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112 Gbit/s transmitter optical subassembly based on hybrid integ...
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Based on the hybrid integration technology, an ultra-compact and low cost transmitter optical subassembly module is proposed. Four directly modulated lasers are combined with a coarse wavelength division multiplexer operated at the O-band. The bandwidth for all channels is measured to be approximately 3 GHz. The 112 Gb/s transmission is experimentally demonstrated for a 10 km standard single mode fiber (SSMF), in which an optical isolator is used for avoiding the back-reflected and scattered lig
112 Gbit∕s transmitter optical subassembly based on
hybrid integrated directly modulated lasers
Zhike Zhang (张志珂)
, Yu Liu (刘 宇)
*, Junming An (安俊明)
Yiming Zhang (张一鸣)
, Zeping Zhao (赵泽平)
, Jianguo Liu (刘建国)
and Ninghua Zhu (祝宁华)
State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100083, China
School of Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100049, China
Henan Shijia Photons Technology Co., Ltd., Hebi 458000, China
*Corresponding author: yliu@semi.ac.cn
Received March 9, 2018; accepted April 19, 2018; posted online May 28, 2018
Based on the hybrid integration technology, an ultra-compact and low cost transmitter optical subassembly
module is proposed. Four directly modulated lasers are combined with a coarse wavelength division multiplexer
operated at the O-band. The bandwidth for all channels is measured to be approximately 3 GHz. The 112 Gb∕s
transmission is experimentally demonstrated for a 10 km standard single mode fiber (SSMF), in which an optical
isolator is used for avoiding the back-reflected and scattered light to improve the bit error rate (BER) perfor-
mance. A low BER and clear eye opening are achieved for 10 km transmission.
OCIS codes: 250.5960, 140.3518, 060.2330.
doi: 10.3788/COL201816.062501.
The rapid growth of internet traffic provokes an urgent
and strong demand on network capacity. Currently,
the 100 Gb∕s optical network is already extensively em-
ployed and commercialized in a data center
. Since
2010, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) has standardized 100 GBASE-LR4 for 10 km
reach application
. In this scheme, four directly modu-
lated lasers (DMLs) are adopted due to their advantages
in low power consumption. The DMLs are operated at
near 1310 nm with wavelength spacing of 4.5 nm, which
corresponds to the local area network wavelength division
multiplexer (LAN-WDM) grid. However, due to the rig-
orous wavelength accuracy between the DMLs and the
LAN-WDM, a thermo-electric cooler (TEC) has to be
required to maintain a stable operation environ ment.
There is no doubt that this will increase power consump-
tion. Therefore, in order to further lower the power con-
sumption, 100G coarse wavelength division multiplexer
(CWDM4) technical specifications were standardized by
the multi-source agreement (MSA) group for the 2 km
reach application in 2014. Furthermore, 100G-4WDM-
10 technical specifications were also defined to meet the
demand of 10 km transmission in 2017
. The wavelength
spacing between DMLs has increased to 20 nm, which cor-
responds to the CWDM. Enough wavelength spacing en-
ables the DMLs to operate without cooling, which helps to
save on costs.
Generally, there are two schemes for the integration of
four DML chips. One is the monolithic integration, in
which four chips are fabricated on a shared wafer
Although the size of the monolithically integrated DML
array chip can be minimalized, it requires a sophisticated
technology regarding the wavelength control, electrical iso-
lation between chips, etc. Moreover, any defect of any one
channel will lead to the unavailability of the whole chip.
Therefore, the cost will be increased. The other is the hybrid
integration, in which four discrete chips are mounted on a
shared carrier
. This scheme has advantages of
being simple, optional, and with low cost. Therefore, it is
often adopted in the optical network configuration of
100 Gb∕s, 400 Gb∕s, or even a larger capacity.
In this Letter, we develop an ultra-compact and cost-
effective transmitter optical subassembly (TOSA) mod-
ule. The operation wavelengths are 1269.5, 1289.7,
1309.6, and 1329.7 nm, which will coincide with the
CWDM grid. Employing the hybrid integration technol-
ogy, four DML chips are accurately mounted on a shared
carrier with a pitch of 0.75 mm. Four focusing lenses are
used between the DMLs and the silicon-based CWDM to
realize a high coupling efficiency. The size of the package
body is only 11.5 mm × 5.4 mm × 5.4 mm. Using the
module, we experimentally demonstrate the 112 Gb∕s
on-off keying (OOK) signal transmission for a 10 km stan-
dard single mode fiber (SSMF) with each channel modu-
lated at 28 Gb∕s. In order to avoid the back-reflected and
scattered light in the SSMF transmission, an optical iso-
lator (OI) is used. The improved bit error rate (BER) per-
formance and the eye diagrams are observed for various
cases. Furthermore, a four level pulse amplitude modula-
tion (PAM-4) transmission is also performed.
1(a) shows the proposed TOSA module configu-
ration. In consideration of low fabrication complexity and
a highly configurable feature, hybrid integration technol-
ogy is selected as the optimal solution for the compact
COL 16(6), 062501(2018) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS June 10, 2018
1671-7694/2018/062501(5) 062501-1 © 2018 Chinese Optics Letters
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