open networks to negotiate a public encryption key while
each member holds a different secret decryption key. Using
the public encryption key, anyone can encrypt any message
to any subset of the group members and only the intended
receivers can decrypt. Unlike GKA, ConBE allows the
sender to exclude some members from reading the cipher-
texts. Compared to BE, ConBE does not need a fully trusted
third party to set up the system. We formalize collusion
resistance by defining an attacker who can fully control all
the members outside the intended receivers but cannot
extract useful information from the ciphertext.
Second, we present the notion of aggregatable broadcast
encryption (AggBE). Coarsely speaking, a BE scheme is
aggregatable if its secure instances can be aggregated into a
new secure instance of the BE scheme. Specifically, only the
aggregated decryption keys of the same user are valid
decryption keys corresponding to the aggregated public keys
of the underlying BE instances. We observe that the aggregat-
ability of AggBE schemes is necessary in the construction of
our ConBE scheme and the BE schemes in the literature are
not aggregatable. We construct a concrete AggBE scheme
tightly proven to be fully collusion-resistant under the deci-
sion BDHE assumption. The proposed AggBE scheme offers
efficient encryption/decryption and short ciphertexts.
Finally, we construct an efficient ConBE scheme with our
AggBE scheme as a building block. The ConBE construction
is proven to be semi-adaptively secure under the decision
BDHE assumption in the standard model. Only one round
is required to establish the public group encryption key and
set up the ConBE system. After the system set-up, the stor-
age cost of both the sender and the group members is OðnÞ,
where n is the number of group members participating in
the set-up stage. However, the online complexity (which
dominates the practicality of a ConBE scheme) is very low.
We also illustrate a trade-off between the set-up complexity
and the online performance. After a trade-off, the variant
has Oðn
Þ complexity in communication, computation and
storage. This is comparable to up-to-date regular BE
schemes which have Oðn
Þ complexity in the same perfor-
mance metrics, but our scheme does not require a trusted
key dealer. We conduct a series of experiments and the
experimental results validate the practicality of our scheme.
1.2 Potential Applications
A potential application of our ConBE is to secure data
exchanged among friends via social networks. Since the
Prism scandal [4], people are increasingly concerned about
the protection of their personal data shared with their friends
over social networks. Our ConBE can provide a feasible solu-
tion to this problem. Indeed, Phan et al. [6] underlined the
applications of our ConBE [5] to social networks. In this sce-
nario, if a group of users want to share their data without let-
ting the social network operator know it, they can use our
ConBE scheme. Since the setup procedure of our ConBE only
requires one round of communication, each member of the
group just needs to broadcast one message to other intended
members in a send-and-leave way, without the synchroniza-
tion requirement. After receiving the messages from the
other members, all the members share the encryption key
that allows any user to selectively share his/her data to any
subgroup of the members. Furthermore, it also allows
sensitive data to be shared among different groups. Other
applications may include instant messaging among family
members, secure scientific research tasks jointly conducted
by scientists from different places, and disaster rescue using
a mobile ad hoc network. A common feature of these scenar-
ios is that a group of users would like to exchange sensitive
data but a fully trusted third party is unavailable. Our ConBE
provides an efficient solution to these applications.
1.3 Related Work
A number of works have addressed key agreement proto-
cols for multiple parties. The schemes due to Ingemarsson
et al. [2] and Steiner et al. [7] are designed for n parties and
require OðnÞ rounds. Tree key structures have been further
proposed, reducing the number of rounds to Oðlog nÞ [8],
[9], [10]. Multi-round GKA protocols pose a synchronism
requirement: in order to complete the protocol, all the group
members have to stay online simultaneously. How to opti-
mize the round complexity of GKA protocols has been stud-
ied in several works (e.g., [11], [12], [13]). In [14], Tzeng
presented a constant-round GKA protocol that can identify
cheaters. Subsequently, Yi [15] constructed a fault-tolerant
protocol in an identity-based setting. Burmester and Des-
medt [16] proposed a two-round n-party GKA protocol for
n parties. The Joux protocol [17] is one-round and only
applicable to three parties. The work of Boneh and Silver-
berg [18] shows a one-round ðn þ 1Þ-party GKA protocol
with n-linear pairings.
Dynamic GKA protocols provide extra mechanisms to
handle member changes. Bresson et al. [19], [20] extended
the protocol in [21] to dynamic GKA protocols that allow
members to leave and join the group. The number of rounds
in the set-up=join algorithms of the Bresson et al.’s protocols
[19], [20] is linear with the group size, but the number of
rounds in the leave algorithm is constant. The theoretical
analysis in [22] shows that for any tree-based group key
agreement scheme, the lower bound of the worst-case cost
is Oðlog nÞ rounds of interaction for a member to join or
leave. Without relying on a tree-based structure, Kim et al.
[23] proposed a two-round dynamic GKA protocol.
Recently, Abdalla et al. [24] presented a two-round dynamic
GKA protocol in which only one round is required to cope
with the change of members if they are in the initial group.
Jarecki et al. [25] presented a robust two-round GKA proto-
col in which a session key can be established even if some
participants fail during the execution of the protocol.
Observing that existing GKA protocols cannot handle
sender/member changes efficiently, Wu et al. presented a
group key management protocol [26] in which a change of
the sender or monotone exclusion of group members does
not require extra communication, and changes of other
members require one extra round.
BE is another well-established cryptographic primitive
developed for secure group communications. As the core of
BE is to generate and distribute the key materials to the par-
ticipants, BE schemes are also referred to as key distribution
schemes in some scenarios. While digital rights manage-
ment motivated most previous BE schemes [27], [28], recent
efforts [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35] are devoted to
modifying BE or key distribution technologies in view of