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If you download source codes, please leave the header indicating version, author, and date of modifications. If you introduce modifications yourself, add comments in the header with date and author's name, so that the history of the code can be traced. The following source codes can be downloaded in ASCII format. For the moment (and for years), there are still only 3 packages:
1# Closed-form block Source separation codes maximizing the contrast (2,4), the sum of squares of fourth-order marginal cumulants for real data and mixtures in presence of unknown noise. References: Vail'89, Chamrousse'91, Eurasip Signal Processing'94.
* The original 1989 Matlab codes on Independent Component Analysis by contrast maximization, all merged one after the other in a single file codesICA.txt . The file codesICA.txt contains the following:
* The function tfuni4.m , separating 2 sources from 2 sensor data
* The code aci.m performing the sweeps: i.e. the code separating N sources from N (or more) sensors, calling the function tfuni4.m that processes the pairs, and putting the results together.
* The function tfuniV.m identifying a 2-input 2-output mixture from sensor cumulants. The latter allows to evaluate performances for infinite observation lengths.
* The function aciValid.m performing the sweeps and calling tfuni4V.m. It separates N sources from N (or more) sensors, only based on cumulants of sources (number not limited, so that interferences simulating non Gaussian noises can be included). References: Eurasip Signal Processing'94
* The function ecar2.m allowing to measure the gap between 2 matrices up to multiplicative scaling and permutation matrices. References: Eurasip Signal Processing'94
2# Closed-form block Source separation codes maximizing the contrast (1,4), the sum of fourth-order marginal cumulants, when sources have a kurtosis of given constant sign. References: ICASSP'97, SPAWC'97, ICA'99
* The function tfuni1.m separating a pair of complex sources.
* The function tfuni1R.m separating a pair of real sources.
* The function tfuni1V.m identifying a 2-input 2-output mixture (in presence of an unlimited number of non Gaussian unknown interferences) from sensor cumulants. The latter allows to evaluate performances for infinite observation lengths.
* The code aci1.m separating N complex sources from N (or more) sensors, that calls tfuni1.m.
* MeX and C codes for separating complex sources, written by C.Guillemot and O.Grellier in June 2000, and implementing the same algorithms as aci1.m and tfuni1.m.
3# Codes for identifying a complex mixture of 3 sources received on 2 sensors. References: SPIE'98, IEEE TSP'04
I plan to make available many other codes, but I have not had time do comment them yet. Thanks for your patience.
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