%CA driver
clc, clear
nx=52; %must be divisible by 4
sand = z ;
sandNew = z;
gnd = z ;
diag1 = z;
diag2 = z;
and12 = z;
or12 = z;
sums = z;
orsum = z;
gnd(1:nx,ny-3)=1 ; % right ground line
gnd(1:nx,3)=1 ; % left ground line
gnd(nx/4:nx/2-2,ny/2)=1; %the hole line
gnd(nx/2+2:nx,ny/2)=1; %the hole line
gnd(nx/4, 1:ny) = 1; %top line
gnd(3*nx/4, 1:ny) = 1 ;%bottom line
%fill the left side
r = rand(nx,ny);
sand(nx/4+1:3*nx/4-1, 4:ny/2-1) = r(nx/4+1:3*nx/4-1, 4:ny/2-1)<0.3;
%sand(nx/4+1:3*nx/4-1, ny*.75:ny-4) = r(nx/4+1:3*nx/4-1, ny*.75:ny-4)<0.75;
%sand(nx/2,ny/2) = 1;
%sand(nx/2+1,ny/2+1) = 1;
imh = image(cat(3,z,sand,gnd));
set(imh, 'erasemode', 'none')
axis equal
axis tight
for i=1:1000
p=mod(i,2); %margolis neighborhood
%upper left cell update
xind = [1+p:2:nx-2+p];
yind = [1+p:2:ny-2+p];
%See if exactly one diagonal is ones
%only (at most) one of the following can be true!
diag1(xind,yind) = (sand(xind,yind)==1) & (sand(xind+1,yind+1)==1) & ...
(sand(xind+1,yind)==0) & (sand(xind,yind+1)==0);
diag2(xind,yind) = (sand(xind+1,yind)==1) & (sand(xind,yind+1)==1) & ...
(sand(xind,yind)==0) & (sand(xind+1,yind+1)==0);
%The diagonals both not occupied by two particles
and12(xind,yind) = (diag1(xind,yind)==0) & (diag2(xind,yind)==0);
%One diagonal is occupied by two particles
or12(xind,yind) = diag1(xind,yind) | diag2(xind,yind);
%for every gas particle see if it near the boundary
sums(xind,yind) = gnd(xind,yind) | gnd(xind+1,yind) | ...
gnd(xind,yind+1) | gnd(xind+1,yind+1) ;
% cell layout:
% x,y x+1,y
% x,y+1 x+1,y+1
%If (no walls) and (diagonals are both not occupied)
%then there is no collision, so move opposite cell to current cell
%If (no walls) and (only one diagonal is occupied)
%then there is a collision so move ccw cell to the current cell
%If (a wall)
%then don't change the cell (causes a reflection)
sandNew(xind,yind) = ...
(and12(xind,yind) & ~sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind+1,yind+1)) + ...
(or12(xind,yind) & ~sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind,yind+1)) + ...
(sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind,yind));
sandNew(xind+1,yind) = ...
(and12(xind,yind) & ~sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind,yind+1)) + ...
(or12(xind,yind) & ~sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind,yind))+ ...
(sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind+1,yind));
sandNew(xind,yind+1) = ...
(and12(xind,yind) & ~sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind+1,yind)) + ...
(or12(xind,yind) & ~sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind+1,yind+1))+ ...
(sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind,yind+1));
sandNew(xind+1,yind+1) = ...
(and12(xind,yind) & ~sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind,yind)) + ...
(or12(xind,yind) & ~sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind+1,yind))+ ...
(sums(xind,yind) & sand(xind+1,yind+1));
sand = sandNew;
set(imh, 'cdata', cat(3,z,sand,gnd) )
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