by the insertion or deletion of important functional do-
mains encoded by alternatively spliced exons [7]. Differ-
ences in the gene expression levels of splicing regulatory
factor have been observed in many cancers, and these
proteins often affect the splicing patterns of many genes
that function in certain cancer-specific biological path-
ways , including cell cycle progression, cellular prolifera-
tion and migration, and RNA processing [8–10].
Although alternative splicing is one of the most wide-
spread mechanisms involved in gene regulation, their
roles of acting as modulators to regulate the activity of
transcription factor have not been explored.
As demonstrated in Fig. 1, splicing-centric modulation
relationship is defined as the ability of one transcription
factor (TF) regulating the expression levels of its target
genes (T) is influenced by the percentage of inclusion
(PSI) of certain alternatively spliced exons of the modu-
lator protein (M). One example is that when the PSI
value of a specific exon in M is high, the expression
levels of the putative transcription factor correlates with
its targets, while such correlation relation is lost when
the PSI value is low.
In this study, we develop a simple regression-ba sed
statistical model for evaluating whether the interactions
of the percentage of inclusion level of a putative modula-
tor protein and the expression levels of transcription
factors jointly contribute to the expression levels of the
target genes. A significant interaction term indicates a
potentially functional modulation relationship. Tested in
KIRC (Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma) data in the
TCGA database [11], our model ha s the power to
identify hundreds of statistically significant modulation
relationships using RNA-seq data from only a moderate
number of samples. Further investigation suggested that
the activ ity of GR (glucocorticoid receptor) protein has
been influenced by the splicing outcomes of p53 and
MDM2. This result suggested a potential novel mechan-
ism of how these two proteins influenced cell prolifera-
tion and growth in cancer.
Model framework
In this study, we construct a regression-based linear
model to infer the interactions between the activity of
transcription factor (TF), evaluated by correlation be-
tween the expression levels of the TF and its targets (T),
and the percentage of inclusion of a puta tive exon in a
modulator protein (M). A schematic diagram of work-
flow is provided in Fig. 2, using the RNA-seq data of the
479 KIRC samples from the TCGA database [11], and
the TF-target relationships , derived from the ENCODE
(The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) database. Briefly,
the gene expression levels of transcription factors (TF)
and their targets (T) were downloaded from the TCGA
data portal, which provides the 18,802 values for 20,531
genes. The percentage of inclusion (PSI) of 165 exons
was directly derived from.bam files of the RNA-seq data,
using a probabilistic model called Mixture of Isoforms
(MISO) [12]. These 165 exons were selected from 42,485
annotated skipped exons that are derived using the gene
structures of ENSEMBL database, for their correlations
with the overall survival outcomes. A complete list of the
165 exons is included in the supplementary information
(Additional file 1: Table S1). The splicing outcomes of
these 165 exons are considered putative modulators.
In addition to RNA level datasets, the relationships
between TFs and their targets were downloaded from
the factorbook table, disseminated from the ENCODE
database [13]. We focus our analysis on transcription
factors and putative targets that with the expression
samples over 400. This analysis obtained 226,025 TF-
target pairs composed of 83 TFs and 15,597 targets.
Fig. 1 Splicing-centric modulation relationship. The ability of one transcription factor (TF) regulating the expression levels of its target genes (T) is
influenced by the percentage of inclusion (PSI) of certain alternatively spliced exons of the modulator protein (M)
The Author(s) BMC Systems Biology 2017, 11(Suppl 5):89 Page 46 of 102