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Seed-Guided Topic Model for Document Filtering and Classificatio...
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Seed-Guided Topic Model for Document Filtering and Classification
Seed-Guided Topic Model for Document Filtering
and Classification
CHENLIANG LI and SHIQIAN CHEN, Wuhan University, China
JIAN XING, Hithink RoyalFlush Information Network Co., Ltd, China
AIXIN SUN, Nanyang technological University, Singapore
ZONGYANG MA, Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd, China
One important necessity is to lter out the irrelevant information and organize the relevant information into
meaningful categories. However, developing text classiers often requires a large number of labeled docu-
ments as training examples. Manually labeling documents is costly and time-consuming. More importantly, it
becomes unrealistic to know all the categories covered by the documents beforehand. Recently, a few methods
have been proposed to label documents by using a small set of relevant keywords for each category, known as
dataless text classication. In this article, we propose a seed-guided topic model for the dataless text ltering
and classication (named DFC). Given a collection of unlabeled documents, and for each specied category
a small set of seed words that are relevant to the semantic meaning of the category, DFC lters out the ir-
relevant documents and classies the relevant documents into the corresponding categories through topic
inuence. DFC models two kinds of topics: category-topics and general-topics. Also, there are two kinds of
category-topics: relevant-topics and irrelevant-topics. Each relevant-topic is associated with one specic cat-
egory, representing its semantic meaning. The irrelevant-topics represent the semantics of the unknown cat-
egories covered by the document collection. And the general-topics capture the global semantic information.
DFC assumes that each document is associated with a single category-topic and a mixture of general-topics.
A novelty of the model is that DFC learns the topics by exploiting the explicit word co-occurrence patterns
between the seed words and regular words (i.e., non-seed words) in the document collection. A document is
then ltered, or classied, based on its posterior category-topic assignment. Experiments on two widely used
datasets show that DFC consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art dataless text classiers for both classi-
cation with ltering and classication without ltering. In many tasks, DFC can also achieve comparable or
even better classication accuracy than the state-of-the-art supervised learning solutions. Our experimental
results further show that DFC is insensitive to the tuning parameters. Moreover, we conduct a thorough study
about the impact of seed words for existing dataless text classication techniques. The results reveal that it
This article is an extended version of Reference [28], a paper presented at the 25th International ACM CIKM Conference
(Indianapolis, IN, Oct. 24–28, 2016).
This research was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61502344), Natural Science
Foundation of Hubei Province (Grant No. 2017CFB502), Natural Scientic Research Program of Wuhan University (Grants
No. 2042017kf0225 and No. 2042016kf0190), Academic Team Building Plan for Young Scholars from Wuhan University
(Grant No. Whu2016012) and Singapore Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2 (Grant No. MOE2014-T2-
Authors’ addresses: C. Li (corresponding author) and S. Chen, Wuhan University, School of Cyber Science and Engineering,
Bayi Road, Wuhan, Hubei, 430075, China; emails: {cllee, sqchen}@whu.edu.cn; J. Xing, Hithink RoyalFlush Information
Network Co., Ltd, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310023, China; email: xingjian@myhexin.com; A. Sun, Nanyang Technological
University, School of Computer Science and Engineering, 639798, Singapore; email: axsun@ntu.edu.sg; Z. Ma, Microsoft
(China) Co., Ltd, Soochow, 215123, China; email: mzyone@gmail.com.
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ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Vol. 37, No. 1, Article 9. Publication date: December 2018.
9:2 C. Li et al.
is not using more seed words but the document coverage of the seed words for the corresponding category
that aects the dataless classication performance.
CCS Concepts: • Information systems → Document topic models; Clustering and classication;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Topic model, dataless classication, document ltering
ACM Reference format:
Chenliang Li, Shiqian Chen, Jian Xing, Aixin Sun, and Zongyang Ma. 2018. Seed-Guided Topic Model for
Document Filtering and Classication. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 37, 1, Article 9 (December 2018), 37 pages.
With the advance of Information Technology, the tremendous amounts of textual information gen-
erated everyday is far beyond the scope that people can manage manually. The recent prevalence of
social media further exacerbates this information overload, because rich information about various
kinds of events, user opinions, and daily life activities are generated in an unprecedented speed.
This timely information breeds the new and dynamic information needs everywhere. For exam-
ple, a data analyst might need to track an emerging event by using a few relevant keywords [36].
A data-driven company often needs to conduct a focused and deep analysis on the documents of
the specied categories. Within these semantic applications, one fundamental task is to lter out
irrelevant information and organize relevant information into meaningful topical categories.
During the past decade, text classiers have become important tools in managing and analyz-
ing large document collections. Text classication refers to the task of assigning category labels
to documents based on their semantics. Due to its wide usage, text classication has been studied
intensively for many years. Existing solutions are mainly based on supervised learning techniques
that require tremendous human eort in annotating documents as labeled examples, as shown in
the upper part of Figure 1. To reduce the labeling eort, many semi-supervised algorithms have
been proposed for text classication [7, 34]. Considering the diversity of the documents in many
applications, constructing a relatively small training set required by the semi-supervised algo-
rithms remains very expensive. Recently, a number of dataless text classication methods have
been proposed [7, 9, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29, 38]. Instead of using labeled documents as training
examples, dataless methods only require a small set of relevant words for each category or label-
ing the topics learned from a standard LDA model [3], to build text classiers. As illustrated in the
lower part of Figure 1, dataless classiers do not require labeled documents, which saves a lot of
human eorts. It has been reported that a speed-up of up to ve times can be achieved to build a
dataless text classier with indistinguishable performance to a supervised classier, by assuming
that labeling a word is ve times faster than labeling a document [14]. These promising results sug-
gest that dataless text classication is a practical alternative to the supervised approaches, when
constructing the training documents is not an easy task. More importantly, the labeled documents
produced by a dataless classier can also be used as training examples to learn supervised text
classiers if necessary [28]. However, these existing dataless classication techniques do not con-
sider document ltering. That is, we like to retrieve all the documents relevant to a specied set
of categories from a given document collection, and organize these relevant documents into the
corresponding categories. With the existing dataless classiers, we need to provide all the cate-
gories and the corresponding seed words covered by the document collection. Unfortunately, it is
often unrealistic to foresee all possible categories covered by a document collection, since the doc-
uments streamed in are likely to cover dynamic topics. In an extreme case, the number of possible
categories covered by documents could be potentially limitless.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Vol. 37, No. 1, Article 9. Publication date: December 2018.
Seed-Guided Topic Model for Document Filtering and Classification 9:3
Fig. 1. Supervised vs. dataless text classification.
Fig. 2. Illustration for dataless filtering and classification.
In this study, we aim to devise a dataless algorithm for the task of ltering and classifying doc-
uments into categories of interest. Figure 2 provides an illustration for this dataless ltering and
classication task. Specically, given a document collection of D documents and C categories of
interest, where each category c is dened by a small set of seed words S
, the task is to lter out
the documents irrelevant to any of the C categories, and to classify the relevant documents into C
categories, without using any labeled documents. We also call this task dataless classication with
Human beings can quickly learn to distinguish whether a document belongs to a category, based
on several relevant keywords about a category. This is because people can learn to build the rele-
vance among the representative words of the category. For example, a human being can success-
fully identify a relevant word “wheel” to category automobile, after browsing several documents in
category automobile, even if she does not know the meaning of the word “wheel.” The underlying
reason is the high co-occurrence between “wheel” and other relevant words like “cars” and “en-
gines.” This relevance learning process is analogous to the unsupervised topic inference process
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Vol. 37, No. 1, Article 9. Publication date: December 2018.
9:4 C. Li et al.
of the standard LDA [3], a probabilistic topic model (PTM) that implicitly infers the hidden topics
from the documents based on the higher-order word co-occurrence patterns [40]. However, con-
ventional PTMs like PLSA and LDA are unsupervised techniques that implicitly infer the hidden
topics based on word co-occurrences [3, 23]. It is dicult or even infeasible to lter and classify
documents in such a purely unsupervised manner.
Inspired by the recent success of the PTM-based dataless text classication techniques [9, 21, 22,
28], in this article, we propose a seed-guided topic model for dataless text ltering and classica-
tion (DFC). Given a collection of unlabeled documents, DFC is able to achieve the goal of ltering
and classication by taking only a few semantically relevant words for each category of interest
(called “seed words”). To enable document ltering, we model two sets of category-topics: relevant-
topics and irrelevant-topics. A one-to-one correspondence between relevant-topics and categories
of interest is made. That is, each relevant-topic is associated with one specic category of interest,
and vice versa. The relevant-topic is assumed to represent the meaning of that category.
the documents relevant to the categories of interest could comprise a limited proportion of the
whole collection, irrelevant-topics are expected to model other categories covered by the irrele-
vant documents. In our earlier work [28], a topic model based dataless classication technique
(named STM) is proposed by using a set of general-topics to model the general semantics of the
whole document collection. Although the modeling of general and specic aspects of documents
was studied previously for information retrieval [8], it had been overlooked for dataless text clas-
sication in previous studies [9, 21, 22]. Our earlier work has proven that this model setting is
benecial for dataless classication performance. Following this modeling strategy, in DFC, we
also utilize a set of general-topics to represent the general semantic information. The task of l-
tering and classication is achieved by associating each document with a single category-topic
and a mixture of general-topics. The posterior category-topic assignment is then used to label the
document as a category of interest, or an irrelevant one. DFC also subsumes STM under some par-
ticular parameter settings. This means that DFC is also able to conduct dataless text classication
without ltering.
Seeking useful supervision from the seed words to precisely infer category-topics and general-
topics is vital to the ecacy of DFC. In other words, precise relevance estimation between a word
and a category-topic via a small set of seed words is crucial for DFC. It is noteworthy to underline
that no seed word can be provided for any irrelevant-topic, because the possible semantic cate-
gories covered by a document collection are unknown beforehand. However, the precise inference
for the irrelevant-topics is an essential factor for classication performance guarantee. Without
any supervision from the corresponding seed words, the model is hard to identify the irrelevant-
topics successfully, leading to inferior classication performance. Here, we devsie a simple but
eective mechanism to identify a set of pseudo seed words for each irrelevant-topic. Specically,
we resort to using standard LDA to extract the hidden topics for the document collection in an
unsupervised manner. Then, a relevance measure is proposed to calculate the distance between
each LDA hidden topic and all the seed words provided for the relevant-topics. After a heuristic
procedure to lter out noisy LDA hidden topics, the top topical words from the least relevant LDA
hidden topics are then considered as the pseudo seed words for the irrelevant-topics.
In contrast to the existing dataless classication methods that simply exploit the semantic guid-
ance provided by the seed words in an implicit way (i.e., the word co-occurrence information), we
adopt an explicit strategy to estimate the relevance between a word and a category-topic, and also
Category and relevant-topic are considered equivalent and exchangeable in this work when the context has no ambiguity.
A category-topic refers to either a relevant-topic or an irrelevant-topic in this work when the context is for DFC.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Vol. 37, No. 1, Article 9. Publication date: December 2018.
Seed-Guided Topic Model for Document Filtering and Classification 9:5
the initial category-topic distribution for each document. The estimated relevance is then utilized
to supervise the topic learning process of DFC. In particular, we investigate two mechanisms (i.e.,
Doc-Rel and Topic-Rel) to estimate the probability of a word being generated by a category-topic,
by measuring its correlations to the (pseudo) seed words of that category-topic based on either
document-level word co-occurrence or topical-level word co-occurrence information. We call the
words that are generated by a category-topic category words.
In summary, DFC conducts the document ltering and classication in a weakly supervised
manner, just as what humans do in learning to classify documents with just few words: (i) rst
to identify the highly relevant documents based on the given seed words of a category; (ii) then
based on these highly relevant documents, to collectively identify the category words in addition
to the seed words; (iii) next to use both the seed words and category words to nd new relevant
documents and new category words; the last step repeats until a global equilibrium is optimized.
We conduct extensive experiments on two datasets Reuters-10 and -20 Newsgroup, and compare
DFC with state-of-the-art dataless text classiers and supervised learning solutions. In terms of
classication accuracy measured by F
, our experimental results show that DFC outperforms all
the dataless competitors in almost all the tasks and performs better than the supervised classiers
sLDA and SVM in many tasks for both classication with ltering and classication without lter-
ing. We also conduct a comprehensive performance evaluation to analyze the impact of parameter
settings in DFC. The results show that the proposed DFC is reliable to a broad range of parameter
values, indicating its superiority in real scenarios.
We need to emphasize that all existing dataless text classication techniques rely solely on the
weak supervision provided by the seed words. That is, the quality of seed words plays a crucial
factor regarding the classication performance. It is intuitive that fewer seed words could carry
less semantic information for the classication. However, the study on seed words in the paradise
of dataless text classication is still missing. Here, an open question naturally arises: Will using
more seed words lead to better classication accuracy? If the answer to this question is no,then,
What criterion should we use to build a set of seed words for a category? In this work, we conduct a
thorough study with the aim of answering these two questions. We nd that using more seed words
may not produce better classication accuracy. Also, we empirically observe that more relevant
documents covered by a set of seed words under a category, better classication accuarcy can be
obtained. In an extreme case, given two seed words for a category, no performance gain could be
obtained by using both seed words over using either one, if the two words always appear together
in documents. That is, it is not the number of seed words that matters, but the document coverage
for that category. In summary, the main contributions of this article are listed as follows:
(1) We propose and formalize a new task of dataless text ltering and classifcation. To the
best of our knowledge, this is the rst work to classify documents into relevant categories
of interest, and lter out irrelevant documents in a dataless manner. To enable precise
inference of irrelevant-topics, we propose a novel mechanism to identify the pseudo seed
words for irrelevant topics in an unsupervised manner.
(2) DFC does not solely rely on the implicit word co-occurrence patterns to guide the category
inference process. Instead, we introduce two mechanisms to estimate the probability of a
word being generated by a category-topic. The estimation is based on the explicit word
co-occurrence patterns derived from the document collection.
(3) We empirically study the impact of seed words for dataless text classication techniques.
Our results suggest that using more seed words may not lead to better classication accu-
racy. Instead, the document coverage of the selected seed words correlates positively with
the classication accuracy.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Vol. 37, No. 1, Article 9. Publication date: December 2018.
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