Relative Location Estimation in
Wireless Sensor Networks
Neal Patwari, Member, IEEE, Alfred O. Hero, III, Fellow, IEEE, Matt Perkins, Member, IEEE,
Neiyer S. Correal, Member, IEEE, and Robert J. O’Dea, Member, IEEE
Abstract—Self-configuration in wireless sensor networks is
a general class of estimation problems that we study via the
Cramér–Rao bound (CRB). Specifically, we consider sensor
location estimation when sensors measure received signal strength
(RSS) or time-of-arrival (TOA) between themselves and neigh-
boring sensors. A small fraction of sensors in the network have
a known location, whereas the remaining locations must be
estimated. We derive CRBs and maximum-likelihood estimators
(MLEs) under Gaussian and log-normal models for the TOA and
RSS measurements, respectively. An extensive TOA and RSS
measurement campaign in an indoor office area illustrates MLE
performance. Finally, relative location estimation algorithms are
implemented in a wireless sensor network testbed and deployed in
indoor and outdoor environments. The measurements and testbed
experiments demonstrate 1-m RMS location errors using TOA,
and 1- to 2-m RMS location errors using RSS.
Index Terms—Cramér–Rao bound, localization, radio channel
measurement, self-configuration, sensor position location estima-
tion, signal strength, time-of-arrival.
E CONSIDER location estimation in networks in which
a small proportion of devices, called reference devices,
have a priori information about their coordinates. All devices,
regardless of their absolute coordinate knowledge, estimate the
range between themselves and their neighboring devices. Such
location estimation is called “relative location” because the
range estimates collected are predominantly between pairs of
devices of which neither has absolute coordinate knowledge.
These devices without a priori information we call blindfolded
devices. In cellular location estimation [1]–[3] and local
positioning systems (LPS) [4], [5], location estimates are made
using only ranges between a blindfolded device and reference
devices. Relative location estimation requires simultaneous
estimation of multiple device coordinates. Greater location
estimation accuracy can be achieved as devices are added
into the network, even when new devices have no a priori
coordinate information and range to just a few neighbors.
Manuscript received October 3, 2002; revised April 7, 2003. This work was
supported in part by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow-
ship for N. Patwari and by ARO-DARPA MURI under Grant DAAD19-02-1-
0262. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving
it for publication was Dr. Athina Petopulu.
N. Patwari and A. O. Hero, III are with the Department of Electrical Engi-
neering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
USA (e-mail: npatwari@eecs.umich.edu; hero@eecs.umich.edu).
M. Perkins, N. S. Correal, and R. J. O’Dea are with Motorola Labs, Planta-
tion, FL, USA (e-mail: M.Perkins@Motorola.com; N.Correal@Motorola.com;
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2003.814469
Emerging applications for wireless sensor networks will
depend on automatic and accurate location of thousands of
sensors. In environmental sensing applications such as water
quality monitoring, precision agriculture, and indoor air quality
monitoring, “sensing data without knowing the sensor location
is meaningless”[6]. In addition, by helping reduce configuration
requirements and device cost, relative location estimation may
enable applications such as inventory management [7], intru-
sion detection [8], traffic monitoring, and locating emergency
workers in buildings.
To design a relative location system that meets the needs
of these applications, several capabilities are necessary. The
system requires a network of devices capable of peer-to-peer
range measurement, an ad-hoc networking protocol, and a
distributed or centralized location estimation algorithm. For
range measurement, using received signal strength (RSS) is
attractive from the point of view of device complexity and cost
but is traditionally seen as a coarse measure of range. Time-of-
arrival (TOA) range measurement can be implemented using
inquiry-response protocols [7], [9]. In this paper, we will show
that both RSS and TOA measurements can lead to accurate
location estimates in dense sensor networks.
The recent literature has reflected interest in location esti-
mation algorithms for wireless sensor networks [8], [10]–[16].
Distributed location algorithms offer the promise of solving
multiparameter optimization problems even with constrained
resources at each sensor [10]. Devices can begin with local
coordinate systems [11] and then successively refine their
location estimates [12], [13]. Based on the shortest path from
a device to distant reference devices, ranges can be estimated
and then used to triangulate [14]. Distributed algorithms must
be carefully implemented to ensure convergence and to avoid
“error accumulation,” in which errors propagate serially in the
network. Centralized algorithms can be implemented when the
application permits deployment of a central processor to per-
form location estimation. In [15], device locations are resolved
by convex optimization. Both [8] and [16] provide maximum
likelihood estimators (MLEs) for sensor location estimation
when observations are angle-of-arrival and TOA [8] and when
observations are RSS [16].
In this paper, we mention only briefly particular location es-
timation algorithms. Instead, we focus on the accuracy pos-
sible using any unbiased relative location estimator. The radio
channel is notorious for its impairments [17], [18], and thus,
sensor location accuracy is limited. The Cramér–Rao bounds
(CRBs) presented in this paper quantify these limits and allow
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