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Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: October 20, 2018
Revised: December 12, 2018
Accepted: December 25, 2018
Published: January 4, 2019
Fluid description of gravity on a timelike cut-off
surface: beyond Navier-Stokes equation
Shounak De and Bibhas Ranjan Majhi
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,
Guwahati 781039, Assam, India
E-mail: shounakde@iitg.ac.in, bibhas.majhi@iitg.ac.in
Abstract: Over the past few decades, a host of theoretical evidence has surfaced that
suggest a connection between theories of gravity and the Navier-Stokes (NS) equation of
fluid dynamics. It emerges out that a theory of gravity can be treated as some kind of fluid
on a particular surface. Motivated by the work carried out by Bredberg et al. [6], our paper
focuses on including certain modes to the vacuum solution which are consistent with the
so called hydrodynamic scaling and discuss the consequences, one of which appear in the
form of Damour Navier Stokes (DNS) equation with the incompressibility condition. We
also present an alternative route to the results by considering the metric as a perturbative
expansion in the hydrodynamic scaling parameter and with a specific gauge choice, thus
modifying the metric. It is observed that the inclusion of certain modes in the metric
corresponds to the solution of Einstein’s equations in presence of a particular type of matter
in the spacetime. This analysis reveals that gravity has both the NS and DNS description
not only on a null surface, but also on a timelike surface. So far we are aware of, this
analysis is the first attempt to illuminate the possibility of presenting the gravity dual of
DNS equation on a timelike surface. In addition, an equivalence between the hydrodynamic
expansion and the near-horizon expansion has also been studied in the present context.
Keywords: Classical Theories of Gravity, Black Holes, Gauge-gravity correspondence
ArXiv ePrint: 1810.07017
Open Access,
The Authors.
Article funded by SCOAP
1 Introduction 1
2 Setup: scaling laws 4
3 Metric and incompressible DNS 4
4 Perturbative approach 10
5 Connection to near horizon limit approach 13
6 Discussions 14
7 Conclusions 20
A Scale invariance of restricted DNS equation (3.24) 21
B Explicit computation of the Ricci tensor R
for (3.1) 23
1 Introduction
The Einstein’s field equations of gravity and the Navier-Stokes (NS) equation governing
the dynamics of fluids are two of the most important differential equations in physics and
mathematics. While the Einstein equation universally governs the long-distance behaviour
of essentially any gravitating system, the NS equation governs the hydrodynamic limit
of essentially any fluid. Any connection between these two rich non-linear structures is
bound to be interesting and hints of such a connection have surfaced in various forms over
the last four decades. The connections established between gravity and fluid dynamics
lends credence to the notion that gravity is not a truly fundamental phenomenon, but an
emergent one. Apart from fluid-gravity duality, a host of theoretical evidence [1] suggest
gravity could be an emergent phenomenon with the gravitational field equations having
the same status as the equations of gas dynamics.
One of the earliest works in this regard appears in the doctoral thesis of Damour [2],
wherein there are suggestions of a relation between horizon and fluid dynamics. This
work shows that Einstein’s field equations when projected onto a null surface, exhibits a
mathematical structure very similar to NS equation but with an additional non-linear term,
now known as the Damour-Navier-Stokes (DNS) equation. The DNS equation governs the
geometric data on any null surface. Such a connection has also been obtained in the
membrane paradigm approach by Price and Thorne in [3]. Due to the presence of an
additional term, they refer to the fluid dynamical equation as Hajicek equation instead of
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the usual NS equation. A corresponding action formulation has been discussed extensively
by Parikh and Wilczek in [4]. The same has also been done in [5] for DNS.
In a more recent work by Bredberg et al. [6], which forms the basis of our work, a
general solution of the vacuum Einstein equations with certain prescribed boundary data
is presented in (p + 2) dimensions (p corresponds to all angular coordinates while 2 stands
for one time and one radial coordinate) using the well-known hydrodynamic expansion of
the incompressible NS equation in (p+1) dimensions (here p is, like earlier, collection of all
angular coordinates and 1 refers to only the timelike coordinate). In this paper, they seek
a relation between the (p + 2)-dimensional Einstein and (p + 1)-dimensional NS equation
by the construction of a metric in accordance with a scaling symmetry the incompressible
NS equation possess. The metric construction is an expansion in the hydrodynamic scaling
parameter and is parameterized by the velocity field v
, τ) and pressure P (x
, τ) that
solves the full nonlinear incompressible NS equation. It may be worth mentioning that
the metric in [6] is constructed so as to strictly obtain incompressible NS dynamics by
conserving the corresponding Brown-York stress tensor on a timelike hypersurface r = r
where r
lies outside the black hole horizon r
(also, an earlier seminal work [7] is done in
the AdS/CFT context). The choice of the metric thus lies on the following facts. It has
been obtained perturbatively in the hydrodynamic expansion parameter around Rindler
space-time and up to certain gauge conditions and reparameterizations, satisfies certain
boundary conditions and solves the vacuum Einstein’s equations. The explicit meaning of
these statements will be made clear in the next paragraph. This cut-off surface approach has
been applied in various cases [8]. For example, it was extended for higher curvature gravity
theories [9–13] as well as for the AdS [14, 15] and dS [16] gravity theories (for other theories,
like black branes, see [17]). Also a corresponding relativistic situation has been discussed
extensively in [18]. Symmetries of the vacuum Einstein equations have been exploited to
develop a formalism for solution generating transformations of the corresponding NS fluid
duals in [19]. The fluid description on the Kerr horizon has also been explored extensively
in [20] (see [21] for the isolated horizon case).
Our motivation is to analyse the metric construction more deeply and see how far we
can generalise the form of the metric which abide by the same scaling laws and thereby
investigate the corresponding consequences. On analysing the vacuum metric we realized
that certain additional modes can still be incorporated in the metric and in accordance
with the relevant hydrodynamic scaling. For example, terms like (∂
+ ∂
are perfectly allowed modes of the order of
and hence can be added to the
metric of [6]. In our work we try to figure out the implications of retaining these scaling
consistent modes which serve as modifications to the original vacuum solution presented
in [6]. One such consequence due to the presence of the term ∂
is that the modified
metric generates fluid dynamics described by the equation which contains an additional
term proportional to ∂
, while retaining the incompressibility condition. Interestingly,
such a structure is similar to that obtained in [22] where the DNS equation is expressed
in terms of coordinates adapted to a null surface. As discussed in length in the work
by Padmanabhan [22], the key structural difference of the DNS equation in comparison
to the NS equation is the presence of a ∂
kind of term. We obtain a seemingly close
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structure which has only the kinematic viscosity (thereby calling it a “restricted” DNS
equation) when one keeps a term of the type (∂
+ ∂
in the original metric
and approaching in the same route as in [6]. We show later in the subsequent sections
that these additional mode(s) result from defining an appropriate bulk matter and the
corresponding generalized metric solves the Einstein field equations with an appropriate
energy-momentum tensor.
This is a new scenario quite in contrary to the approach by Damour [2] which was
set in context to null surface dynamics alone, whereas the present one is constructed on
a timelike surface. Such an investigation fulfils an important purpose. In literature, the
NS equation has both types of gravity duality: one on the timelike surface and another on
the null surface. On the contrary, so far we are aware of, the DNS equation has a gravity
dual constructed on a null surface. So the present analysis can be regarded as the first
attempt to have a gravity description of the DNS equation on a timelike surface, along
with a particular constraint.
We also describe an alternative framework in which the geometry described in [6], is
now viewed as a perturbative expansion of the leading order metric and leading to NS or
DNS dynamics depending on the manner in which the metric is modified at a particular
order. In this case, the extrinsic curvature and the surface stress-tensor is also taken to have
a linear order correction. The perturbative expansion follows a specific choice of fixed gauge
conditions. This gauge condition confirms the invariance of the structure of the seed metric
on the cut-off surface. In both the frameworks, the equivalence between the hydrodynamic
expansion and the near-horizon expansion approaches is explored. Implications of these
results are finally discussed at the end.
The organization of the paper is as follows. In section 2, we briefly review the well
known scaling symmetry of the incompressible NS equation which serves as the basis of our
main goal. In the next section, we present a generalized metric where the additional scaling
consistent tensor modes are sourced by an appropriately defined bulk matter characterized
by an energy-momentum tensor and the metric is shown to solve the complete Einstein
field equations, i.e., in presence of matter, upto the order the bulk solution is presented.
The constraint equations on the cut-off boundary surface is shown to reduce to the incom-
pressible DNS-like fluid equations. In section 4, we present an alternative framework to
represent the gravity dual of this constrained DNS fluid, with the metric now modified by a
specific choice of gauge conditions and the extrinsic curvature along with the Brown-York
stress tensor taken to have linear order corrections only. The equivalence between the hy-
drodynamic expansion and the near-horizon expansion approaches, similar in spirit to [6]
is explored in section 5. Next, we present some discussions that could possibly illuminate
our understanding of certain key aspects. Finally, we present our conclusions in section 7.
We present the detailed proof of the scale invariance of the restricted DNS-like equation
in appendix A. In appendix B, we show the explicit computation of the Ricci tensor com-
ponents for the metrics presented in the paper, but whose coefficients have been taken to
be pre-factored with suitable multiplicative constants, indicating as to how various modes
contribute to the Ricci tensor at various orders.
The notations used throughout the paper are clarified as follows: all uppercase Latin
letters (i.e., A, B, C, etc.) denote the bulk spacetime co-ordinate indices while the lower-
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case Latin letters (i.e., a, b, c etc.) are used only for denoting the transverse coordinates.
The Greek letters (i.e., α, µ, ν etc.) denote the coordinates on the boundary cutoff hyper-
surface Σ
2 Setup: scaling laws
In this section we shall briefly review the scaling symmetry of the incompressible NS equa-
tion, which forms the basis of the work [6] and also lays the foundation of our analysis.
Now, if the amplitudes of the solution space (v
, P ) of the incompressible NS equation is
scaled down by the parameter :
, τ) = v
τ) ;
, τ) =
P (x
τ) , (2.1)
then the NS equation remains invariant under the above scaling transformation, thus gen-
erating a family of solutions parameterized by from the original solution space. Any
deviations from ideality lead to certain typical corrections which vanish under the scaling
law (2.1), as shown in [6]. A term proportional to ∂
arises in our analysis later in the
paper, as an addition to the incompressible NS equation. This resulting equation is also
shown to obey the same scaling laws (2.1) (the explicit proof is shown in appendix A). The
hydrodynamic scaling parameter serves as the expansion parameter for the metric in [6].
The hydrodynamic scaling of the spatial and time derivatives along with the pair (v
, P )
follows as:
∼ O() , P ∼ O(
) , ∂
∼ O() , ∂
∼ O(
) . (2.2)
In our analysis in the subsequent sections, we focus on including certain additional modes
consistent with the above hydrodynamic scaling sourced by an appropriately defined bulk
matter tensor and working with a modified metric than in [6]. We then strive to discuss the
consequences of this generalized metric with these scaling consistent modes in a formalism
similar to [6] and also discuss it in a different framework. We shall see that it not only
includes the NS equation, but also gives birth to a restricted type of DNS equation which
also preserves its structure under the scaling (2.1) of the fluid parameters.
3 Metric and incompressible DNS
We present a metric keeping some more possible terms consistent with the scaling argument
as discussed above. The leading order base metric is taken to be flat and is in (ingoing)
Rindler form in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates. The metric retains its original structure
as in [6], albeit for the two additional scaling consistent terms that now appear at O(
which are pre-factored with constants ˜a
and ˜a
. Of course, these terms vanish on the
timelike hypersurface r = r
as well, such that the induced metric is flat. We therefore
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- 粉丝: 5
- 资源: 934
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