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Learn WatchKit for iOS covers the development of applications for the new Apple Watch using the WatchKit framework in iOS 8 and the Swift programming language. In this book, an Apple Watch application is an extension to an existing iOS app and is packaged and submitted to the App Store along with it. Using a suite of simple examples, Kim Topley, co-author of Beginning iPhone Development with Swift, introduces and explains every feature of WatchKit and the associated technologies that you'll need to understand to build Apple Watch applications for iOS 8, culminating in a complete WatchKit application that shows weather forecast information for various cities around the world on the Apple Watch.
earn WatchKit for iOS covers the development of
applications for the new Apple Watch using the WatchKit
framework in iOS 8 and the Swift programming language. An
Apple Watch application is an extension to an existing iOS app
and is packaged and submitted to the App Store along with
it. Using a suite of simple examples, Kim Topley, co-author
of Beginning iPhone Development with Swift, introduces
and explains every feature of WatchKit and the associated
technologies that you’ll need to understand to build Apple
Watch applications for iOS 8. The book culminates with
a complete WatchKit application that shows weather
forecast information for various cities around the world on the
Apple Watch.
Featured highlights include:
How to integrate your Watch app with its hosting iOS
app and how to communicate between them
How to build a Glance for your WatchKit app to make
the most useful information more easily available to
your users
How to use handoff and how to handle notifications
How to build, test and debug your Watch App on the
simulator and on a real watch
This book is for existing iOS developers who want to
understand and use WatchKit to extend their application
onto the Apple Watch. Readers are assumed to have basic
knowledge of iOS development.
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WatchKit for iOS
Kim Topley
Learn WatchKit for iOS
Learn how to make Watch apps with WatchKit and Swift
9781484 210260
ISBN 978-1-4842-1026-0
Contents at a
About the Author ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� xiii
About the Technical Reviewer ��������������������������������������������������������� xv
Acknowledgments ������������������������������������������������������������������������� xvii
■Chapter 1: Welcome to the Apple Watch ���������������������������������������� 1
■Chapter 2: Interface Controllers and Layout ��������������������������������� 25
■Chapter 3: Watch User Interface Objects �������������������������������������� 67
■Chapter 4: More Watch User Interface Objects ��������������������������� 115
■Chapter 5: Controller Navigation ������������������������������������������������ 167
■Chapter 6: Tables and Menus ����������������������������������������������������� 219
■Chapter 7: Building a WatchKit App ������������������������������������������� 267
■Chapter 8: Glances, Settings, and Handoff ��������������������������������� 361
■Chapter 9: Notifications �������������������������������������������������������������� 397
Index ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 433
Chapter 1
Welcome to the
Apple Watch
When I learned to program computers more years ago than I care to
remember, the hardware that I used literally filled a room. Ten years later,
it was possible to build a computer that was small enough and cheap
enough to have in your home or on your desk at work. Today, we think
nothing of carrying in our pockets computers that are more powerful than
the ones that were used back in the “good old days” to run a business or
navigate a spacecraft to the moon and back. We use them to schedule
our lives, read books, listen to music, send and receive e-mails, and even
make phone calls. Over the last 15 or so years, several companies have
experimented with the idea of making it possible to wear your phone or
personal computing device instead of carrying it in your pocket. By 2014,
Samsung, Sony, Motorola, and others had taken this idea to its logical
conclusion by developing and marketing a range of smartwatches—devices
that are basically wearable computers packaged as wristwatches—with
varying degrees of success. In 2015, Apple released its own wearable
computing device called the Apple Watch. It remains to be seen whether
it will be as popular as the company’s other consumer products. If it is,
then it represents a major new opportunity for iOS developers to profit by
extending their existing applications to work with the Apple Watch and to
write new applications that make use of its unique features.
As you’ll see in the first few chapters of this book, an Apple Watch
application is really just an extension of an application written to run
on an iPhone, so you’ll need to know how to write iPhone applications.
This book does not teach iPhone programming from scratch—I assume
you already have some experience of developing for iOS using the Swift
CHAPTER 1: Welcome to the Apple Watch 2
programming language. If you don’t, then you’ll need to first learn the basics
by reading an introductory iOS programming book, such as Beginning
iPhone Development with Swift: Exploring the iOS SDK by David Mark, Jack
Nutting, Kim Topley, Fredrik Olsson, and Jeff LaMarche (Apress, 2014—see
Your First Watch Application
Let’s dive straight in and write our first watch application. Like iPhone and
iPad applications, Apple Watch applications are developed using Xcode
and can be debugged using both the iOS simulator and a real device.
At the time of writing (May 2015), the simulator does not let you test the
complete lifecycle of a watch application—for example, the simulator does
not show the home screen of the watch, so you can’t see your application’s
icon and launch it from there. You also can’t configure glances or test how
your application handles local notifications (glances and notifications are
covered in Chapters 8 and 9, respectively). Although the simulator is useful
for debugging, testing on a real device is important before releasing your
application to the App Store.
The classes that you’ll use to build Watch applications are included in
the WatchKit framework, which is included in the iOS SDK starting with
version 8.2. You can build Apple Watch applications with version 6.2 or
higher of Xcode. The examples in this book use version 1.2 of the Swift
language (which was introduced with Xcode 6.3 and is not completely
compatible with the version of the language supported by Xcode 6.2) and
were tested with Xcode 6.3 and 6.4. I assume that you are already an iOS
developer, so you should have Xcode installed. If you don’t have the
most recent version, you can get it from Apple’s developer web site at
The source code for the examples in this book can be downloaded from the book’s page on
the Apress website at www.apress.com/9781484210260. Once you have downloaded
the source code archive and unpacked it, you’ll see that each example has a separate
folder with a name that includes the number of the chapter to which it relates. These folders
contain the completed application. You’ll also find folders that contain images and other
resources that you’ll need when following the step-by-step instructions to construct each
example from scratch.
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