics products that require low power VVC
encoder hardware.
Keywords—VVC, Fractional Interpolation, Approximate
Computing, Hardware Implementation, Low Power.
I. I
ITU and ISO are developing a new international video
compression standard called Versatile Video Coding (VVC)
[1]-[6]. VVC will have higher compression efficiency than
High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard at the expense
of much higher computational complexity [7]-[11].
HEVC standard uses 3 different 8-tap FIR filters for
fractional interpolation (FI). It interpolates 3 horizontal and 3
vertical half pixels and 9 quarter pixels for each integer pixel.
However, VVC standard uses 15 different 8-tap FIR filters for
fractional interpolation. It interpolates 15 horizontal and 15
vertical half pixels and 225 quarter pixels for each integer
pixel. Therefore, VVC fractional interpolation has much higher
computational complexity than HEVC fractional interpolation.
In this paper, approximate VVC fractional interpolation
filters are proposed. The proposed approximate filters consist
of 14 different 3-tap FIR filters and 1 4-tap FIR filter. The
proposed approximate filters significantly reduce the
computational complexity of VVC fractional interpolation with
a negligible PSNR loss and bit rate increase.
In this paper, an approximate VVC fractional interpolation
hardware implementing the proposed approximate fractional
interpolation filters is designed and implemented using Verilog
HDL. The proposed approximate hardware implements
multiplication operations using add and shift operations. It can
process 47 full HD (1920x1080) video frames per second (fps).
It has less area and up to 40% less power consumption than
exact VVC fractional interpolation hardware.
Approximate HEVC fractional interpolation filters are
proposed in [12]. There is no approximate VVC fractional
interpolation filter in the literature.
An exact VVC fractional interpolation hardware is proposed
in [13]. However, this hardware can only be used for motion
compensation. The hardware proposed in this paper can be
used for both motion estimation and motion compensation.
While the hardware in [13] calculates one fractional pixel for
each integer pixel, the hardware proposed in this paper
calculates 255 fractional pixels for each integer pixel.
The exact original VVC fractional interpolation hardware
proposed in [14] implements 15 fractional interpolation filters
in parallel. The proposed approximate VVC fractional
interpolation hardware has less area and up to 40% less power
consumption than this hardware.
There are several HEVC fractional interpolation hardware
implementations in the literature [15]-[17]. Since VVC
fractional interpolation has much higher computational
complexity than HEVC fractional interpolation, the proposed
VVC fractional interpolation hardware has larger area and
lower performance than them.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
explains the VVC fractional interpolation algorithm. The
proposed approximate VVC fractional interpolation filters are
explained in Section III. Section IV presents the proposed
approximate VVC fractional interpolation hardware and gives
its implementation results. Section V presents the conclusions.
VVC standard uses 15 different 8-tap FIR filters for
fractional interpolation. The coefficients of these 15 FIR filters
are shown in Table I. A
– A
show input pixels for a filter
where sub-indices represent the indices of coefficients. The
8-tap FIR filter equation is shown in (1) as an example.
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Integer pixels and fractional pixels are shown in Fig. 1.
There are 15 horizontal half pixels between two neighboring
horizontal integer pixels and 15 vertical half pixels between
two neighboring vertical integer pixels. These half pixels are
interpolated from nearest integer pixels by using 15 different
FIR filters. There are 225 quarter pixels between horizontal
and vertical half pixels, as shown in Fig. 1. These quarter
pixels are interpolated from nearest horizontal half pixels
using 15 different FIR filters.
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