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本文通过设计和分析一组机器人的决策控制系统(DCS)来解决气味源的定位问题。 在决策级别,由机器人检测到的浓度大小信息和风信息用于预测气味源的可能位置。 具体而言,引入了粒子群优化的思想,以根据浓度大小信息给出气味源的可能位置。 此外,根据风信息建立气味源位置的观察模型,并使用卡尔曼滤波器估计气味源的位置,并将其与使用浓度幅度信息获得的位置相结合,从而得出气味源位置的决定。 在控制级别,设计了两种类型的有限时间运动控制算法: 一种是有限时间并行运动控制算法,而另一种是有限时间圆周运动控制算法。 精确地,首先提出了一种非线性有限时间共识算法,并使用Lyapunov方法分析了所提出共识算法的有限时间收敛性。 然后,在提出的有限时间共识算法的基础上,推导了一种可以控制机器人群跟踪烟羽并向气味源可能位置移动的有限时间并行运动控制算法。 接下来,还开发了一种有限时间的圆周运动控制算法,该算法可使机器人组在气味源的可能位置上盘旋,以寻找气味线索。 最后,通过气味源定位问题说明了提出的DCS的性能。
Decision Making and Finite-Time Motion
Control for a Group of Robots
Qiang Lu, Member, IEEE, Shirong Liu, Xiaogao Xie, Member, IEEE, and Jian Wang
Abstract—This paper deals with the problem of odor source
localization by designing and analyzing a decision–control system
(DCS) for a group of robots. In the decision level, concentration
magnitude information and wind information detected by robots
are used to predict a probable position of the odor source. Specifi-
cally, the idea of particle swarm optimization is introduced to give
a probable position of the odor source in terms of concentration
magnitude information. Moreover, an observation model of the
position of the odor source is built according to wind information,
and a Kalman filter is used to estimate the position of the odor
source, which is combined with the position obtained by using
concentration magnitude information in order to make a decision
on the position of the odor source. In the control level, two types
of the finite-time motion control algorithms are designed; one is
a finite-time parallel motion control algorithm, while the other
is a finite-time circular motion control algorithm. Precisely, a
nonlinear finite-time consensus algorithm is first proposed, and a
Lyapunov approach is used to analyze the finite-time convergence
of the proposed consensus algorithm. Then, on the basis of the
proposed finite-time consensus algorithm, a finite-time parallel
motion control algorithm, which can control the group of robots
to trace the plume and move toward the probable position of
odor source, is derived. Next, a finite-time circular motion control
algorithm, which can enable the robot group to circle the probable
position of the odor source in order to search for odor clues,
is also developed. Finally, the performance capabilities of the
proposed DCS are illustrated through the problem of odor source
Index Terms—Decision theory, intelligent control, multirobot
systems, robot motion.
DOR source localization, which is a type of ill-posed
and dynamical optimization problem, has received much
attention from researchers and engineers due to its practical
significance for human security, e.g., searching for the sources
of wastes and locating victims. In the l ast two decades, how to
Manuscript received March 24, 2012; revised June 20, 2012; accepted
August 11, 2012. Date of publication September 28, 2012; date of current
version April 16, 2013. This work was supported in part by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grants 61175093, 60675043, and 51007015
and in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province under Grant
Y1090426. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor S. X. Yang.
Q. Lu is with the College of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University,
Hangzhou 310018, China, and also with the Centre for Intelligent and
Networked Systems and the School of Information and Communication
Technology, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Qld. 4702,
Australia (e-mail: lvqiang@hdu.edu.cn).
S. Liu, X. Xie, and J. Wang are with the College of Automation, Hangzhou
Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China (e-mail: liushirong@hdu.edu.cn;
xiexg@hdu.edu.cn; wangjian@hdu.edu.cn).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMCB.2012.2215318
locate an odor source based on a single robot has been widely
studied. Three typical approaches, namely, chemotaxis [23],
[30], anemotaxis [8], [10], [13], [27], and infotaxis [32], have
been proposed. For chemotaxis where the local concentration
information is used, the robot is guided to move along the
gradient direction of concentration [23], [30]. For anemotaxis
where the local wind information is used, the main idea is to
use the local wind direction and detection events about odor to
orient the robot to locate the source of odor [8], [10], [13], [27].
For infotaxis where information gain instead of concentration
gradient is used, the reader is referred to [32] and the references
Recently, particle swarm optimization (PSO) [16], which
can make effective use of swarm information and individual
information to guide a particle swarm to search for the optimum
[28], has been used to coordinate a group of robots to deal with
the problem of odor source localization [15], [17], [21], [24]. To
avoid trapping into local maximal concentrations, for instance,
Jatmiko et al. [15] improved the commonly used PSO algorithm
based on an electrical charge theory charged particle swarm
optimization (CPSO). In the i mproved algorithm, two types of
robots (neutral and charged robots) are used. Among neutral
robots, there is no repulsive force, while among charged robots,
the mutual repulsive force is generated in order to maintain
the positional diversity of robots. To conveniently use the PSO
algorithm for odor source localization, Lu and Han [17] pro-
posed a distributed coordination control architecture where the
PSO algorithm is divided into three parts (prediction, plan, and
control). Accordingly, the cooperative control system consists
of three levels: a group level, a trajectory level, and a robot
level. In the group level, swarm information and individual
information are used to predict the probable position of the
odor source. In the trajectory level, a movement trajectory of
the robot is planned from the current position to the probable
position of the odor source. In the robot level, a control law
is designed to enable the robot to move along the planned
trajectory. This control architecture makes the control system
robust and evolvable [14]. In terms of this control architecture,
the s earch performance of the robot group coordinated by the
CPSO algorithm [15] is improved. To quickly l ocate t he odor
source, Lu and Han [21] proposed a probability PSO with
information-sharing mechanism. Due to introducing the ideas
of distribution estimation algorithm and niche, each robot can
be provided an opportunity to choose an appropriate position
in the search space such that the search performance of the
robot group can be improved. To sum up, one can conclude
from aforementioned research results in [15], [17], [21], and
[24] that the PSO algorithm provides a mechanism to predict
2168-2267/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE
a probable position of the odor source through swarm and
individual concentration information and then to adjust the
movement direction of robots to move toward the probable
position of the odor source.
However, it is worth mentioning that odor source localiza-
tion is a type of ill-posed problem (the global concentration
maximum is surrounded by multiple concentration maxima),
which may result in the local convergence of multiple robots
controlled by PSO algorithms. Moreover, odor source localiza-
tion is also a type of dynamical optimization problem, which
may result in no odor clues in the detection region of the
robot group. For the first issue, in addition to concentration
information, wind information should also be used to predict
the probable position of the odor source since it is a main
factor to shape the plume containing odor clues. For the second
issue, the parallel motion of the robot group can be utilized
to extend the detection region, and the circular motion of
the robot group can be employed to search for odor clues.
Moreover, due to several advantages of finite-time controllers
such as higher control accuracy, better disturbance rejection,
and robustness against uncertainties [2]–[4], the finite-time
parallel and circular controllers can be designed to realize
the parallel motion and circular motion of the robot group,
respectively. Therefore, in order to develop a decision-control
system (DCS), it is of practical significance to introduce wind
information into the decision level and to design a finite-time
parallel motion controller as well as a finite-time circular mo-
tion controller in the control level, which is the motivation of the
current study.
Flocking is a kind of collective behaviors, i.e., a large number
of individuals, such as birds, interact with each other for a
common group objective. Both the parallel motion and the
circular motion can be regarded as a class of flocking behaviors
[7], [25], [26], [31]. However, for the problem of odor source
localization, we will use several robots, such as three to nine
robots, to deal with this problem. The results obtained in this
paper can be extended to a large group of robots. The idea
in this paper is in part from the work on the design of finite-
time controllers [5], [6], [33] and from the study of swarming
behaviors [11], [25]. A partial version of this paper appears in
[18] and [19]. Hence, in order to develop the DCS, we will first
propose a distributed coordination control architecture, which
consists of two levels: a decision level and a control level.
Then, we will predict a probable position of the odor source
by employing concentration magnitude information and wind
information detected by the robot group in the decision level.
Next, we will derive a finite-time consensus algorithm and use
a Lyapunov approach to analyze the finite-time convergence of
the proposed consensus algorithm. In addition, on the basis of
the finite-time consensus algorithm, we will design a parallel
motion control algorithm in the control level, which can control
the robot group to trace the plume and move toward the prob-
able position of the odor source. Moreover, we will develop a
circular motion control algorithm in the control level, which
can control the robot group to circle the probable position of
the odor source in order to search for odor clues. Finally, we
will illustrate the performance capabilities of the proposed DCS
through the problem of odor source localization.
Fig. 1. Instantaneous plume where black dots denote the filaments that form
a plume and arrows denote the wind speed and direction.
Notation: l
denotes the index set {1, 2,...,N}.Let
, where 0 <α<1, r ∈ R, and sign(·) is
a sign function.
In this section, we will illustrate the problem of odor source
localization and introduce several preliminaries.
A. Odor Source Localization
Odor source localization is a type of ill-posed and dynamical
optimization problem, which can be stated as follows.
Problem 1: An odor source localization problem consists of
the following:
1) a set N of N mobile robots or vehicles;
2) a set X of positions in a 2-D search space R
3) a set M⊆N×Xof possible pairs;
4) a map f : X×[0, ∞] → R giving a time-varying con-
centration value of each position.
A feasible (suboptimal) solution is a set of pairs S⊆Msuch
that there exists at least a position x
(i ∈N, x
∈X, (i, x
) ∈
S), which satisfies that position x
lies in the vicinity of the
odor source, i.e., x
− x
<(the symbol ·
refers to a
Euclidean vector norm x
where x
∈Xdenotes the position
of the odor source, and the choice of depends on applications).
A feasible solution S is optimal if the position x
is the position
of the odor source, i.e., x
− x
Moreover, this type of optimization problem f(x
X,t∈ [0, ∞]) has three main characteristics: 1) There exist a
global concentration maximum that is located in the position
of the odor source and multiple local concentration maxima
around the maximum; 2) the positions with local concentration
maxima are time varying; 3) odor concentration occurs within
a narrow region at each time, i.e., at a given time t, the odor
dispersion region X can be partitioned into two parts: X
and X
(X = X
) where f(x
,t) > 0,ifx
, and
. Fig. 1 shows an instantaneous plume
according to an odor model proposed by Farrell et al. [9]. In this
figure, an arrow denotes the speed and direction of the wind.
The position of the odor source is located at (10 m, 0 m), and the
search area is limited at 100 m × 100 m. Fig. 2 shows that the
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