that are not specific to the tr aining data. The last layers do
extract complex and abstract features, but the closer they ar e
to the final layer, the less extra information they contain abo ut
the training set, compared with the final (outpu t) layer.
We formalize the thre at model in all these settings, and
exploit the privacy vulnerabilities of the stochastic gradient
descent (SGD) algorithm to design our white-box inferenc e
attack. Each da ta point in the training set influences many of
the model parameters, throu gh the SGD algo rithm, to mini-
mize its contribution to the learning lo ss. The lo cal gradient
of the loss on a target data rec ord, with respect to a given
parameter, indicates how much and in which direction the
parameter needs to be changed to fit the model to the data
record. To minimize the expected loss of the model, the SGD
algorithm repeated ly updates model parameter s in a direction
that the gradient of the loss over the whole training dataset
leans to zero. Therefo re, each training data sample will leave
a distinguishable footprint on the local gradients of the loss
function over the model’s parameters.
We desig n our inf e rence attack by using the gradient vector,
on the target data point over all par ameters, as the main feature
for the attack model. We design an architecture for our attack
model tha t processes extracted features from different layers
separately, and then aggregates them to extract membership
informa tion. In the cases where the adversary does not have
samples from th e target tra ining set to train its inference
model, we train the attack mode l in an unsupervised manner.
We train auto-enc oders to compute a membersh ip in formation
embedd ing for any data. We then use a clustering algorithm,
on the target dataset, to separate members from non-members
based on their membership information embedding.
To show the effectiveness of our white-box inference at-
tack, we evaluate the privacy of pre-trained and publicly
available state-of-the-art models on the CIFAR100 dataset.
We had no influence on training these models. Our results
show that the DenseNet model—which is the best model on
CIFAR100 with 82% test accura cy—is not much vulnerable
to black-box attacks (with a 54.5% inference attack accuracy,
where 50% is th e baseline for random guess). However,
the white-box membership infe rence attack obtains a c on-
siderably high er accur a cy of 74.3%. This shows that even
well-generalized deep models leak significant amount of
information about their training data, and are vulnerable
to w hit e-box membership infe rence attacks.
In federated lear ning, we show that a curious parameter
server or even a participant can perform alarming ly accurate
membersh ip inf erence attacks against other participants. For
the DenseNet model on CIFAR10 0, a local particip ant can
achieve a member ship inference accuracy of 72.2%, even
though it only observes aggregate updates through the pa-
rameter server. Also, the curio us central param e te r server
can achieve a 79.2% inference a ccuracy, as it receives the
individual parameter updates from all par ticipants. In federated
learning, the repeated parameter updates of the models
over different epochs on the same underlying training set
is a key factor in boosting the inference att ack a c curacy.
As the adversary’s contributions (i.e., parameter updates)
can influence the victim’s parameters, in the federated learn-
ing setting, the adversary can actively exploit SGD to leak
even more information about the participants’ training
data. We design an ac tive attack that performs gradient ascent
on a set of target data points befo re uploading and updating the
global parameters. This magnifies the presence of data points
in others’ training sets, in the way SGD reacts by abruptly
reducing the gradient on the target data points if they are
members. This leads to a 76.7 % inference accuracy for an
adversarial participant, and a significant 82.1% accuracy for
an active inference attack by the cen tral server. By isolating
a participant during parameter update , the central attacker can
boost his accuracy to 87.3% on the Densen et model.
We use membership inference attacks to measure informa-
tion lea kage through deep learning algorithms and mod els
about training data. There are many different scenario s in
which data is used for training models, and there are many
different ways the attacker can observe the deep le arning
process. In Table
I, we cover the major criteria to categorize
the attacks. This inc ludes attack observations, assumptions
about the adversary knowledge, the target training algo rithm,
and the mode o f the attack based on the adversary’s actio ns.
In this section, we discu ss different attack scena rios as well as
the techniques we use to exploit deep learning algorithms. We
also describe the architecture of our attack model, and how
the adversary computes the membership probability.
A. Attack Observations: Black-box vs. White-box Inferenc e
The adversary’s observations of the deep learning algorith m
are what constitute the inputs for the inferenc e attack.
Black-box. In this setting, the adversary’s observation is lim-
ited to the output of the model on arbitrary inputs. For any data
point x, the attacker can only obtain f (x; W). The parameters
of the model W and the intermediate steps of the computation
are not accessible to the attacker. This is the setting of machine
learning as a service platforms. M embership inference attacks
against black-box models are already designed, which exploit
the statistical differences between a model’s predic tions on its
training set versus unseen data [
White-box. In this setting, the attacker obtains the model
f(x; W) in c luding its parameters which are needed for pre-
diction. Thus, for any input x, in addition to its output, the
attacker can compute all the intermed iate com putations of
the model. That is, the adversary can compute any function
over W and x given the model. The most straightforward
functions are the outputs of the h idden lay ers, h
(x) on the
input x. As a simple extension, the attacker can extend black-
box membership inference attacks (which are limited to the
model’s output) to the outputs of all ac tivation functions of
the model. However, this does not necessarily contain all the
useful information f or m e mbership infer ence. Notably, the
model output and ac tivation functions could generalize if the
model is well regularized. Thus, there m ight not be much