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Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: October 14, 2019
Accepted: November 17, 2019
Published: December 5, 2019
Symmetry enhancement in 4d Spin(n) gauge theories
and compactification from 6d
Orr Sela
and Gabi Zafrir
Department of Physics, Technion,
Haifa, 32000, Israel
Kavli IPMU (WPI), UTIAS, the University of Tokyo,
Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan
sorrsela@campus.technion.ac.il, gabi.zafrir@ipmu.jp
Abstract: We conside r a k nown sequence of dualities involving 4d N = 1 theories with
Spin(n) gauge groups and use it to construct a new sequence of models exhibit i ng IR
symmetry e nh ance me nt. Then, motivated by the observed pattern of IR symmetries we
conjecture si x -di m ens i onal theories the compactification of which on a Riemann surface
yields the 4d sequence of mod el s along wi t h their symmetry enhancements, and put them
to several consistency checks.
Keywords: Duality in G auge Field Theories, Field Theories in Higher Dimensions, Global
Symmetries, Supersymm et r y and Duality
ArXiv ePrint:
Open Access,
The Authors.
Article funded by SCOAP
1 Introducti on 1
2 Background 3
2.1 The superconformal index 3
2.2 Symmetry enhancement in Spin(n+4) models and compactific ati on from 6d 6
3 Four dimensional symmetry enhancement in Spin(n+8) models 8
4 Compactification from six dim en s ions 18
4.1 Five dimensional analysis 20
4.2 Aspects of the reduction 25
A Index calculation in detail 27
1 Introduction
Renormalization group flows of quantum field theories can entail phenomena that appear to
be nontr i v i al from the point of view of the UV theory. One such phenomenon is symmetry
enhancement, in which certain operators b e com e conserved currents at the IR fixed point,
thereby making the global symmetry in the IR larger than the one present in the UV. Even
though many examples of such enhancements are known, we still lack a general explanation
of them fr om first principles. A natural direction towards this goal would be to try to find
an organizing principle for some of the known examples, and look for a systematic way to
obtain new ones.
Another nontrivial phenomenon is that of duality, where two different UV models flow
to the same IR theory. Similarly to the case of symmetry enhancement, there are many
known examples of dualiti e s th ough an understanding of the general mechanism behind it
is missing. In some cases, there i s a relat i on between these two kinds of effe c ts , and a given
duality can dire ct us to a model in which the symmetry enh ance s, and vice versa. This
may happen in more than one way, and the simplest model which demonstrates all these
possibilities is the four dimensional N = 1 SU(2) SQCD model with four flavors, t hat is
eight chiral fields in the fundamental re pr es entation. In this theory, since the fund amental
representation of the group SU(2) is pseudoreal, th er e is no real distinction between quarks
and anti-quarks and the flavor s y mme tr y is in fact SU(8) rather than SU(4)×SU(4)×U(1).
Moreover, this model is known to have a S ei berg-dual d es cr i pt i on [
1] in terms of another
SU(2) gauge theory with four flavors, this time with the addition of a gauge-singlet field
coupled through a superpotential to the mesons of the theory. In this dual model, the pres-
ence of the gauge-singlet fiel d keeps the UV global symmetry as S U( 4) × SU(4)× U(1), and
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due to the duality we concl u de t hat it enhances in the IR to SU(8). We therefore see that
a duality can be used to infer that the symmetry of a model enhances in the IR, given that
the dual description possesses an enlarged s y mme tr y. The opposite direction might al so be
useful, and in some cases an enhancement of symmetry can suggest a new dual description
in which the enhanced symmetry is manifest in the UV, see [2] for a recent example.
Another, less trivial instance in which certain dualitie s an d mo de l s wi t h sy m me tr y
enhancement are related was di sc us se d in [3, 4] (see also [5]). In this case, we f ocus on
a specific kind of dualities, called “self dualities”, in which the gauge sec tor of the two
theories is the same and they may differ only by gauge invariant fields. The SU(2) Seiberg
duality discussed above is an example for such a duality, in which the two dual theorie s have
the same gauge group and matter in the fundamental representation, and differ only by
the gauge-singlet fields that are coupled to the mesons in the superpotential. As discussed
in [
3, 4], in many cases where two or more model s are self dual it is possible to construct
a closely related theory which is mapped under the duality transformation to itself (i.e.
without any extra gauge-singlet fiel d s) but with a nontrivial action on t he global symmetry.
Then, i n some cases, the duality will act as an additional symmetry operation, resulting
in an enhancement of the symmetry in the IR. In [3] it was shown how the SU(2) self
duality dis cu sse d above leads to a new SU(2) gauge theory in which the UV sym me tr y is
SU(2) × SU(6) × U(1) and it enhances in the IR to E
× U(1). The conformal manifol d of
this theory is composed of a single point, at which the duality ac ts as an extra symmetry.
Notice that this relation can also be applied in the other direction, and in some c ase s
a model with symmetry enhancement can be used to find a ne w s el f -dual i ty, see [
3, 4] for
explicit examples.
In this paper we will consider a sequence of N = 1 self dualities with Spin(n + 8)
(1 ≤ n ≤ 6) gauge groups, first appeared in [
8], and use it as mentioned above to construct
a new sequence of models with symmetry enhancement. Then, by i d entifying the resulting
pattern of IR symmetries (gi ven in eq. (
3.29)) we will be able to conjecture its origin from
six-dimensional geometric constructions. Explicitly, we will conjecture that the 4d fixed
points along with their enhanced symmetries can be generated through the compactification
of a family of 6d SCFTs on a Riemann surface with fluxes for the global symmetri e s (see [
21] for discussions of such compactifications). The motivation h er e is to see k a physical
explanation for the enhancement, in which these fixed points are viewed as low-energy
effective 4d theories obtained from putting 6d SCFTs on a compact Riemann surface with
fluxes. The 4d IR symmetries are then just the ones inherited from the corresponding 6d
SCFTs (and preserved by the fluxes). This analy si s is analogous to the one pe r for me d
in [
4] for the sequence of self dualities with Spin(n + 4) (1 ≤ n ≤ 8) gauge groups (first
appeared in [
22]), and extends it to the Spin(n + 8) sequence mentioned above. In fac t, we
Let us comment that another variant of this kind of relations between dualities and symmetry enhance-
ment has been discussed in [
6, 7]. In this case, one uses two copies of the SU(2) gauge theory (and a suitable
exactly marginal deformation) in order to construct a model which is mapped to itself under the duality
transformation, and in which the symmetry enhances in th e IR. This is different from the construction of [3]
which involves only one copy, and results in an enhancement of the symmetry from SU(8) in the UV to
× U(1) in the IR.
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find that the IR symmetry patterns and the 6d theories corresponding to the two sequences
are related to each other in a simple way.
As we are fo c us i ng on four dimensional theories with N = 1 supers y mme tr y, we will be
able to employ certain non-pert ur bat i ve techniques in order to extract exact information
about these theories at the i r strongly-coupled IR fixed points. Our main tool will be the
superconformal index [
23–26], which due to i t s invariance under the renormalization group
flow [
27, 28] enables us to easily extract the IR conserved currents of a theory by a s i mpl e
calculation in the UV, where the theory is weakly coupled. Then, by performing such a
calculation for each one of the theories in the sequence, we can find their IR symmetries
and look for a possible pattern. As mentioned above, thi s can then suggest an alternative
description of these IR models in which they are viewed as effe c ti ve 4d theories obtained
from putting six - di me nsi on al theories on a compact Ri e mann surface with fluxes.
The organization of this paper is as follows. We begin in section
2 with a review of
the superconformal index and it s computation, and briefly descri be the results of [
4] that
will be useful for the rest of the paper. Next, in section
3 we construct the sequence of
Spin(n + 8) models with symmetry enhancement and find the IR symmetry of each model.
After identifying the resulting pattern, we turn in sect i on
4 to discuss the six-dimensional
theories the compactification of which on a Riemann surface is conjectured to yie l d the 4d
sequence along with its symme tr y enhancements. An accompanying appendix includes an
example for a detailed computation of the superconformal index for an interesting model
with symmetry e nhanc e me nt that was not discussed in section 3.
2 Background
In this section we review some of the ingredients and pr ev i ous results n ee de d for the
analysis in this paper. We begin in subsection 2. 1 with a review of the superconformal
index and its propert i es that will be used repeatedly in later sections. Then, we continue
in subsection
2.2 with recalling some of the results presented rece ntly in [ 4] which will be
relevant for our discussion.
2.1 The superconformal index
The index of a four dimensional superconformal field theory can be defined as the Witten in-
dex of the theory in radial quantization [
23–26]. That is, it can be written as a trace over the
states of the theory quantized on S
× R. Alternatively, the index can be define d as the su-
persymmetric partition function on S
× S
, where localization techniques can be employed
for its computation [
29, 30]. In this pap e r , we focus on the former definition; then, denoting
by Q one of the Poincar´e supercharges,
the inde x is written as the following weighted trace:
I (p, q; u
) = Tr
. (2.1)
More explicitly, we choose here Q ≡
which in the lan g u a g e of [
26] correspon d s to the “right-handed
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Here F is the fermi on number, p and q are the superconformal fugacities, j
and j
the Cartan generators of the SU(2)
× SU(2)
isometry group of S
(the indices of the
corresponding doublets are denoted by ± and
±, respectively), r is the U(1)
charge, and
and e
are the fugacities and charges of the global symmetries, respectively. Moreover ,
δ i s defined as the following anti-commutator:
δ ≡
Q, Q
= E − 2j
r . (2.2)
Note that even though the chemical potential β appears i n the definition (
2.1), the index
is in fact independent of it since the states with δ > 0 come in boson/fermion pairs and
therefore cancel. Only the states with δ = 0, corresponding to short multiplets of the
superconformal algebra, contribute.
The most salient feature of the index, which also applies t o some other partition
functions, is its invariance under the RG flow [
27, 28]. Hence, by calculating the i nde x of
an asymptotically free theory at the UV fixed point, we automatic al l y obtain the index
of this theory in the IR where the interactions might be str ong. For that purpose, this
calculation, e ven though performed in the UV, involves the IR R charge, i.e. the one that
appears in the super c onfor mal algebra of the theory at th e IR fixed point. The only
assumptions in such a calculation are that we flow to an interacting fixed point without
free fields, and that we have identified the IR R symmetry correctly. We next outli ne the
calculation of the index at the UV fixe d point, referring to [
26] for more details.
Our starting point is t he trac e over the Hilbert space of the theory. Since we consider
a conformal theory, we can e mploy the state/operator correspondence and instead of sum-
ming over the states of the theory we can list all the gauge invariant operators one can
build from the different fields and sum their contributions to the ind ex according to (2.1).
As discussed above, only the contributions of the operators with δ = 0 (where δ is given
by (
2.2)) do not cancel and therefore we can restrict to counting them only.
The advantages of perf orm i ng the calculation in the UV (where the theory is free) are
that the dimensions of the various fields are given by their classical values (i.e. they do not
have anomalous dimensions) and that the dimensions of composite operators equal to the
sum of the dimensions corresponding to the constit ue nt fields. As a result, an operator will
have δ = 0 only if each of the fields used to build it has δ = 0. Therefore, we can restate
the counting procedure as follows: using only the modes of the fields with δ = 0,
we build
all the possible gauge invariant operators and sum t he i r contributions to the index.
We ar e now only left with finding the fields with δ = 0. For a chiral multiplet Φ
with an IR R charge r, those are the scalar Φ (denoted in the same way as the multiplet)
and the anti-spinor component
. The contribution of the scalar to the index according
to (
2.1) is + (pq)
while that of the anti-spinor is − (pq)
. Note that in this discu ssi on,
the parts corresponding to the gauge and gl obal symmetries are suppressed. Next, among
the fields that belong to a vector multiplet, only t he gaugino λ has δ = 0. The component
contributes −p to the i n dex while λ
contributes −q. In addition to the aforementioned
Note that in addition t o the fields themselves, one also uses the spacetime derivatives with δ = 0, as
discussed below.
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- 资源: 903
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