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<p>JSON Schema Type Builder with Static Type Resolution for TypeScript</p>
<img src="https://github.com/sinclairzx81/typebox/blob/master/typebox.png?raw=true" />
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<a name="Install"></a>
## Install
#### Node
$ npm install @sinclair/typebox --save
#### Deno
import { Static, Type } from 'https://deno.land/x/typebox/src/typebox.ts'
## Example
import { Static, Type } from '@sinclair/typebox'
const T = Type.String() // const T = { "type": "string" }
type T = Static<typeof T> // type T = string
<a name="Overview"></a>
## Overview
TypeBox is a library that creates in-memory JSON Schema objects that can be statically inferred as TypeScript types. The schemas produced by this library are designed to match the static type checking rules of the TypeScript compiler. TypeBox allows one to create a unified type that can be both statically asserted by the TypeScript compiler and runtime asserted using standard JSON Schema validation.
TypeBox can be used as a simple tool to build up complex schemas or integrated into RPC or REST services to help validate JSON data received over the wire. TypeBox does not provide any JSON schema validation. Please use libraries such as AJV to validate schemas built with this library.
Requires TypeScript 4.3.5 and above.
License MIT
## Contents
- [Install](#Install)
- [Overview](#Overview)
- [Usage](#Usage)
- [Types](#Types)
- [Modifiers](#Modifiers)
- [Options](#Options)
- [Generic Types](#Generic-Types)
- [Reference Types](#Reference-Types)
- [Recursive Types](#Recursive-Types)
- [Extended Types](#Extended-Types)
- [Strict](#Strict)
- [Validation](#Validation)
- [OpenAPI](#OpenAPI)
<a name="Example"></a>
## Usage
The following demonstrates TypeBox's general usage.
import { Static, Type } from '@sinclair/typebox'
// Let's say you have the following type ...
type T = {
id: string,
name: string,
timestamp: number
// ... you can express this type in the following way.
const T = Type.Object({ // const T = {
id: Type.String(), // type: 'object',
name: Type.String(), // properties: {
timestamp: Type.Integer() // id: {
}) // type: 'string'
// },
// name: {
// type: 'string'
// },
// timestamp: {
// type: 'integer'
// }
// },
// required: [
// "id",
// "name",
// "timestamp"
// ]
// }
// ... then infer back to the original static type this way.
type T = Static<typeof T> // type T = {
// id: string,
// name: string,
// timestamp: number
// }
// ... then use the type both as JSON schema and as a TypeScript type.
function receive(value: T) { // ... as a Type
if(JSON.validate(T, value)) { // ... as a Schema
// ok...
<a name="Types"></a>
## Types
The following table outlines the TypeBox mappings between TypeScript and JSON schema.
│ TypeBox │ TypeScript │ JSON Schema │
│ │ │ │
│ const T = Type.Any() │ type T = any │ const T = { } │
│ │ │ │
│ const T = Type.Unknown() │ type T = unknown │ const T = { } │
│ │ │ │
│ const T = Type.String() │ type T = string │ const T = { │
│ │ │ type: 'string' │
│ │ │ } │
│ │ │ │
│ const T = Type.Number() │ type T = number │ const T = { │
│ │ │ type: 'number' │
│ │ │ } │
│ │ │ │
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TestScheduler.js 13KB
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identifier.js 13KB
utils.js 12KB
request.js 12KB
inliner.js 12KB
watchman.js 12KB
dependencies.js 12KB
walk.js 12KB
SearchSource.js 11KB
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