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Rapid-flooding Time Synchronization for Large-scale Wireless Sen...
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Accurate and fast-convergent time synchronization is very important for wireless sensor networks. The flooding time synchronization converges fast, but its transmission delay and by-hop error accumulation seriously reduce the synchronization accuracy. In this paper, a rapid-flooding multiple one-way broadcast time-synchronization (RMTS) protocol for large-scale wireless sensor networks is proposed. To minimize the by-hop error accumulation, the RMTS uses maximum likelihood estimations for clock
1551-3203 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2019.2927292, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Rapid-flooding Time Synchronization
for Large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks
Fanrong Shi, Student Member, IEEE, Xianguo Tuo, Simon X. Yang, Senior Member, IEEE ,
Jing Lu and Huailiang Li, Member, IEEE
Abstract—Accurate and fast-convergent time synchronization
is very important for wireless sensor networks. The flooding
time synchronization converges fast, but its transmission delay
and by-hop error accumulation seriously reduce the synchro-
nization accuracy. In this paper, a rapid-flooding multiple one-
way broadcast time-synchronization (RMTS) protocol for large-
scale wireless sensor networks is proposed. To minimize the by-
hop error accumulation, the RMTS uses maximum likelihood
estimations for clock skew estimation and clock offset estimation,
and quickly shares the estimations among the networks. As a
result, the synchronization error resulting from delays is greatly
reduced, while faster convergence and higher-accuracy synchro-
nization is achieved. Extensive experimental results demonstrate
that, even over 24-hops networks, the RMTS is able to build
accurate synchronization at the third synchronization period,
and moreover, the by-hop error accumulation is slower when
the network diameter increases.
Index Terms—Rapid-flooding time synchronization, maximum
likelihood estimation, one-way broadcast, fast convergence.
IME synchronization is very important to wireless sensor
network (WSN) applications, e.g., data acquisition [1],
[2], low power [3], [4], location services [5], [6], security
[7], [8], networked control [9], [10], industrial WSNs [11],
[12], and smart grid measurement [13], [14]. The traditional
network time synchronization protocols, e.g., network time
protocol and global positioning system (GPS), may not meet
the synchronization requirements in energy-constrained WSN
applications resulting from the extra hardware needed or com-
plex protocol employed [15]. The aim of time synchronization
algorithms is to correct the local time information on nodes
and drive the entire network to obtain a time notion of
consistent values.
Manuscript received September 25, 2018; revised October 16 and May
19, 2019; accepted June 25, 2019. Date of publication XX XX, XXXX;
date of current version XX X, XX. This work was supported in part
by National Natural Science Foundation of China Programs (61601383),
Sichuan Science and Technology Program (No.2018GZ0095), and Longshan
academic talent research supporting program of Southwest University of
Science and Technology (17LZX650,18LZX633). (Corresponding authors:
Simon X. Yang, Xianguo Tuo, Huailiang Li.)
Fanrong Shi and Jing Lu are with School of Information Engineering,
Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China
(e-mail: sfr
swust@swust.edu.cn; lujing 017@live.cn).
Xianguo Tuo is with Sichuan University of Science and Engineering,
Zigong 643000, China (e-mail:tuoxg@cdut.edu.cn).
Simon X. Yang is with Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS)
Laboratory, School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario,
N1G 2W1, Canada (email: syang@uoguelph.ca).
Huailiang Li is with the College of Geophysics, Chengdu University of
Technology, Chengdu 610059, China. (email: lihl@cdut.edu.cn).
Low synchronization error, rapid synchronization conver-
gence, and weak-dependency topology management are very
important requirements of robust time synchronization in
large-scale WSN applications. A faster-convergence approach
may adapt rapidly to the changes in clock drifts and network
topology, and recover quickly from loss of synchronization.
It is difficult to meet all of the above requirements due
to the transmission delay, topology changes, and clock drifts.
The RBS [16] and CESP [17] broadcast periodically to build
accurate time synchronization among all of the receivers,
while fail to meet the synchronization requirements over
larger distances [18]. The TPSN [19] is more accurate than
the RBS due to less clock offset estimation error on two-
way message exchange models, but it is not a distributed
approach as topology management is needed to maintain a
spanning tree. Average-consensus-based protocols, e.g., GTSP
[20], ATS [21], CCS [22], DISTY [23], and DiStiNCT [24],
are completely independent of topology and more robust to
a dynamic WSN, but they cost many more synchronization
periods to build the time synchronization. For instance, the
synchronization convergence time is up to 120 rounds of
synchronization periods in a 5 × 7 grid (diameter of 10) for
ATS [21]. At present, there is no good method to shorten
the convergence time for these approaches. The maximum-
consensus-based protocols MTS [25] and SMTS [26] converge
faster than ATS, but they still cost approximately 90 rounds
to converge in a 20-node ring network (diameter of 10), and
their convergence time is linear growth of the diameter [25].
The flooding time synchronization protocols, e.g., FTSP
[27], EGSync [28], Glossy [29], PulseSync [18], FCSA
[30], PISync (FloodPISync and PulsePISync) [31], attracted
our attention because they have the potential to be a fast-
convergence, accurate, and distributed time synchronization
algorithm. The FTSP, FCSA and FloodPISync are slow-
flooding protocols, in which the nodes broadcast their local
time information periodically and asynchronously, and all of
the network nodes synchronize with the root node (reference)
when the synchronization is convergent. However, the time
information on the root cannot be flooded with the multiple
hop nodes quickly, and the accuracy of the time information is
reduced by the clock drift on the flooding path. Additionally,
the FCSA must maintain the neighbor node table. A rapid-
flooding time synchronization protocol (e.g., PulsePISync,
PulseSync or Glossy), in which the time information of the
root is forwarded to every node as fast as possible, can adapt
quickly to changes in clock drift. If the time information
is flooded with nodes in a very short time, then there is
1551-3203 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2019.2927292, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics
minimization error on clock drift.
The key idea of flooding time synchronization can be briefly
described as follows. All of the nodes synchronize themselves
to the reference node that is unique, and the time information
of the reference is flooded to the network nodes along multi-
hop paths. The synchronization error of adjacent nodes is
determined by the time of radio message delivery, which has
been carefully analyzed in [28]. The synchronization error of
multi-hop nodes depends on the flooding time and flooding
path. Thus, the synchronization errors are passed to the next
hop node and are accumulated hop by hop. Specifically,
1) the closer the node to the reference node, the higher t he
node synchronization accuracy [19], [28], [30]; and
2) the longer the flooding path and the slower the flooding
speed, the worse the time information accuracy [19], [30].
Moreover, if a node fails to synchronize to the reference,
then all of the nodes on the flooding paths with the failed node
will also fail, and even worse. Thus it may take a long time
to recover from the damage. Unfortunately, although the time
of radio message delivery can be assumed as the Gaussian
distribution [32], it may be very large due to the uncertain
software delay. The uncertain delay will be discussed in details
in Section II. Therefore, delays remain the major challenge to
flooding synchronization approaches in large-scale WSN.
In this paper, we focus on adopting robust and accurate
clock parameter estimations to develop the reliable flooding
time synchronization for the large-scale WSN. A new rapid-
flooding multiple one-way broadcast time synchronization
(RMTS) protocol is proposed, which is much more accurate
and faster-converging than existing flooding approaches. The
multiple one-way broadcast model is proposed to generate
time information observations, and only the packet that arrives
first will be handled by receivers. Based on the observations,
the relative clock skew maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
is used to generate accurate clock skew estimation, and the
clock skew estimation sharing is used to guarantee rapid
convergence. Furthermore, the relative clock offset MLE is
used to guarantee accurate time synchronization, by which the
estimation error due to variable delay and uncertain delay is
minimized. Even for a 24-hop network (the network capacity
reaches 2
− 1 on the binary tree network), the proposed
protocol is able to achieve accurate time synchronization at
the third round of synchronization periods, i.e., the proposed
RMTS takes approximately 3× period time to synchronize all
the nodes in the network. The following aspects of RMTS are
1) the clock offset estimation error caused by delay can
be minimized, and the RMTS has better time synchronization
convergence accuracy than previous approaches;
2) the uncertain delay can be removed from the error link,
and the by-hop synchronization error and the probability of
adverse effects caused by uncertain delays are significantly
reduced; and
3) the convergence rate is significantly improved, and does
not depend on the diameter of networks.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. We
analyze the challenges in flooding time synchronization in
Section II and provide the system model in Section III.
The RMTS is presented and analyzed in Section IV. Section
V provides the implementation and experimental results, in
which we also compare the proposed RMTS with FTSP,
FCSA, PulseSync and PulsePISync. Finally, some concluding
remarks are given in Section VI.
A. Overview
The basic flooding model for time synchronization in WSNs
is shown in Fig. 1. Considering a large-scale WSN, which
always has one or more paths to connect any pair of nodes,
the diameter of the WSN is defined as the maximal hop
between reference and nodes. The reference node, which
can be synchronized with the external clock (e.g., GPS and
Coordinated Universal Time), provides the reference clock
(global clock) for the networks. The main idea of flooding
synchronization is to synchronize every node to the reference,
and the basic way is to flood the time information of the
reference to the entire network based on one-way broadcast
packet transmission.
The experimental results in [30] and [18] show that the
synchronization errors of flooding synchronization are mainly
caused by delay and clock shift, and they are always accu-
mulating as the hop increases. Nodes that are closer to the
reference may receive more accurate time information, e.g.,
node B receives more accurate time information than A.
1 hop
2 hop
3 hop
4 hop
5 hop
6 hop
n-3 hop
Flooding path Redundant path
6 hop
3 hop
1 hop
2 hop
2 hop
2 hop
3 hop
3 hop
Fig. 1. Network topology and flood model (diameter of n, e.g., n ≥
6), in which time information received from the reference is more
accurate than that received from closer to the reference.
Therefore, both flooding path and time cost are important
to flooding synchronization. In large-scale WSN applications,
there are more than one paths between nodes and the flooding
time costs are different on each path. Due to the clock shifting,
the time information along the path that costs less time is more
accurate [18], [28], [29]. Moreover, the clock drift is always
changing, and as a result, the time information is becoming
inaccurate, until it is forwarded, and it is likely that the longer
the waiting time of time information forwarding, the worse
the accuracy.
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