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<title>London/Oslo/Bergen Corpus</title>
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<p align="CENTER">TO ACCOMPANY</p>
<p align="CENTER"> </p>
<p align="CENTER">BY</p>
<p align="CENTER"> </p>
<p align="CENTER"> </p>
<p align="RIGHT">1978</p>
<h3 align="CENTER">PREFACE</h3>
<p>The present corpus is the result of cooperation between the University of Lancaster,
the University of Oslo, and the Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities at Bergen.
During 1970- 1976 the project was conducted at the University of Lancaster, the Department
of Linguistics and Modern English Language, under the direction of Geoffrey N. Leech and
financially supported by grants from Longman Group Limited and the British Academy. In
1977 the project was moved to Norway, where it was directed by Stig Johansson, Department
of English, University of Oslo, and was completed in 1978, thanks to financial support
from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (NAVF).</p>
<p>We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Longman Group, the British Academy, and
NAVF (as well as some financial assistance from the Jahre Fund). We also wish to thank the
large number of people who have been working within the project, especially:</p>
<i></i><p><i>Rosemary Leonard </i>(who completed a four year period on the staff at Lancaster,
first as Tutorial Fellow, then as Research Assistant on the corpus project)</p>
<i></i><p><i>Norman Fairclough ( </i>the original secretary of the project) <i>Helen Goodluck
</i>(who was full-time Research Assistant in 1970- 71 and worked as a temporary Research
Assistant in July-August, 1974)</p>
<i></i><p><i>Faith Ann Johansson </i>(who was employed as a part time assistant on the project
both at Lancaster, 1973-74, and at Oslo, 1977-78)</p>
<i></i><p><i>Norma Hainsworth, Fanny Leech, Christine Murphy, Judith Perryman, </i>and
<i>Alison Ross </i>(who worked on the project at various times)</p>
<i>Mona Flognfelt, Gro Frydenberg, John Y. Jones, Oonagh Sayce, </i>and <i>Mons Thyness </i>
(who were employed as part time assistants in 1977-78)
<i></i><p><i>Johan Elsness </i>and <i>Kari Anne Rand Schmidt </i>(who helped with the coding and
proof-reading during the final stages of the project) <i>Kari Utheim Riis </i>(who did
secretarial work in 1977-78, including the typing of this manual) <i>Doreen Grotdal </i>
(who contributed with expert punching and editing)</p>
<p>Special thanks are due to our programmers, <i>Len Wagstaff </i>(Lancaster), and <i>Knut
Hofland </i>(Bergen), and other members of staff at the two computing centres.</p>
<p>We are also grateful to Professor W. Nelson Francis, of Brown University, and Professor
Bryan Higman, of Lancaster University, for their guidance in setting up the project.</p>
<p>In conclusion, we wish to thank the large number of copyright holders, who allowed their
texts to be included, free of charge, in the corpus.</p>
<p>December 1978<br>
Stig Johansson Oslo<br>
in collaboration with:<br>
Jostein H. Hauge, Bergen<br>
Geoffrey N. Leech, Lancaster</p>
<h3 align="CENTER"><a name="cont">CONTENTS</a></h3>
<p><a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lob1"><b>BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CORPUS</b></a></p>
<p><a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lob2">Aim</a><br>
<a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lob3">Distribution</a><br>
<a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lob4">The Composition of the Corpus</a><br>
<a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lob5">Organization of the Material</a><br>
<a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lob6">Main Coding Key</a><br>
<a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lob7">Basic Technical Information</a></p>
<p><a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lob8"><b>SOURCES AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUES</b></a><br>
<a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lob9"><b>FURTHER DETAILS OF CODING</b></a><br>
<a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lob99"><b>LIST OF TEXT EXTRACTS</b></a></p>
<h3 align="CENTER"><a name="lob1">BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CORPUS</a></h3>
<b></b><p><b><a name="lob2">Aim</a><br>
<a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#cont"><img src="./London_Oslo_Bergen_Corpus_Manual_files/HFTOPP.GIF" border="0"></a><br>
</b>The preparation of a corpus cannot be seen in isolation from its intended uses.
These dictate the selection of texts, the amount of material, the coding system, etc.
The aim of our project has been to assemble a British English equivalent to the Brown
University Corpus of American English.<a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lobf1">
<sup><font size="2" color="#0000ff">1)</font></sup></a> Both sources of data, rather than
concentrating on limited types of texts to be used for specific purposes, aim at a
general representation of text types for use in research on a broad range of aspects
of the language. To facilitate a combined use of the two corpora, an attempt has been
made to match the British English material as closely as possible with the American corpus.</p>
<p>Like its American counterpart, the Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus contains 500 printed
texts of about 2,000 words each, or about a million running words in all. The year of
publication (1961) and the sampling principles are identical to those of the Brown Corpus,
though there were necessarily some differences in text selection. The coding system differs,
however, in many respects in the two corpora, the main discrepancy being the greater degree
of delicacy of coding in the new corpus.<a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#lobf2"><sup><font size="2">2)
</font></sup></a> This should not seriously affect the possibilities of using the two sources
of material in combination. The extent of similarity or difference is apparent from the
sections on sampling and coding.</p>
<b></b><p><b><a name="lob3">Distribution</a><br>
<a href="http://clu.uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM#cont"><img src="./London_Oslo_Bergen_Corpus_Manual_files/HFTOPP.GIF" border="0"></a><br>
</b>The corpus and accompanying manual are available at cost to bona fide researchers
through the International Computer Archive of Modern English (ICAME), at the Norwegian
Computing Centre for the Humanities, Bergen, Norway.</p>
<p>The following restrictions on the use of the material must be strictly observed:</p>
<font size="2"><p><a name="lobf1">1)</a> See W. Nelson Francis, <i>Manual of
Information to Accompany a Standard Sample of Present-Day Edited American English,
for Use with Digital Computers.</i> Providence, Rhode Island: Department of Linguistics,
Brown University, 1964.</p>
<p><a name="lobf2">2)</a> The main difference is the use of a larger character set in
this corpus. This is simply a reflection of the development of computer technology.</p>
</font><p>1. No copies of the corpus, or parts of the corpus, are to be distributed
under any circumstances without the written permission of ICAME.</p>
<p>2. Print-outs of the corpus, or parts thereof, are to be used for bona fide research
of a non-profit nature. Holders of copies of the corpus may not reproduce any texts, or
parts of texts, for any purpose other
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