This manuscript combines the analysis of our earlier
works [36], [37] and extends them in a number of ways.
We present an account of related work, including extensions
published subsequently (Section 2). We describe the B-CNN
architecture (Section 3), and present a unified analysis of
exact and approximate end-to-end trainable formulations
of Second-Order Pooling (O2P), Fisher Vector (FV), Vector-
of-Locally-Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD), Bag-of-Visual-
Words (BoVW) in terms of their accuracy on a variety of
fine-grained recognition datasets (Section 3.2-4). We show
that the approach is general-purpose and is effective at
other image classification tasks such as material, texture,
and scene recognition (Section 4). We present a detailed
analysis of dimensionality reduction techniques and pro-
vide trade-off curves between accuracy and dimensionality
for different models, including a direct comparison with
the recently proposed compact bilinear pooling technique [19]
(Section 5.1). Moreover, unlike prior texture representations
based on networks pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset,
B-CNNs can be trained from scratch and offer consistent
improvements over the baseline architecture with a mod-
est increase in the computation cost (Section 5.2). Finally
we visualize the top activations of several units in the
learned models and apply the gradient-based technique of
Mahendran and Vedaldi [41] to visualize inverse images
on various texture and scene datasets (Section 5.3). We
have released the complete source code for the system at
Fine-grained recognition techniques. After AlexNet’s [34]
impressive performance on the ImageNet classification chal-
lenge, several authors (e.g., [13], [52]) have demonstrated
that features extracted from layers of a CNN are effective
at fine-grained recognition tasks. Building on prior work
on part-based techniques (e.g., [5], [15], [71]), Zhang et
al. [70], and Branson et al. [6] demonstrated the benefits
of combining CNN-based part detectors [23] and CNN-
based features for fine-grained recognition tasks. Other
approaches use segmentation to guide part discovery in
a weakly-supervised manner and train part-based mod-
els [31]. Among the non part-based techniques, texture
descriptors such as FV and VLAD have traditionally been
effective for fine-grained recognition. For example, the top
performing method on FGCOMP’12 challenge used SIFT-
based FV representation [25].
Recent improvements in deep architectures have also
resulted in improvements in fine-grained recognition. These
include architectures that have increased depth such as the
“deep” [9] and “very deep” [59] networks from the Oxford’s
VGG group, inception networks [60], and “ultra deep”
residual networks [26]. Spatial Transformer Networks [29]
augment CNNs with parameterized image transformations
and are highly effective at fine-grained recognition tasks.
Other techniques augment CNNs with “attention” mecha-
nisms that allow focused reasoning on regions of an im-
age [4], [43]. B-CNNs can be viewed as an implicit spatial
attention model since the outer product modulates one
feature based on the other, similar to the multiplicative
feature interactions in attention mechanisms. Although not
directly comparable, Krause et al. [32] showed that the
accuracy of deep networks can be improved significantly by
using two orders of magnitude more training data obtained
by querying category labels on search engines. Recently,
Moghimi et al. [44] showed boosting B-CNNs offers con-
sistent improvements on fine-grained tasks.
Texture representations and second-order features. Tex-
ture representations have been widely studied for decades.
Early work [35] represents the texture by computing the
statistics of linear filter-bank responses (e.g., wavelets and
steerable pyramids). The use of second-order features of
filter-bank responses was pioneered by Portilla and Simon-
celli [50]. Recent variants such as FV [46] and O2P [8] with
SIFT were shown to be a highly effective for image classifi-
cation and semantic segmentation [14] tasks respectively.
The advantages of combining orderless texture represen-
tations and deep features have been studied in a number of
recent works. Gong et al. performed a multi-scale orderless
pooling of CNN features [24] for scene classification. Cimpoi
et al. [11] performed a systematic analysis of texture repre-
sentations by replacing linear filter-banks with non-linear
filter-banks derived from a CNN and showed it results
in significant improvements on various texture, scene, and
fine-grained recognition tasks. They found that orderless
aggregation of CNN features was more effective than the
commonly-used fully-connected layers on these tasks. How-
ever, a drawback of these approaches is that the filter banks
are not trained in an end-to-end manner. Our work is also
related to the cross-layer pooling approach of Liu et al. [38]
who showed that second-order aggregation of features from
two different layers of a CNN is effective at fine-grained
recognition. Our work showed that feature normalization
and domain-specific fine-tuning offers additional benefits,
improving the accuracy from 77.0% to 84.1% using identical
networks on the Caltech-UCSD Birds dataset [67]. Another
subsequently published work of interest is the NetVLAD
architecture [3] which provides a end-to-end trainable ap-
proximation of VLAD. The approach was applied to image-
based geolocation problem. We include a comparison of
NetVLAD to other texture representations in Section 4.
Texture synthesis and style transfer. Concurrent to our
work, Gatys et al. showed that the Gram matrix of CNN
features is an effective texture representation and by match-
ing the Gram matrix of a target image one can create novel
images with the same texture [20] and transfer styles [21].
While the Gram matrix is identical to a pooled bilinear
representation when the two features are the same, the
emphasis of our work is recognition and not generation. This
distinction is important since Ustyuzhaninov et al. [63] show
that the Gram matrix of a shallow CNN with random filters
is sufficient for texture synthesis, while discriminative pre-
training and subsequent fine-tuning are essential to achieve
high performance for recognition.
Polynomial kernels and sum-product networks. An
alternate strategy for combining features from two networks
is to concatenate them and learn their pairwise interactions
through a series of layers on top. However, doing this
naively requires a large number of parameters since there
are O(n
) interactions over O(n) features requiring a layer
with O(n
) parameters. Our explicit representation using
an outer product has no parameters and is similar to a