create database DBSHOP
create table tbl_u_country
country_code varchar(5) not null,
country_name varchar(100) not null,
constraint tbl_s_country_pk primary key(country_code),
constraint tbl_s_country_u unique(country_name)
create table tbl_s_systemuser
username varchar(50) not null,
password varchar(50) not null,
user_level varchar(2) not null,
constraint tbl_s_systemuser_pk primary key(username),
constraint tbl_s_systemuser_u unique(user_level)
create table tbl_s_customer
username varchar(50) not null,
customer_last_name varchar(100) not null,
customer_first_name varchar(100) not null,
customer_address varchar(200) not null,
country_code varchar(5) not null,
mobile_number numeric not null,
phone_number numeric not null,
email_address varchar(100) not null,
constraint tbl_s_customer_pk primary key(username),
constraint tbl_s_customer_fk_u foreign key(username)
references tbl_s_systemuser(username),
constraint tbl_s_customer_fk foreign key(country_code)
references tbl_u_country(county_code),
constraint tbl_s_customer_u unique(email_address)
create table tbl_u_category
category_code varchar(5) not null,
category_description varchar(100) not null,
constraint tbl_u_category_pk primary key(category_code),
constraint tbl_u_category_u unique(category_description)
create table tbl_s_product
product_code varchar(10) not null,
product_description varchar(100) not null,
category_code varchar(5) not null,
quantity numeric not null,
price decimal(9,2) not null,
image varchar(100),
constraint tbl_s_product_pk primary key(product_code),
constraint tbl_s_product_fk foreign key(category_code)
references tbl_u_category(category_code),
constraint tbl_s_product_u unique(product_description),
constraint tbl_s_product_chk
check(quantity >= 0 and
price >= 0)
create table tbl_t_shop_header
transaction_number varchar(10) not null,
shop_date datetime not null,
username varchar(50) not null,
shipping_address varchar(100) not null,
total_amount decimal(9,2) not null,
credit_card_number numeric not null,
constraint tbl_t_shop_header_pk primary key(transaction_number),
constraint tbl_t_shop_header_fk foreign key(username)
references tbl_s_customer(username),
constraint tbl_t_shop_header_chk
check(total_amount >= 0)
create table tbl_t_shop_detail
transaction_number varchar(10) not null,
product_code varchar(10) not null,
quantity numeric not null,
subtotal decimal(9,2) not null,
constraint tbl_t_shop_detail_pk primary key(transaction_number, product_code),
constraint tbl_t_shop_detail_fk_tn foreign key(transaction_number)
references tbl_t_shop_header(transaction_number),
constraint tbl_t_shop_detail_fk_pc foreign key(product_code)
references tbl_s_product(product_code),
constraint tbl_t_shop_detail_chk
check(quantity >= 0 and
subtotal >= 0)
sample value
insert into tbl_s_systemuser values('ADMIN', 'admin', 'AD');
insert into tbl_s_systemuser values('temp', 'temp', 'LT');
insert into tbl_u_country values('CN101', 'ARMENIAN');
insert into tbl_u_country values('CN102', 'CANADA');
insert into tbl_u_country values('CN103', 'CHINA');
insert into tbl_u_country values('CN104', 'JAPAN');
insert into tbl_u_country values('CN105', 'PHILIPPINES');
insert into tbl_u_country values('CN106', 'USA');
insert into tbl_s_product values('PRD1000001', 'PALA', 'CT101', '5', '100.00', "")
insert into tbl_s_product values('PRD1000002', 'MARTILYO', 'CT101', '5', '200.00', "")
insert into tbl_s_product values('PRD1000003', 'MASO', 'CT101', '5', '300.00', "")
insert into tbl_s_product values('PRD1000004', 'SEMENTO', 'CT101', '5', '400.00', "")
insert into tbl_s_product values('PRD1000005', 'BALSIG', 'CT101', '5', '500.00', "")
insert into tbl_u_category values('CT101', 'HEAVY');
insert into tbl_u_category values('CT102', 'LIGHT');
pg. 918..