Version 11.3
June 2023 3
The assessment of VRU protection is combination of impact tests and AEB/LSS tests.
For the impact tests, consisting of headform, upper legform, aPLI impacts, a grid will be
marked on the outer surface of the vehicle for all of the impact zones. Euro NCAP will test
a number of grid points and manufacturers may nominate an additional number of tests to
be performed, which will also be included in the assessment.
The vehicle manufacturer is required to provide the Euro NCAP Secretariat with data
detailing the protection offered by the vehicle at all grid locations. The data shall be
provided to the Euro NCAP Secretariat before any test preparation begins. The predicted
level of protection offered by the vehicle is verified by Euro NCAP by means of testing of
a sample of randomly selected grid-points, the overall prediction is then corrected
For AEB/LSS testing, the vehicle manufacturer is also required to provide the Euro NCAP
with data detailing the expected performance of the AEB/LSS VRU system for all test
scenarios. The expected performance will be used to as a reference to identify discrepancies
between the expected results and the test results.
Points Calculation
For the legform impact areas, a sliding scale system of points scoring has been used to
calculate points based on each measured criterion. This involves two limits for each
parameter, a more demanding limit (higher performance), below which a maximum score
is obtained and a less demanding limit (lower performance), beyond which no points are
scored. Where a value falls between the two limits, the score is calculated by linear
interpolation. No capping is applied to any of the measurements.
For the headform impact area, the protection predicted by the vehicle manufacturer will be
compared to the outcome of the randomly selected test locations. The results at those test
locations will be used to generate a correction factor, which will then be applied to the
predicted score. Only data that results in a correction factor of between 0.850 and 1.150 are
accepted. Where this is not the case, the cause will be investigated and the Secretariat will
subsequently decide how to proceed. Where the data are accepted, the headform score will
be based on the predicted data score with correction applied.
For most AEB scenarios, a stepped sliding scale using colour bands based on the speed
reduction is applied. Other AEB and LSS scenarios are assessed as pass/fail only.