# DeepVariant
DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural network to call
genetic variants from next-generation DNA sequencing data. DeepVariant relies on
[Nucleus](https://github.com/google/nucleus), a library of Python and C++ code
for reading and writing data in common genomics file formats (like SAM and VCF)
designed for painless integration with the
[TensorFlow](https://www.tensorflow.org/) machine learning framework.
## Why Use DeepVariant?
* **High accuracy** - In 2016 DeepVariant won
[PrecisionFDA Truth Challenge](https://precision.fda.gov/challenges/truth/results)
for best SNP Performance. DeepVariant maintains high accuracy across data
from different sequencing technologies, prep methods, and species.
* **Flexibility** - Out-of-the-box use for
samples and
[low quality sequencing runs](https://blog.dnanexus.com/2018-01-16-evaluating-the-performance-of-ngs-pipelines-on-noisy-wgs-data/),
and easy adjustments for
[different sequencing technologies](https://google.github.io/deepvariant/posts/2019-01-14-highly-accurate-snp-and-indel-calling-on-pacbio-ccs-with-deepvariant/)
[non-human species](https://google.github.io/deepvariant/posts/2018-12-05-improved-non-human-variant-calling-using-species-specific-deepvariant-models/).
* **Ease of use** - No filtering is needed beyond setting your preferred
minimum quality threshold.
* **Cost effectiveness** - With an optimized setup on
[Google Cloud](https://cloud.google.com/genomics/deepvariant), it costs
~$2-3 to call a whole genome and $0.20 to call an exome with preemptible
* **Speed** - On a 64-core CPU-only machine, DeepVariant completes a 50x WGS
in 5 hours and an exome in 16 minutes [(1)](#myfootnote1)</sup>. Multiple
options for acceleration exist, taking the WGS pipeline to as fast as 40
minutes (see [external solutions](#external-solutions)).
* **Usage options** - DeepVariant can be run via Docker or binaries, using
both on-premise hardware or in the cloud, with support for hardware
accelerators like GPUs and TPUs.
<a name="myfootnote1">(1)</a>: Time estimates do not include mapping.
## DeepVariant Setup
### Prerequisites
* Unix-like operating system (cannot run on Windows)
* Python 2.7
### Official Solutions
Below are the official solutions provided by the
[Genomics team in Google Brain](https://research.google.com/teams/brain/genomics/).
Name | Description
:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | -----------
[Docker](https://github.com/google/deepvariant/blob/r0.8/docs/deepvariant-quick-start.md) | This is the recommended method.
[Build from source](https://github.com/google/deepvariant/blob/r0.8/docs/deepvariant-build-test.md) | DeepVariant comes with scripts to build it on Ubuntu 14 and 16, with Ubuntu 16 recommended. To build and run on other Unix-based systems, you will need to modify these scripts.
Prebuilt Binaries | Available at [`gs://deepvariant/`](https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/deepvariant). These are compiled to use SSE4 and AVX instructions, so you will need a CPU (such as Intel Sandy Bridge) that supports them. You can check the `/proc/cpuinfo` file on your computer, which lists these features under "flags".
### External Solutions
The following pipelines are not created or maintained by the
[Genomics team in Google Brain](https://research.google.com/teams/brain/genomics/).
Please contact the relevant teams if you have any questions or concerns.
Name | Description
:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | -----------
[Running DeepVariant on Google Cloud Platform](https://cloud.google.com/genomics/docs/tutorials/deepvariant) | Docker-based pipelines optimized for cost and speed. Code can be found [here](https://github.com/googlegenomics/gcp-deepvariant-runner).
[DeepVariant-on-spark from ATGENOMIX](https://github.com/atgenomix/deepvariant-on-spark) | A germline short variant calling pipeline that runs DeepVariant on Apache Spark at scale with support for multi-GPU clusters (e.g. NVIDIA DGX-1).
[Parabricks](https://docs.parabricks.com/standalone-tools/deepvariant) | An accelerated DeepVariant pipeline with multi-GPU support that runs our WGS pipeline in just 40 minutes, at a cost of $2-$3 per sample. This provides a 7.5x speedup over a 64-core CPU-only machine at lower cost.
[DNAnexus DeepVariant App](https://platform.dnanexus.com/app/deepvariant_germline) | Offers parallelized execution with a GUI interface (requires platform account).
[Nextflow Pipeline](https://github.com/nf-core/deepvariant) | Offers parallel processing of multiple BAMs and Docker support.
[DNAstack Pipeline](https://app.dnastack.com/auth/realms/DNAstack/protocol/openid-connect/auth?client_id=dnastack-client&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.dnastack.com%2F%3Fredirect_fragment%3D%252Forg%252F473079%252Fproj%252F473096%252Fapp%252Fworkflow%252F425685%252Frun&state=42231553-9fbc-4d71-a10e-d6ce42415c01&nonce=daf2568d-4fe7-48e2-ab60-858937244a87&response_mode=query&response_type=code&scope=openid) | Cost-optimized DeepVariant pipeline (requires platform account).
## Run DeepVariant
* [DeepVariant Quickstart](https://github.com/google/deepvariant/blob/r0.8/docs/deepvariant