Figure 2. Although state-of-the-art deep neural networks can increasingly recognize natural images (left panel), they also are easily
fooled into declaring with near-certainty that unrecognizable images are familiar objects (center). Images that fool DNNs are produced by
evolutionary algorithms (right panel) that optimize images to generate high-confidence DNN predictions for each class in the dataset the
DNN is trained on (here, ImageNet).
is a motorcycle). Specifically, we use evolutionary algo-
rithms or gradient ascent to generate images that are given
high prediction scores by convolutional neural networks
(convnets) [16, 18]. These DNN models have been shown
to perform well on both the ImageNet [10] and MNIST [19]
datasets. We also find that, for MNIST DNNs, it is not easy
to prevent the DNNs from being fooled by retraining them
with fooling images labeled as such. While retrained DNNs
learn to classify the negative examples as fooling images, a
new batch of fooling images can be produced that fool these
new networks, even after many retraining iterations.
Our findings shed light on current differences between
human vision and DNN-based computer vision. They also
raise questions about how DNNs perform in general across
different types of images than the ones they have been
trained and traditionally tested on.
2. Methods
2.1. Deep neural network models
To test whether DNNs might give false positives for
unrecognizable images, we need a DNN trained to near
state-of-the-art performance. We choose the well-known
“AlexNet” architecture from [16], which is a convnet
trained on the 1.3-million-image ILSVRC 2012 ImageNet
dataset [10, 24]. Specifically, we use the already-trained
AlexNet DNN provided by the Caffe software package [15].
It obtains 42.6% top-1 error rate, similar to the 40.7% re-
ported by Krizhevsky 2012 [16]. While the Caffe-provided
DNN has some small differences from Krizhevsky 2012
[16], we do not believe our results would be qualitatively
changed by small architectural and optimization differences
or their resulting small performance improvements. Simi-
larly, while recent papers have improved upon Krizhevsky
2012, those differences are unlikely to change our results.
We chose AlexNet because it is widely known and a trained
DNN similar to it is publicly available. In this paper, we
refer to this model as “ImageNet DNN”.
To test that our results hold for other DNN architectures
and datasets, we also conduct experiments with the Caffe-
provided LeNet model [18] trained on the MNIST dataset
[19]. The Caffe version has a minor difference from the
original architecture in [18] in that its neural activation func-
tions are rectified linear units (ReLUs) [22] instead of sig-
moids. This model obtains 0.94% error rate, similar to the
0.8% of LeNet-5 [18]. We refer to this model as “MNIST
2.2. Generating images with evolution
The novel images we test DNNs on are produced by evo-
lutionary algorithms (EAs) [12]. EAs are optimization al-
gorithms inspired by Darwinian evolution. They contain
a population of “organisms” (here, images) that alternately
face selection (keeping the best) and then random pertur-
bation (mutation and/or crossover). Which organisms are
selected depends on the fitness function, which in these ex-
periments is the highest prediction value a DNN makes for
that image belonging to a class (Fig. 2).
Traditional EAs optimize solutions to perform well on
one objective, or on all of a small set of objectives [12] (e.g.
evolving images to match a single ImageNet class). We
instead use a new algorithm called the multi-dimensional
archive of phenotypic elites MAP-Elites [6], which enables
us to simultaneously evolve a population that contains in-
dividuals that score well on many classes (e.g. all 1000
ImageNet classes). Our results are unaffected by using
the more computationally efficient MAP-Elites over single-
target evolution (data not shown). MAP-Elites works by
keeping the best individual found so far for each objective.
Each iteration, it chooses a random organism from the pop-
ulation, mutates it randomly, and replaces the current cham-
pion for any objective if the new individual has higher fit-