文档“英语常用及物动词.doc”包含了英语中一系列重要的及物动词,这些动词在日常交流、写作和学习中极为常见。及物动词是那些必须接宾语才能完整表达意思的动词,它们在句子中起着至关重要的作用。下面我们将详细探讨其中的一些动词及其用法。 1. afford:负担得起,如:“She can't afford the rent on her own.” 2. allow:允许,如:“The school doesn't allow students to use phones in class.” 3. blame:责怪,如:“He blamed himself for the failure.” 4. bring:带来,如:“Please bring your homework tomorrow.” 5. contain:包含,如:“The bottle contains water.” 6. deny:否认,如:“She denied any involvement in the incident.” 7. enjoy:享受,喜欢,如:“I enjoy listening to classical music.” 8. examine:检查,如:“The doctor will examine you thoroughly.” 9. excuse:原谅,找借口,如:“I'm sorry, I have an excuse for being late.” 10. fetch:去取,如:“Could you fetch me a glass of water?” 11. fix:修理,解决,如:“There's something wrong with my computer, can you fix it?” 12. get:得到,如:“I'll get you a birthday present.” 13. greet:问候,如:“Hello! How are you doing?” 14. have:拥有,如:“I have a new car.” 15. hit:击打,如:“He hit the ball with a bat.” 16. inform:通知,告知,如:“Please inform me of any changes.” 17. let:让,如:“Let me help you with that.” 18. like:喜欢,如:“I like playing football.” 19. love:爱,如:“She loves spending time with her family.” 20. make:制作,使,如:“Let's make a cake together.” 21. mean:意味着,如:“What do you mean by that?” 22. need:需要,如:“I need some help with this task.” 23. omit:省略,遗漏,如:“Don't omit any important details.” 24. owe:欠,如:“I owe you $10 from last week.” 25. prefer:更喜欢,如:“I prefer coffee over tea.” 26. prove:证明,证实,如:“He proved his innocence with evidence.” 27. put:放,如:“Put your books on the shelf.” 28. remind:提醒,如:“Please remind me about the meeting tomorrow.” 29. select:选择,如:“She selected the best dress for the party.” 30. wrap:包裹,如:“Let's wrap the gift nicely.” 这些只是文档中列出的一部分及物动词,每个动词都有其特定的用法和搭配,掌握它们能极大地提升英语表达的准确性和流畅性。在学习过程中,了解这些动词的过去式、过去分词以及在不同句型中的应用是非常关键的。同时,通过阅读、写作和对话练习,可以加深对这些动词的理解和运用。
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