* Copyright 2015-2021 the original author or authors.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 which
* accompanies this distribution and is available at
* https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
package org.junit.jupiter.api;
import static org.apiguardian.api.API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL;
import static org.apiguardian.api.API.Status.STABLE;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import org.apiguardian.api.API;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.function.Executable;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.function.ThrowingSupplier;
import org.opentest4j.MultipleFailuresError;
* {@code Assertions} is a collection of utility methods that support asserting
* conditions in tests.
* <p>Unless otherwise noted, a <em>failed</em> assertion will throw an
* {@link org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError} or a subclass thereof.
* <h3>Object Equality</h3>
* <p>Assertion methods comparing two objects for <em>equality</em>, such as the
* {@code assertEquals(expected, actual)} and {@code assertNotEquals(unexpected, actual)}
* variants, are <em>only</em> intended to test equality for an (un-)expected value
* and an actual value. They are not designed for testing whether a class correctly
* implements {@link Object#equals(Object)}. For example, {@code assertEquals()}
* might immediately return {@code true} when provided the same object for the
* expected and actual values, without calling {@code equals(Object)} at all.
* Tests that aim to verify the {@code equals(Object)} implementation should instead
* be written to explicitly verify the {@link Object#equals(Object)} contract by
* using {@link #assertTrue(boolean) assertTrue()} or {@link #assertFalse(boolean)
* assertFalse()} — for example, {@code assertTrue(expected.equals(actual))},
* {@code assertTrue(actual.equals(expected))}, {@code assertFalse(expected.equals(null))},
* etc.
* <h3>Kotlin Support</h3>
* <p>Additional <a href="https://kotlinlang.org/">Kotlin</a> assertions can be
* found as <em>top-level functions</em> in the {@link org.junit.jupiter.api}
* package.
* <h3>Preemptive Timeouts</h3>
* <p>The various {@code assertTimeoutPreemptively()} methods in this class
* execute the provided {@code executable} or {@code supplier} in a different
* thread than that of the calling code. This behavior can lead to undesirable
* side effects if the code that is executed within the {@code executable} or
* {@code supplier} relies on {@link ThreadLocal} storage.
* <p>One common example of this is the transactional testing support in the Spring
* Framework. Specifically, Spring's testing support binds transaction state to
* the current thread (via a {@code ThreadLocal}) before a test method is invoked.
* Consequently, if an {@code executable} or {@code supplier} provided to
* {@code assertTimeoutPreemptively()} invokes Spring-managed components that
* participate in transactions, any actions taken by those components will not be
* rolled back with the test-managed transaction. On the contrary, such actions
* will be committed to the persistent store (e.g., relational database) even
* though the test-managed transaction is rolled back.
* <p>Similar side effects may be encountered with other frameworks that rely on
* {@code ThreadLocal} storage.
* <h3>Extensibility</h3>
* <p>Although it is technically possible to extend this class, extension is
* strongly discouraged. The JUnit Team highly recommends that the methods
* defined in this class be used via <em>static imports</em>.
* @since 5.0
* @see org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError
* @see Assumptions
@API(status = STABLE, since = "5.0")
public class Assertions {
* Protected constructor allowing subclassing but not direct instantiation.
* @since 5.3
@API(status = STABLE, since = "5.3")
protected Assertions() {
/* no-op */
// --- fail ----------------------------------------------------------------
* <em>Fail</em> the test <em>without</em> a failure message.
* <p>Although failing <em>with</em> an explicit failure message is recommended,
* this method may be useful when maintaining legacy code.
* <p>See Javadoc for {@link #fail(String)} for an explanation of this method's
* generic return type {@code V}.
public static <V> V fail() {
return null; // appeasing the compiler: this line will never be executed.
* <em>Fail</em> the test with the given failure {@code message}.
* <p>The generic return type {@code V} allows this method to be used
* directly as a single-statement lambda expression, thereby avoiding the
* need to implement a code block with an explicit return value. Since this
* method throws an {@link org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError} before its
* return statement, this method never actually returns a value to its caller.
* The following example demonstrates how this may be used in practice.
* <pre>{@code
* Stream.of().map(entry -> fail("should not be called"));
* }</pre>
public static <V> V fail(String message) {
return null; // appeasing the compiler: this line will never be executed.
* <em>Fail</em> the test with the given failure {@code message} as well
* as the underlying {@code cause}.
* <p>See Javadoc for {@link #fail(String)} for an explanation of this method's
* generic return type {@code V}.
public static <V> V fail(String message, Throwable cause) {
AssertionUtils.fail(message, cause);
return null; // appeasing the compiler: this line will never be executed.
* <em>Fail</em> the test with the given underlying {@code cause}.
* <p>See Javadoc for {@link #fail(String)} for an explanation of this method's
* generic return type {@code V}.
public static <V> V fail(Throwable cause) {
return null; // appeasing the compiler: this line will never be executed.
* <em>Fail</em> the test with the failure message retrieved from the
* given {@code messageSupplier}.
* <p>See Javadoc for {@link #fail(String)} for an explanation of this method's
* generic return type {@code V}.
public static <V> V fail(Supplier<String> messageSupplier) {
return null; // appeasing the compiler: this line will never be executed.
// --- assertTrue ----------------------------------------------------------
* <em>Assert</em> that the supplied {@code condition} is {@code true}.
public static void assertTrue(boolean condition) {
* <em>Assert</em> that the supplied {@code condition} is {@code true}.
* <p>If necessary, the failure message will be retrieved lazily from the supplied {@code messageSupplier}.
public static void assertTrue(boolean condition, Supplier<String> messageSupplier) {
AssertTrue.assertTrue(condition, messageSupplier);
* <em>Assert</em> that the boolean condition supplied by {@code booleanSupplier} is {@code true}.
public static void assertTrue(BooleanSupplier booleanSupplier) {
* <em>Assert</em> that the boolean condition supplied by {@code booleanSupplier} is {@code true}.
* <p>Fails with the supplied failure {@code message}.
public static void assertTrue(BooleanSupplier booleanSupplier, String message) {
AssertTrue.assertTrue(booleanSupplier, message);
* <em>Assert</em> that the supplied {@code condition} is {@code true}.
* <p>Fails with the supplied failure {@code message}.
public static void assertTrue(b
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内容概要: ALevin配置环境所需要的基础包——JUnit5.8.2版 适合人群: 对虚拟网络嵌入算法感兴趣的人 能学到什么: 可以帮助大家更快的配置好ALevin运行环境 阅读建议: ALevin作为一个很好的虚拟网络仿真平台,它的开源给我们的学习带来很大方便,但在这之前我们先要将环境配置好,才能更好的使用着个开源工具,由于ALevin要求JUnit 4.5 或更高版本, 因此为了方便大家交流学习, 这里分享一个目前最新版本的junit,如果需要其他版本请到http://www.junit.org下载,下载完成后,请修改“.classpath”中的相应条目以反映相应库的系统范围位置,可以进行调试已检测是否正确安装,如果安装过程中,欢迎与博主一起交流,让我们一起进步
ALevin配置环境所需要的基础包——JUnit (1594个子文件)
writing-tests.adoc 110KB
extensions.adoc 41KB
running-tests.adoc 36KB
link-attributes.adoc 24KB
launcher-api.adoc 12KB
testkit.adoc 9KB
appendix.adoc 8KB
migration-from-junit4.adoc 6KB
overview.adoc 4KB
api-evolution.adoc 3KB
release-notes-5.8.1.adoc 2KB
junit-platform-suite-engine.adoc 2KB
release-notes-5.8.2.adoc 1KB
index.adoc 1KB
release-notes-TEMPLATE.adoc 924B
junit-platform-reporting.adoc 896B
release-notes-5.8.0.adoc 749B
index.adoc 746B
advanced-topics.adoc 216B
contributors.adoc 129B
gradlew.bat 3KB
gradlew.bat 3KB
junit-stylesheet.css 4KB
styles.css 2KB
tocbot.css 551B
exceeds-default-max-chars.csv 4KB
default-max-chars.csv 4KB
broken.csv 1KB
two-column-with-headers.csv 347B
two-column.csv 85B
two-column.csv 24B
single-column.csv 19B
leading-trailing-spaces.csv 15B
extensions_lifecycle_source.docx 16KB
org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.Extension 58B
.gitattributes 86B
.gitignore 290B
sub-project.gradle 63B
build.gradle 63B
gradlew 8KB
gradlew 6KB
GroovyAssertNotEqualsTests.groovy 6KB
GroovyAssertEqualsTests.groovy 6KB
PrimitiveAndWrapperTypeHelpers.groovy 1KB
SpockTestCaseWithUnrolledAndRegularFeatureMethods.groovy 384B
docinfo-footer.html 1KB
junit-overview.html 1KB
docinfo.html 741B
junit-eclipse.importorder 61B
gradle-wrapper.jar 58KB
gradle-wrapper.jar 54KB
jar test with spaces.jar 2KB
jartest.jar 2KB
gh-1436-invalid-nested-class-file.jar 2KB
jupiter-testjar.jar 2KB
vintage-testjar.jar 1KB
Assertions.java 132KB
ReflectionUtilsTests.java 68KB
AssertArrayEqualsAssertionsTests.java 63KB
ReflectionUtils.java 62KB
ParameterizedTestIntegrationTests.java 46KB
TestInstanceLifecycleTests.java 45KB
TempDirectoryPerContextTests.java 43KB
VintageTestEngineDiscoveryTests.java 34KB
DiscoverySelectorResolverTests.java 34KB
VintageTestEngineExecutionTests.java 34KB
TempDirectoryPerDeclarationTests.java 34KB
JUnitPlatformRunnerTests.java 33KB
DiscoverySelectorsTests.java 33KB
TestTemplateInvocationTests.java 30KB
HierarchicalTestExecutorTests.java 29KB
ExtensionRegistrationViaParametersAndFieldsTests.java 29KB
DefaultLauncherTests.java 29KB
DiscoverySelectors.java 28KB
AnnotationUtilsTests.java 28KB
PicocliCommandLineOptionsParserTests.java 26KB
ExtensionContext.java 25KB
SelectorResolver.java 25KB
ParallelExecutionIntegrationTests.java 25KB
TestInstanceFactoryTests.java 24KB
AssertEqualsAssertionsTests.java 22KB
DynamicNodeGenerationTests.java 22KB
ClassBasedTestDescriptor.java 22KB
ProgrammaticExtensionRegistrationTests.java 21KB
AnnotationSupport.java 21KB
LifecycleMethodExecutionExceptionHandlerTests.java 21KB
Constants.java 20KB
AnnotationUtils.java 20KB
TimeoutExtensionTests.java 20KB
AssertNotEqualsAssertionsTests.java 20KB
EngineTestKit.java 19KB
EventConditions.java 18KB
OrderedMethodTests.java 18KB
ParameterResolverTests.java 18KB
LegacyXmlReportGeneratingListenerTests.java 17KB
CsvFileArgumentsProviderTests.java 17KB
AvailableOptions.java 16KB
AssertIterableEqualsAssertionsTests.java 16KB
MethodArgumentsProviderTests.java 16KB
XmlReportWriter.java 16KB
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