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内容概要:本文介绍了一种新型的快速块划分算法用于H.266/VVC帧内编码。针对H.266/VVC标准所采用的四叉树嵌套多类型树块结构带来的巨大计算负担,研究团队利用贝叶斯决策规则提出了两种提前跳过垂直分割和水平三叉分割的方法。通过对不同编码条件下的六段视频序列进行测试,证明了该方法能够在几乎不损失质量的前提下将平均编码时间减少约45%,并提高了编码效率。 适合人群:从事视频编码、多媒体处理领域的研究人员和技术人员,特别是熟悉HEVC和新一代编码标准(如H.266/VVC)的专业人士。 使用场景及目标:①研究视频压缩理论及其新进展;②优化现代视频编解码器性能;③探索降低复杂度同时保持高图像质量的新技术。 其他说明:该研究基于最新的IEEE国际会议论文,展示了前沿性的成果。通过引入贝叶斯分类器,成功解决了当前流行的H.266/VVC编码标准中存在的计算成本过高问题,为未来视频编解码的发展提供了新的思路和技术支持。此外,文中还包含了对多种可能分割方式的相关性和概率分布的具体分析。
2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
Ting Fu, Hao Zhang, Fan Mu Huanbang Chen
Central South University, Changsha, PRC Huawei Base, Longgang, Shenzhen, PRC
Recently, the Joint Video Exploration Team (JVET) has es
tablished the latest video coding standard, Versatile Video
Coding (H.266/VVC). The H.266/VVC adopts the quadtree
with nested multi-type tree coding block structure which
brings huge computational burden that limits the developmen
t, adoption and application of the future video coding stan
dard. To encounter this problem, we propose a novel fast
block partition algorithm through Bayesian decision rule. The
proposed method fully explored the information of the hori
zontal binary splitting which is newly introduced because of
the adoption of the novel coding block structure. Experimen
tal results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves
about 45% encoding time saving on average with negligible
quality loss under all-intra configuration.
Index Terms— Block partition, Versatile Video Coding
(VVC), fast intra coding
Contemporarily, the increasingly prevalent application of
high-quality and high-resolution video is creating an urgen
t demand for next-generation video coding technologies be
yond the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard [1].
To address this issue, Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
and Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) have jointly es
tablished the Joint Video Exploration Team (JVET) and have
made significant progress recently. Plenty of novel techniques
have been adopted and implemented in the the H.266/VVC
Test Model (VTM) [2], which has greatly improved the cod
ing efficiency on the basis of HE VC. For the block partition
ing structure, the H.266/VVC adopts the quadtree with nested
multi-type tree coding block structure (QTMT) [3]. More
over, in H.266/VVC, the coding tree scheme supports the a
bility for the luma and chroma to have a separate block tree
structure in I-slice. For the intra prediction, there are over
all 67 directional intra modes as shown in Figure 1, where
the 32 additional directional modes are extended from HEVC
denoted by red dotted arrows, and the planar and DC modes
are unchanged from HEVC. Indexes of all the modes are list
ed in Fig.l, where red numbers denote the additional intra
modes and black numbers denote the original intra modes
Corresponding author: hao@csu.edu.cn (Hao Zhang)
978-1-5386-9552-4/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/ICME.2019.00018
Fig. 1: Intra prediction modes in H.266/VVC
in HEVC. To improve the efficiency of the intra coding, ad
ditional tools are introduced, e.g. Position-Dependent Intra
Prediction Combination (PDPC)[4] and Multiple transform s
election (MTS) [5]. The PDPC employs a weighted combi
nation of unfiltered boundary reference samples and the pre
dicted samples. PDPC is applied to the certain intra modes
without signalling, e.g. planar, DC, horizontal and vertical
intra modes. Besides, the MTS is introduced to improve
the transform efficiency for intra and inter coding. Differ
ent from HEVC, where only DCT-II and 4x4 DST-VII are
employed, H.266/VVC uses MTS to supplement the transfor
m cores with the DST-VII and DCT-VIII. The MTS uses the
number of non-zero coefficients to select kernels adaptively
in intra mode. If the number of nonzero coefficients is less
than two, DST-VII is used both horizontally and vertically.
Otherwise, DST-VII and DCT-VIII are evaluated through RD
checking to apply transform.
In conclusion, the quadtree with nested multi-type tree
partitioning structure, the separate splitting process for the
luma and chroma components, the extended intra prediction
modes along with the newly added transform cores have im
proved the intra coding efficiency significantly whereas cre
ating a huge computational burden to the emerging codec.
Thus, there is an urgent need to reduce the encoding complex
ity to facilitate the development, adoption and application of
the H.266/VVC.
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- 资源: 374
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