algorithms for multiview depth video coding by imbalance bit rate
allocation for different regions [18]. Zhang and Shao respectively
proposed depth video coding algorithms based on distortion anal-
yses [19,20].
Accurate and consistent depth video is the foundation of high
compression performance of depth video coding. In general, depth
acquisition methods include depth extraction from computer gra-
phic content [21], depth from structured light [22], Kinect sensors
[23], depth camera system [24,25] and depth estimation software
[26]. Limited by the principle of Kinect sensors based on structured
light technique, depth images suffer from temporal flickering,
noise, holes and inconsistent edges between depth and color
images [23]. In depth camera system, depth video is captured
based on the principle of time-of-flight [24,25]. The captured depth
maps may be inconsistent with the scene because of ambient light
noise, motion artifacts, specular reflections, and so on. In addition,
depth camera is too expensive to use on a large scale. So far, depth
estimation software is the alternative method of depth map acqui-
sition [26]. However, depth video obtained by depth estimation
software usually contains discrete and rugged noises. Hence, depth
video is inaccurate and inconsistent. The temporal and spatial cor-
relation is weak so as to decrease the compression performance.
In order to improve encoding and rendering performance, many
depth video processing algorithms [27–34] have been proposed.
Mueller et al. produced accurate depth video for artifact-free vir-
tual view synthesis by combining hybrid recursive matching with
motion estimation, cross-bilateral post-processing and mutual
depth map fusion [27]. Min et al. presented a weighted mode filter-
ing method that enhances temporal consistency and addressed the
flicking problem in virtual view [28]. Nguyen et al. suppressed cod-
ing artifacts over object boundaries using weighted mode filtering
[29]. Ekmekcioglu et al. proposed a content adaptive enhancement
method based on median filtering to enforce the coherence of
depth maps across the spatial, temporal and inter-view dimensions
[30]. Kim et al. presented a series of processing steps to solve the
critical problems of depth video captured by depth camera [31].
One of these processing steps is the enhancement of temporal con-
sistency by an algorithm based on motion estimation. Zhao et al.
proposed a depth no-synthesis-error (D-NOSE) model and pre-
sented a related smoothing scheme for depth video coding [32].
Fu et al. proposed a temporal enhancement algorithm for depth
video by utilizing adaptive temporal filtering [33]. In our previous
work, depth video was enhanced by temporal pixel classification
and smoothing [34].
However, depth video processing algorithms [27–34] do not
consider the perception of human visual system (HVS), and still
leave room for improvement. Zhao et al. proposed a binocular
just-noticeable-difference model to measure the perceptible
distortion of binocular vision for stereoscopic images [35]. Silva
et al. experimentally derived a just noticeable depth difference
(JNDD) model [36] and applied it to depth video preprocessing
[37]. Jung proposed a modified JNDD model that considers size
consistency, and then used it in depth sensation enhancement
[38]. The JNDD models are built by subjective tests on stereoscopic
displays. Hence, they are display dependent, and not suitable for
estimating depth distortion range in virtual view rendering. In this
study, we propose a just noticeable rendering distortion (JNRD)
model and apply it for spatial and temporal correlation enhance-
ment. Different from other distortion models [35,36,38], the JNRD
model is built based on the perception distortion of virtual view.
Firstly, the JNRD model is formulated by combining geometric dis-
placement in DIBR with just noticeable distortion (JND) model that
reflects human visual perception. Then, the spatial and temporal
correlation of depth video is enhanced using the JNRD model.
Finally, the proposed algorithm is appraised from three aspects,
compression ratio, objective quality and subjective quality of the
virtual view. The experimental results show that compression per-
formance of the processed depth video is improved in comparison
with the original depth video and the processed video of other
algorithms. The proposed algorithm maintains quality of the
virtual view.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the problem of the depth in spatial and temporal corre-
lation, and presents the overall block diagram of the proposed
algorithm. Section 3 describes the JNRD model. Sections 4 and 5
present the spatial and temporal enhancement algorithm in detail.
Experimental results are given in Section 6. Finally, conclusions are
made in Section 7.
2. Proposed depth video correlation enhancement algorithm
2.1. Problem description
Depth video is inconsistent along spatial and temporal direc-
tions because of the limitations of depth video capture technolo-
gies. Fig. 1 shows the frames and frame difference of the color
video and the corresponding depth video in ‘Leave Laptop’
sequence. The frame S
denotes the frame in the ith view at the
jth time instant in the video sequence. Fig. 1(a), (b), (d), and (e)
are the frames S
and S
of color video, and the associated
depth frames, Fig. 1(c) and (f) are the texture and the depth frame
difference images between frames S
and S
where black
means larger difference. The scene in the red rectangular region
of the color video is nearly at the same imaging plane. Correspond-
ingly, the depth value in the corresponding region should be nearly
the same. However, the depth value in the corresponding region is
not consistent with the corresponding color video. Depth inconsis-
tency decreases the spatial correlation of depth video.
Depth video inconsistency also decreases temporal correlation.
In the scene in Fig. 1, only the men and chair are seen moving
slightly. Hence, nearly total frame difference image of the color
video, with the exception of the men and chair in the scene, is dark,
which represents the content consistency along the temporal
direction. In contrast, some areas in the frame difference image
of the depth video, e.g., the blue rectangular region in Fig. 1(f),
are dark, which means temporal inconsistency.
Consequently, depth video inconsistency eventually deterio-
rates encoding performance because the spatial and temporal
correlation is the theoretical basis of high compression efficiency
of video signals.
2.2. Proposed depth video correlation enhancement algorithm
To improve the compression performance of depth video, a new
spatial and temporal correlation enhancement algorithm is
proposed in this paper. Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of the pro-
posed algorithm, which includes three parts, JNRD model building,
depth video spatial correlation enhancement, and depth video
temporal correlation enhancement. The JNRD model is the basis
for depth video spatial and temporal correlation enhancement. In
Fig. 2, G is the JNRD of the corresponding depth video; R, D and
are color video, original depth video and processed depth video,
respectively; E, F and B are the edge, foreground and background
regions of the depth video, respectively; and D
, D
, and D
intermediate processing results of depth video.
In the proposed algorithm, the JNRD model of depth video is
built firstly. Then, the depth video is processed in the order of spa-
tial and temporal correlation enhancement. JNRD model building,
spatial and temporal correlation enhancements are detailed in
Sections 3, 4 and 5, respectively.
310 Z. Peng et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 33 (2015) 309–322