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java lru leetcode 力码 # 标题 解决方案 运行 1 84 毫秒 四 40 毫秒 7 4 毫秒 9 12 毫秒 13 28 毫秒 23 20 毫秒 41 0 毫秒 42 4 毫秒 51 228 毫秒 53 8 毫秒 56 32 毫秒 61 4 毫秒 75 4 毫秒 76 4 毫秒 91 0 毫秒 94 4 毫秒 98 372 毫秒 99 28 毫秒 101 8 毫秒 102 4 毫秒 121 8 毫秒 128 8 毫秒 130 8 毫秒 136 不适用 144 0 毫秒 145 4 毫秒 146 132 毫秒 171 8 毫秒 191 0 毫秒 198 0 毫秒 199 4 毫秒 200 24 毫秒 203 36 毫秒 214 4 毫秒 226 0 毫秒 229 32 毫秒 237 8 毫秒 273 8 毫秒 277 184 毫秒 290 0 毫秒 314 8 毫秒 332 900 毫秒 337 1452 毫秒 369 0 毫秒 377 4 毫秒 386 180 毫秒 399 236 毫秒 400 0 毫秒 402 8 毫秒 404 8 毫秒 413 4 毫秒 414
javalruleetcode-leetcode:leetcode (107个子文件)
273. Integer to English Words.cpp 2KB
399. Evaluate Division.cpp 2KB
4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays.cpp 2KB
369. Plus One Linked List.cpp 2KB
214. Shortest Palindrome.cpp 2KB
332. Reconstruct Itinerary.cpp 2KB
986. Interval List Intersections.cpp 2KB
958. Check Completeness of a Binary Tree.cpp 2KB
314. Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal.cpp 2KB
1012. Numbers With Repeated Digits.cpp 2KB
23. Merge k Sorted Lists.cpp 2KB
290. Word Pattern.cpp 2KB
42. Trapping Rain Water.cpp 2KB
688. Knight Probability in Chessboard.cpp 2KB
2. Add Two Numbers.cpp 2KB
438. Find All Anagrams in a String.cpp 1KB
720. Longest Word in Dictionary.cpp 1KB
51. N-Queens.cpp 1KB
1505. Minimum Possible Integer After at Most K Adjacent Swaps On Digits.cpp 1KB
5. Longest Palindromic Substring.cpp 1KB
1031. Maximum Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays.cpp 1KB
445. Add Two Numbers II.cpp 1KB
130. Surrounded Regions.cpp 1KB
337. House Robber III.cpp 1KB
56. Merge Intervals.cpp 1KB
61. Rotate List.cpp 1KB
829. Consecutive Numbers Sum.cpp 1KB
413. Arithmetic Slices.cpp 1KB
419. Battleships in a Board.cpp 1KB
99. Recover Binary Search Tree.cpp 1KB
102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal.cpp 1KB
121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock.cpp 1KB
1055. Shortest Way to Form String.cpp 1KB
91. Decode Ways.cpp 1KB
53. Maximum Subarray.cpp 1KB
1160. Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters.cpp 1KB
1244. Design A Leaderboard.cpp 1KB
1021. Remove Outermost Parentheses.cpp 1KB
1120. Maximum Average Subtree.cpp 1KB
7. Reverse Integer.cpp 1KB
402. Remove K Digits.cpp 1KB
277. Find the Celebrity.cpp 1KB
1462. Course Schedule IV.cpp 1019B
98. Validate Binary Search Tree.cpp 1006B
1041. Robot Bounded In Circle.cpp 1001B
400. Nth Digit.cpp 1000B
1025. Divisor Game.cpp 955B
101. Symmetric Tree.cpp 913B
128. Longest Consecutive Sequence.cpp 909B
76. Minimum Window Substring.cpp 909B
539. Minimum Time Difference.cpp 904B
203. Remove Linked List Elements.cpp 882B
285. Inorder Successor in BST.cpp 878B
404. Sum of Left Leaves.cpp 874B
200. Number of Islands.cpp 867B
13. Roman to Integer.cpp 861B
1380. Lucky Numbers in a Matrix.cpp 828B
1337. The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix.cpp 826B
199. Binary Tree Right Side View.cpp 825B
565. Array Nesting.cpp 820B
146. LRU Cache.cpp 814B
386. Lexicographical Numbers.cpp 798B
965. Univalued Binary Tree.cpp 782B
377. Combination Sum IV.cpp 763B
1335. Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule.cpp 760B
145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal.cpp 744B
94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal.cpp 742B
144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal.cpp 732B
1665. Minimum Initial Energy to Finish Tasks.cpp 707B
9. Palindrome Number.cpp 644B
198. House Robber.cpp 643B
1046. Last Stone Weight.cpp 642B
455. Assign Cookies.cpp 635B
684. Redundant Connection.cpp 634B
1122. Relative Sort Array.cpp 623B
226. Invert Binary Tree.cpp 616B
75. Sort Colors.cpp 596B
687. Longest Univalue Path.cpp 571B
581. Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray.cpp 567B
796. Rotate String.cpp 547B
746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs.cpp 545B
848. Shifting Letters.cpp 526B
678. Valid Parenthesis String.cpp 486B
575. Distribute Candies.cpp 486B
1436. Destination City.cpp 479B
1064. Fixed Point.cpp 470B
921. Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid.cpp 463B
560. Subarray Sum Equals K.cpp 461B
136. Single Number.cpp 453B
229. Majority Element II.cpp 419B
1413. Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum.cpp 418B
414. Third Maximum Number.cpp 418B
41. First Missing Positive.cpp 379B
509. Fibonacci Number.cpp 377B
1524. Number of Sub-arrays With Odd Sum.cpp 361B
867. Transpose Matrix.cpp 351B
1662. Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent.cpp 349B
237. Delete Node in a Linked List.cpp 317B
171. Excel Sheet Column Number.cpp 251B
1217. Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position.cpp 202B
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